Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

8I3 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN OROVER SCLLLRS ATrOINcY 0rNrrrl. Hoa. Ror ~reathsl, Oh8iXaan Livertook Sanit8w Oorrl88lon of Tex88 8WE 'II.T. Ny(lonor Bulldin Tort Korth 8, Tex80 Oplalon Ho. O-718t /l n8 hr8 me81r8d qUOt8 a8 iOiiOW8l Livrmtook Sanitary 85d 8l’8t0 b8l’8Odt eat that th8y b8 8E OOt+8t8d, th8 0 print ill bOOkl8t wQtOr8, th8 Of- railroad ooapenl88, Vi886 that the first reprlntlag of Will 008t thi8 . pi8 am praotl- Ot OOUl’88, MO88Mry 8 bran nrleed through- The spprOpd8tiOn sad8 t0 thir ?8paI%i8Et for ri5tl5g 18 not dqUat8 t0 d8fl%y this lxpeMe and We would P lke t0 know if it Will b8 ~lmi88ible t0 Pat ?eT th8 printing8i these booklets 0on the thergenay ApprOprlrtlon ot t10,000.00 m84e to thla f?eparBent through f3X8e Bill 879, Chapt8r 319, 08neral 8nd Speold Law8 Of l'ex88* Aat 0r the 49th Logl8la- ture, F*gular seselon, 1945.* - e. ..a t Eon. Roy Lwenthal, Pqge 4 ‘1, *’ 815 I Bon.RgLoventbu,Pagm~