Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

Honorableml. P. pavie CountyAuditor Ellis coun* Waxahaohie,Texas Dear Sir8 OpinionNo. O-7140 Ret (1) Authorityof home rule oity to installParkingmetersonoountp roper* surrouudingoourthouee: 2) Legali* op OOunQ Installing i: parkingmeters on aouutyproperty surroundingoourthouse. We are in noeipt of Pour letter of reoentdate request&g the op inionof thiadeparbwnt ontheabove etatedmatters. We quotefromyour letter as follower "Gouldparkingmeters bs installedon countyproper* surroundingthe OOUl-thOU6S? "If tieabove ie answeredin tbeaffirmative,-could they be instilledw the City of Nbxahaohiewith revenuederived theref%!agoing to the oitJrT "If perkingmeters aould be installedby the ooun~ with all revenuego- ing to l&e county,oould the oommiasionors~ oourt enter into a oontract with a parkingmeter oonoernwhereby the private ocsapany would install them and get 7tiJc of the rehnue fYcm the parkingmeters until such time aa they are vald for ln fulJ,tthereafterthe countyreoeivingall the revenuefrom the meteraT, "The Ci* of lbxahaohieIs oontemplatingthe lnbtallationof parkingmet- ers on oi* streetaand has appearedl&ore the Ellis County Cozwaib.sioners* Court for permissionto installthem at the ourb surroundingthe oourt- house. The oountyproper@ line extends 16 feet into i&the streetand thus the installationwould be on oounty-ownedproy;ertg.e Aoooxdingto informationfurnishedIy the Office of the Secretary of State,the City of Waxahachieis a home rule oity. With referenoeto the dominion,oontroland jurisdictionof the streetsin a home rule city, we call your attentionto the followinglanguagecontainedin Article 1173, RevisedCivil Statutes, . &,Il. Xc. P. &ViS, &Use 2 (O-7140) “Cities adopting the ch+er or cummdmenthereundershaI.1 hsve full paarer of loos1 s&t? p3vennmnt, and among the other panrrs that iroybd exercised ly any such city the folloningare herebyemceeratedfor grrsteroertaintyr . . . '16. To havs exclusivedominion,controland jurisfiieti.:n in, over and under the publicstreets,avenues,alloys,hi@q:yz 2nd bol:l:fla?‘ds, ad p:bliogrc'mdsoi such city . . . “2G. To license,operateand controlths oysr&tionci'nii c!irrcctsr of vehiclesusing the publio&rests, inOhding noixuoytilds, autcavobiles or 1i.k~vohioles.' Zx 39 Texas Jurisprudence, "Streets," S%tion 88, ~2. 3&i'+%, WJ find tie following language8 s. . . Amunicipal oorporationhas parasmuntjurisdictioneni aintro over its etreetetandthe oountphas no oontrolover them. This is true of a roadwey whioh the countyhas relinquishedto puhliouss; nor does any dis- tinotdonexist by reasonof the faotthat the countyowns the fee in ths street. . . ." With referenae.tothe oity~sauthori* and controlof a city aixeet,thefee and title to which was in the countyawe call your atten- tion to the followinglanguagecontainedin the opinionof the Court of Cr%inal Appeelsin the oase of Sv ?'arbsBradshaw,159 SO??.259, whioh involvedthevalidity of aoi% ordinanosregulating peddlingupon the streets8 llippella&.'soo&ention.ihathe wae on that part of the publicsquare,the ?ee and title towhiohwas in the oounty,and t&t the oomty gave him authoritgto establishand mainteiahis peddlinglusinessthere,oannotbe ~intsined. Where he located and kept his wagon and horses in his ped- dling business,as shown,was in the.publiostreetor squss‘e.Sill county ooulrlno more give him p0w.w or euthoritJr to obstruottha streetsor pub- lic squarsthan aqy other corporationor person could do. Clearlythin location11~swithin the oitv limits.and on the lmblic streetsor square. prvedand used for plbliouses, end-theoi@f,and not the oou& had - &-isdiation, poeor,and authorityover it,.at least,for streetpurp*;as and for e publicsquare for the publao."(Undersocringo;lrsthrougho'zt . Consnissionem' In tie ease of City of Lookhart‘v Court of Cald- wwll CC'WQ, 278 S&T. 319 (errorrefused),whioh involvedthe right of the co:mt~-t;>maintains hitahingrack upon en area which the counw had vol- u&srily sot aside from the public square as a public street,%3 Court hold that +Ae ~intenanae of a hitohingraok in such area was rektad aulolyto fAe handlingof trafficof a public struatand &hat suoh vbatter nas thereforesuhjeot to ithejurisdiotionand oontrolof ths city govolp- ~nent.KY quote the P~llowiagZhnguagefrorutie Court'sopinion: %rtevar mp.,105 S.?7.26 743, writ refused. The determinationby the City to instA1 the prsposodparking meters at the proposedplaceson SeawallBoulsvaPdwithin the City of Galvestol]is a determinationby the City of ,ths r~~~s~-~!~.b?l.c!“~~Ss Of 30 regulatingtrafficat 8.uchpoints, ". . . lb*=* P.Bavis,page4(0-714C) "...ilowthe priamrypurporeforwhioh the Boulwardwas construoted was that it should serve to proteot,supportaad braoethe seawall. I+ deed, the Boulevard,inclusiveof the sand-filland the coveringpavement and oomentwalks,form componentparts of a complexwholes and suohwhole is primarilydedicatedto beingused as a barriertc stormwaters from the Guld, and to this use it rmst bs primarilydevoted. The right there- fore of the public to the use of the Boulevardas a streetor highway -thin the City of Galvestonis subordinateto and inferiorto the right of its use as an integralpart of the barrierereotedagainststormwaters from the Gulf. So, when the Commissioners8 Court decidedthat the proposed installationof the -king meterswould oonstitutaa lesseningof the efficiencyof the Boulevardas a barrieraaainststormwaters in the event of a majo; stem, it was unquestionably aoi;ing within the sphereof its juriadiotion.That is not to say that the Ciw Cocmcilnas not aotingtith- in the sphereof its .jurisdiotioa whea it deoidedto installthe parking meterss but that the jurisdictionof the City,which ia this instance serresbut a subordinateriaht of the uublio.must yield to the Jurisdiction of the Coansissioners~Court-whiohin this in&roe ;erves a supe;iorright of the D+ablio.* It is indicatedia your bftsr that the area where it is ocmtes~lat- ed that the parkingmeterswill be installedinvolvesa portionof the ocnmtppropertywhich has been set aside and used bythe pub110for thorough- fare or streetpurposes. Inviewofthe above oited authoritiesand inv%nr of the facts given,it is our opinioa that the matter of handlingtraffio upoa such publiostreet or thorougbfue withinthe City of I%xahaohieIs with311the sphereof the exolusivejurisdiction of the oity goveznwnt and thar said oitywould be authorizedto installparkingmeters at the proposed looationand receivethe rercnuetherefrom,providedsaid city has appropri- ate powersvasted in it under its charterand has passedan appropriate ordinanceto effect such regulatiorr.It is to be understood,however,that we are not herein passingupon any matters as to whetherthe city has prop erly proceededto exeroisethe authoritygrantedtc hone rule citiesunder the above quoted sectionsof Article1175. ginoewe have held heroin that the matter of controland regulation of trafficupon publiostreetsand thoroughfares within the city, +luding the installationof parkingmeters, is within the exclusivejurisdiction of the city government,it is our further opinionthat the countyis not legal- ly authorizedtc installparkkngmotors at the proposedlocation. The fore- goingholdingprecludesthe necessityfor disoussingtboother questions raisedin your requestfor an opinion. We trust the above will satisfactorly answer your questions. JAEILJ _ truly Yours very _ ASPBOVEDEAB 18, 1948 /s/Grover Bclkrs AT!IOBEEIGEBEBALOFTEEAB AlTOBEEYGBBEULOFTEIAE By /s/ J. A. Ellis ApprovedOpinionCommittee J. A. Ellis ByBYiB-Chairman .Assistant