483 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN aonorable A. C YInborn c;rimInal Dlstrlat ,Attorney ;!ouston, Texas Dear Sir f 0p1n10nlo. O-7104 Rer Can a clerk employed by a just106 0r the peaas accept a plea 0r guilty lo a arlmlnal aas0 and aamsa a rm therein. in the absence of the jus- tice Orvthe peacF,i - We have received your resent Inquiry, puotsd In part as s0110vs: “There are somu county who employ a subpoenas, write judgments 89809s a rim ea on the “justice”, “cowt Code or Cr Imlnal Proaedure . 0r guilty In a crImIna1 case act, and, as designated by judicial powers by said’+Qrk la void, We point out that we are not called on here to pass upon the authorlty of such “clerk” to perform the named clerical duties. r-7 Yours very truly
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion