OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Dear 3lrl Opinion Ro. O-W64 lb: FaBlnenoc n&remeKm for former r8o~plent~of Fublla XS8lShllOQ This solmovleQgQa'noQ%pt of your part at uhloh reada a8 rou0w8t . , . A went to aube for ng or lnlnlng property.~ hQ lntQnbQ6 to q- aomplatlnp;the tr\ns- iihflehe wfu5out Xhile in Cuba hQ ob- ed A job wlfh the urrit6aStStQS Uoorern- ot8ntend xWminQ6 in Ouba with this emplOp mcrntuntil ??eoember,1945. It lpcoQStablished tha'hs had a0 lntantion of sbandmlng hi8 Texas rssidenae and aQaQptQa the job for tbe *duration*with intentims of mtorning to the State. Honorable Soha H. Ulntera, Page I! *Ii Mr. A 18 rrqalred to mln in the atate fbr twelve (lS) montha oontin~ady dter his arrival In the Stata, that la, until Deoabor, 1946, k wlll hate' ruliilled the one yew n8lawme ntpbe6ent baIBa;atQly preoedlng the ffllng ot th8 lwllocrtlon. ti6ahe boon peamltted to reapply upon hia return to tb 8kte ho WOda hte h68 8UffiQient SW8iaMOQ t0 60apl.JWith the rive (5) ye6r out of tjh8alne (9) p6r re8laonoe re.. qulluiault.3y re~ulringhim to Mib in the Stete for one full par, that is, utll Deoember, 1646, he dll h-e at the 8am time lost one rear neoe88ary to oocllply with the rim perloG af'tlmereprea for -rid-00, aud oaohyearm hQ@M l yeme ~8idOMO ho lo808 a yur out of the fire ,(S)year porlod nhloh Wenr that he h88 to actaally maal in the St8te for tire (5) year8 oontlnuou8l~. In other word8, ha uoold no b0 eU&blc until Mmaber, 1950. . *2. .Xra. T,. a formr reolplentof 030 age ausl8tanoe,~8.6e lii81vry rrsiaent.or thQ Stats Of Tm.8. ShQ wailreaQi~;n~ ae8lstmoe until Alylst I, 19SQ. In 1939 her ~at.@tar,who pa8 a reela6nt -ad o&m, mbruk8.~~otlrloU b8r or he, 11hl#C& Our raolplontwent to OMlm lh . order to help-oen for fh* daughter until' 8h6 had lWOOVeT@; - th6 l'6Q;pfSBt lest the state she had no intention or lbandonlrtgTuea m8iffw0s :butehe aatl- * ! She haa never beeri out or the atat**entlL 8W 1Ut Lp 19S9. .Uhon thf8 fOmer mQ%D;QBt tiU=tba t0 th0 Stefe oi TQxaQ in Januy, 1946,.*he rQ&" ap;rma.f0r eQ818tanQeitinaat tbnt tlmQ 8tated that hw Ilauerhter haa kept her in %bX'O8h a&nrt hOrwiShO8 bOd?Zg OX- 8 plained to hortlmt the m&tin with ! whom 8he to?drlrJ iiti ai& not WJBt hQr qml Ma lntor8q?todher..-1 80 that 8he had na ao.r-nunleation from the Texba, role- tir*. -trThb roaror m@lut 488 bean out or the State ooatluuotul~fmna Aogrut 19S9 uatll Jentmry 1946. Thorefom, 8he not only will ham ta meclttbo rri8idMoc1 TQ- qulrumnt ror the On8 par period, but abe will bawe to be p!vmloall~ premnt in the Steta for a 8Ub8tOOtiOlportlon 0r the five year pWlod wbiah dll amn that, tador the pment polloy rhe oamsof be re- utma ~ntii ha-x7 ihi. -18 daotlon U of the Pub110 welf8m Aat rlex- lble uwu$hthat tha DQpQrtmQnt night llbanllti It8 pOliOid# 80 a8 t0 mlt the nilutetemont ot the8e peopb imeaiete r7 upon their return to the sratet / ."a vim Of the pmti8iOB in the Eelf8IW LaW lstnaatloj the Depertud to eoxutrue the Law llbolrlly, Js it not psalblo for the !hpartment to examine the raator8 In th8 lnaltiaual oa8e8 8m- liar to tho88 ati s8ka It8 deol~lon In 8ooordanoe wlth aeotlon 41 0r the PUbuQ wolrere Aot witbmt harlng to oonaldor the rarlaenoe reqUireImd8 ror a no= lppllaaat? In othorum4s, do you eonstrue sUt;OB 4i Of the R¶biiS Be-n Aet U pWD&ttlng th8 state Depertarat Of Publle Woltsro to m~k flalblo llll.8Ud XW@l8t;OB8 l'Q~X'diX@~8idMOe XV1qUlre~~8nt8 Of fOrI!IOrrOdplOZft8 UithOPd mpmt to the pnylslom rel8tlre to th8 re8ldenoc require- mata r o rodglnal lpplloant83 7oar oaasid8ntlon and opinim will be greqtly,appreoletqcI.W We bolleve thet our Oplnfon Eo. 0-4494, of which rou hare a aopy; cin8wea both-of the80 raot 8itMtiOQ8. We quote rrck -6Q 3 of thin Oplnlon: *&plyflI>hu~ priSKilj& to tb ~faaot 8;ttu- tlon It 18 our opinion that the appll- oent not mat the requlmt8 or @aetua&rm8- fa both thou r~trutdorm the applioante ham rot bQQn phy8ieaUr prQ8ut rar uw part 0r the tiom parlob, alld their re8son8 fo r lb8enco arhatentlon to xQtura se&3 no Qliiel*nee. Artlole 696~. reetien8 16 an6 to pmrlda ln part a8 fOibJW8 I sec. le. *Aueihame ahall ba given PndOr the prorldotu of tblr Act to any needy bliag lmreon whoa Honorable Johu H. WInfen, Page 4 yun aad- the nln4 (9) pan fme6latol~ presed- i5g the 68te0slp ltUa tiOQ, ln6 Who ha8 -Id&i In thf8 Stat0 eontPauuuu~ for one (1) yur &ue+ Iatel.1prw*d~ the 68to oi lpplIe8tIoa; ..- aeo. Eo. -Old &e AUi8tMoo 8&d1 b0 gi.d e56er trio proa8ioQ8 of this &et to 84 QU6y pe* 80Q: “(3) Wh8 h88 rUidWi IQ th8 St8te Or TeX88 \ for rl*e (a) year8 or a0n within tba lm8t dn8 (9) mn P?oO~;QIJ the da0 0s hi8 8ppliMtiOQ for W858t8QO4 - hu r88idOa IQ the 8kt8 of TOX88 OOlltiSlUOti4 rOr OR0 (1.) y-r iSWdi~t8l.t 9-4861lk9 - lpplh8tiOQ; ..- &t1810’3, 804tt45 Sib, %.i k8tltUtl05, pX.ldbd in p8l’t a8 iolbU8: . pro~Idulturtborthttha nqaireaenti rut 8hall.QU8r 88 I.488 tlaQ nn (8) yun durln8 th8 Ql58 (9) VU'8 icPPrd18t81f pXW~O8dili$ th0 8p pli88tiO5 rOr 0m4gS 888bt81148 8Qd 4021tiQ~4~8l~ ' ror~mo (1) ,rar,ir*&tely pre4rdiw 8u4h 8p- pllmtfon.' btiOl0 3, %UtiOQ 518, -X88 C%XUtitQtIUE, rhi4h uadOd 3Uti.Q dlb iQ lti8, prOTi688 IQ p8l’t 88 tOlbU8% “The LO$i8~tlUO 8-1 h4V8 the per, br mUZ8l &W to protide, 8QbjOOt to lLait8tiOQ8 8ad ro8tfi4tiUQ8 her.ln O.Qt8iQ8d, l 4Qd 8-h other liBlit8tio58, n8triotioQ8 4Q6 T4(rul8tiOQ8 48 =r by a8 L&8lmAtO b0 d40@ 4XpOdi4Qt for 888189 t8rrae to, ard ror the paput 0r 888i8kQoa to: "(1) Heo4y ued peX8onm rho 8ZS MtUl bolu rid0 OitiShU 0s ?4~48 8~& WhO 8X-O 4VU th0 MO Of 8ixtr-ftTe ((lb) M; PrOTidti thd U 8Wh a88%8- Woe 8h8ub4 pI& to anyI.Imata or uwsteto mp- port& Ilutltatlon.Ml10 8eoh Inaate, or k, lnr per84Q Who 8h411 Q4t hTe 84tMUr ZUidOd ill %@X48 ior 8t b88t ii+0 (5) rUT8 dOdQ& thb Qi.EO(II) PW I-d- i8tely jbTeOe&iagth8 8pfib8tiOQ tar 8Udr 888i8taQM 8od 005tiQtlOU81~ tOr OR0 (1) rUr ;~~8tel~ PnOd- I* mauh 8pPlh8tiO5~ PlXWidd th+ tb -Xi- WY- Unt p8r ronth SZOEI 3t8t8 rUJtd8 8hli QOt b0 IW4 than henty boll8ra ($eO),pu mnth. ;,. * Bormrrble Soha H. Winten, P8ge 6 g(8) Rudy blfnd perso& rho l ro aotual bon8 rid0 oItIaen8 4r fex88 8ad 8XW our th8 rgO 0r tWMt+OO8 (tillyUl'8; pZUTid8d that M 8uOh U- 8I8klrsO 8h8ii b8 id t0l4 i5e0 or 0.u~stat0 8U&I9OItd iMtitU trOU, Whl)i8 8e8h iJ%Mte, Or t0 w p8S80Jla0 8h8l1 Jl8t h8Te 8Otdlr r48Idd -! IQ %X88 8t b88t fiT0 (6) yeU8 duriu tb nine (9) year8 LIPldImtoLyprrSodI4g tb 8pplIoatI4n ror 8uoh a88i8t8480 8Qd eontlQUw8l for OR8 (1) ~YUr hlUdi&t81~ pl-844diag 8t#h 8m IiO8tiOll...* tho It I8 olur rr0lll r0mh30ingth8t both th8 toauor 8Qd pXU8eOt oOMtitUtiOQ81 pIVBTi8iOQ8 M& AX%iOlO em0 84t ep aortain minimum re8ideno8 luaol2uMat8 rhloh mud bo met bo- for0 U3y ~88i8tMM 06Jibe (IITO&L until th68e #ldlII~ XWQair4- -It- 8?‘4 Wt, tiW 8ktO tiprrtaurf h88 QO di8OOTtiU.M~ p4UT8 . &or Suti.8n U ot Artlole 69be, 8lb3 864tion SS or that Artlale UOUid 5Ot Op8mt8 to n&U08 th8 riti0Ura T4fdlWQ8Qt8 84t Pp by th8 COatitUti00 UltbSt8tUt8. . After 8uOh w XU8ittUQti81 lU a-8 h6TO b0On IL&, th0 St8t.ODqj4rta44t h68.04ddenblO & 84MtiO5 M&Or SUti.OQ 41, 88 to Uh@thU 6 pU8OQ i8 tUpOr*l’il~ sb84Qt Or hU lotbd Oilt Or th8 st8te, b448U.80 th468 MM phifly IE8ttU% Or raot ror th6t Departmoat t4 pa88 upon. ‘wO,.th8nrOu, hala t&It th8 8pplIO84t8"~4r'~th4 rO?O- - gOi8& faOt8 8F4 5CJt 85tit186 tQ 888hhQO8 8Bd U5QOt nOOiT0 8uOh until r68ide6tid lWQUiNOlit8 8X8 40rpli86 dtb, 8Q4 that aeotlonr 53 6nG 4l ot Artlole 6Sbo sumot nduae 8aI4 nlaiaum ZO~U.irOQMt8Of tho COQ8titUtiOQ 4nd 8titUt88. 3otrrutth8tthsror4$Diqd rullyan8wro four quoo- tion. Toen Tery truq 8r /8/ RiUh8ti 8. Coaks h8i8knt Ap XUbTOd Jul 1, 1946 00Pl 8p esr Aotlna Attormp beil0z81or Ten8 APPIWTO~: Opldon CosxaIttee "y&e 1
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion