OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN lThr rahool dlrtrlot in quaation hsa lppllad for tranrportatlonrid only under tha tarnu oi tha above quota pM@TSph it a0 lir8 With all Of tha OOnditiCN 1at out in 8ho pray 3 In thrt it rrooirrr no Other typa or rid, rlthor 8uition or ul.ary and ir mmda a9 or more than threr conaclldatrd dlatrlotr and oontains rlrty rqcmxa lilra of territory mid t&y ballrto that th e irlF p liOtitiOII rhowr 8 naad for traMpOrbtiOn aid. _- "^"""-----*n"8.v.3 . . -*.l."=D I. AcaZA"I"I*I.L OCI"IOY "*&.I.. U,"OYSD ,* T"X AlToIYI" G~YI".L 0",I",, *s,l*T.*T =sJ: .. P; c rohooldirtriotla qu*atlozl tionrld l# rpplld for, foqrr nry truly ATTOfUI3T OZ?iitH~ 07 T6IAS /a/ L. H. nawallhn 81 L. 8. nawa11.n Aanlatant
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion