.‘I”::. Honorabla W. il. &%conneU, President
North Texas State TeaohereCol.h&e
The Wf or 0 lneer8 under the
8uomtary 2 War, 16 authuriead
taln and operetepublio park &nil
itira in reeanotr amae undslr
and to pexa%t
t8nfmo8,and operationvi
is authorieod
Seoretaryof siaer
to grant leaaa1’ef land&i,ino1udl.q8tructureu or
tacilltlesthereon,in rensrvairareas for @aoh
and llwi68s may be gxtmted withoutAoA8taryeon-
d68r8tiOA, t0 SUOh fl@WMi~O tOr t&8 UM Of alWar
suitableI*r piablio park0 sod roomatfoxml purpowo,
when ths &,soretery OS Zar desma auoh aotion to be
In the publio lntcnat.~
T&a M.lo*fng oon8titutlwml and 8ktutory previri4lu
81.e e~jdi~8ble t0 YOUIT c;wUdOA:,
.i .-
EWorablo W. J. XofWnndl, pa&a 3
ni iirt~8 or h&018 7 0r th0 wm8 Oorutitutiw,
mupra,thr 8ohool 8y8tua is a matter of mat8 MM .wd 8tpr- ,:
rialon and the *arlow rtate teeohoro*solle$w hard boon
.st.b&hed tE @eHWa the eduaett6~& fUotiOU Ot the &OF
crnwntl fraiwly, the tmrdnw OS teaoheru. We oo~olutk6that
North Taw8 state mmh8m Ool&ge l8 ol*arlya stetu gw-
errmsntulaguaoy,and your qwctlon LB tbsmlore Wi8UOr&
lc the aftirnutive.