Hon. W. A. Johnson County Attorney Tom Green County San Angelo, Texas Dear Sir: Opinion Ro. O-7037 Re: Whether an Independent School District may have a tax rate of more than 50 cents per $100.00 valuation for bond redemption Your request for opinion has been received and carefully considered by this department. We quote from your request as follows: "The Lake View Independent School District, a suburb to the City of San Angelo, desires to make an expansion In their equipment, that is, add an addit- ional building. They now have a tax of Fifty Cents for each $100.00 valuation Fn the District to take care of bond issues. Their Superintendent, P. H. Davidson, propounded the following question with the request that I submit same to you for an opinion: "Can an Independent School District have more than $*50 for bond redemption; law says you may have $1.50 per $100.00 valuation but bonds can never exceed 9.50 per $100.00. "It occurs to me that the law is plain that Mr. Davidson cannot, but he seems not satFsfFed with my opinion of the matter, and at his request I am transmitting to you his question for an opinion from you.' House Bill BOO, Acts of the 49th Legislature of Texas, 1945, reads Fn part as follows: Hon. W. A. Johnson - Page 2 "Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: "Section 1. Taxing Power. The Commissioners court for the common school districts in its county, and the district school trustees for the inde- pendent school districts incorporated for school purposes only, shall have power to levy and cause to be collected the annual taxes and to issue the bonds hereFn authorized, subject to the following provisions: "1 . In common school dFstrFcts, for the further maintenance of public free schools and the erection and equipment of school buildings therein, a special tax; and in independent dis- tricts for the maintenance of schools therein, an ad valorem tax not to exceed One Dollar and Fifty Cents ($1.50) on the one hundred dollars valuation of taxable property or the district. "2 . In common school and Independent districts, for the purchase, constructlon, repair or equip- ment of public free school buildings within the limits of such districts and the purchase of the necessary sites therefor, a tax not to exceed fifty cents (50#) on the one hundred dollars valuation, such tax to be for the payment of the current inter- est on and provide a sinking fund sufficient to pay the principal of bonds which said districts are em- powered to issue for such purposes. "3 . The amount of maintenance tax, together with the amount of bond tax of any district, shall never exceed One Dollar and FFfty Cents ($1.50) on the one hundred dollars valuation of taxable property; and if the rate of bond tax, together with the rate of maintenance tax voted in the district shall at any time exceed One Dollar and Fifty Cents ($1.50) on the one hundred dollars valuation, such bond tax shall operate to reduce ,the maintenance tax to the difference between the rate of the bond tax and One Dollar and Fifty Cents ($1.50). h Hon. W. A. Johnson - Page 3 "4. No tax shall be levied, collected, abrogated, diminlshed or increased, and no bonds shall be issued hereunder until such action has been authorized by a majority of the votes cast at an election held in the district for such purposes, at which none but property taxpaying qualified voters of such district shall be en- titled to vote. "5 . All property assessed for school purposes in a common school district shall be assessed at the rate of value of property as said property is assessed for State and county pur- poses. "Sec. 2. Article 2784 of Title 49, Chapter 13 of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925, is hereby repealed, and all laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith are hereby repealed in so far as they are in conflict, except that nothing herein shall in anywise alter, amend, or repeal House Bill No. 516 Acts, Regular Session, Forty-ninth Legls- lature." House Bill 516, Acts of the 49th Legislature of Texas, 1945, reads in part as follows: "Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: "Section 1. In all independent school dis- tricts, whether organized under general or special laws, and which have a scholastic population of more than one thousand, five hundred (1,500) and less than three thousand (3,000) approved scho- lastics, according to the Scholastic,Census, for the preceding year, and the boundaries of which are coextensive with the boundaries of the Fn- corporated cities or towns in which such lndepen- dent school districts are located, the trustees of such independent school districts shall have the power to levy and cause to be collected the annual taxes herein authorlzed, subject to the following provisions: Hon. W. A. Johnson - Page 4 "(1) For the maintenance of the public schools therein, an ad valorem tax not to exceed One Dollar and Fifty Cents ($1.50) on the One Hundred Dollars ($100) valuation of taxable pro- perty of the district. "(2) For the purchase, construction, repair or equipment of public free school buildFngs wFth1n the limits of such districts and the pur- chase of the necessary sites therefor, an ad valorem tax not to exceed Fifty (50) Cents on the One Hundred Dollars ($100) valuation of taxable property of the district, such tax to be for the payment of the current interest on and provide a sinking fund sufficient to pay the principal of bonds which such districts are empowered to issue for such purpose. "(3) The amount of the maintenance tax, to- gether with the amount of bond tax of any such district shall never exceed One Dollar and Fifty Cents ($1.50) on the One Hundred Dollars ($100) valuation of taxable property within such district; and if the rate of bond tax, together with the rate of maintenance tax voted in the district shall at any time exceed One Dollar and Fifty Cents ($1.50) on the One Hundred Dollars ($100) valuation, such bond tax shall operate to reduce the maintenance tax to be difference between the rate of the bond tax and One Dollar and Fifty Cents ($1.50)." It is our opinion that you have correctly answered the question submitted. We therefore answer the question propounded in the negative. Very truly yours ATTORNEY GERERAL OF TEXAS WJF:BT:mjs BY /s/ Wm. J. Fanning Wm. J. Fanning APPROVED JAN 30, 1946 Assistant h/3;~~~,o~,~~~w ATTORNEY GENERAL APPROVED OPINION COMMITTEE BY BWB CHAIRMAN
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion