OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVER SELLERS AnvmJcY QLIICRAL OQiAiOA #Or e-7024 ram Credit Ad- r P&e Tarha o44urlty , ana to ~7 th0 erk or 424rk4 for eetigations, eta., the authority to peg the oftto@ rant of the Barm mait Mr6inirtret~on or the 8ararwourity A&fb- iatratlon in a baain other #au ths aourthoune? 3. Doe% the COAAitMiOiiUt'E * oowt of Rubk Oounty havr authority to p%y the hlr% cf a cl%rk or dark4 for auoh AtlaiAi~tratioA8 AAiWd in 4UWbiQA NOa 2? In th4 rnaotment of the Pub110 iV4U%rcrAat, th4 atate DO- prrtamnt ie oh4rg4a ia MO. 4 uith the duty of adminlatarlng 4ia to n44ay. aepna4nt ohildren,a8letancs to meay blind, allminislterln~%Ea 4Up4mi4bW relies iu @Aerd a6 we3.i 66 48aistanoe unaar th% k0t to the Ji86ag 6688. Thai old Age ~88i8tan0O rogma ir aedd.rtmOa throw th4 Bt%t% D4partJMAt Of Pub1x0 B%lf%r% ~WtiWAt to the pro- ri8iOnU Oi Art. 6950 of Title 2CA, V. A, C. 6, Zn S4otlan 4, EiUbdiYiSIlOA8(5) 6aa (7) 0r that Aot, DepartmAt 18 oharged 3.~sdmiA1rterlng to the necabp agu4, to: c A88f8t other dOpaiortAUAt8 aQmO%48 (ma in8t&iOSi8 Of th% 1OOd St%t% ,&da POaSIYd. oOV%ri+ A8At8, Wh%n 80 P3QU48tOd 8Aa OOOpOr%t% With 8U4h a@UOi88 Wh8A e,x&di4Xlt,ill&%IrfOu 8OlXiO4, in OaOfOrortty With OS thi8 Aatl th% 3HAl!~O468 "+ + 4 "7. &Stddhh aAa &~O~id4 8Wh AUthOa 01 i0w 8biAi8k4tbA 48 i# a 8%iW& ldtirsbla, ad QrOVid4 8U4h p%r8OM41 68~IMlg be fOUlId ll%Q488%X'$' tOr 08rP~inQ out + ~q~oonoi&oalwaJr t&s dai.nlatmition of thi8 Aot 8 m4tiOn 39 Of &a 8t6tUtO8 pr&d4%t %O pTi8iOA Of thi8 Act i8 inbBAaO8 t4 S-d0488 the 44Utitie8 %Aa X&UliOi littOe in thl8 @t&to fl'am. the 8p4tii4 r4%@XLribi itg ,wbi4& iU OWP4nt~ b4rnO by thoro 4OWti48 8Aa AUAiOip*~t148 in 8llQwrt Of pub214 welt%x'4,%hila w&fare anb rellur 84~~1048. $ueh iUlld8wtioh &sag h4rraftOr b4 appropriokd by the OOUAtiU8 %Aa AUd4ip%litiB8 for thILWI %41?dQO8 iactgbo a6olnirtrm8 througtl the 4OUtlty Ot' di8triOt oitl088 OS the Stat.0Dspartinant,and it 110%&UiA18- w%a, ih%ll be aevotsa 4rcl.usivO~yto the reroloer WS AOt4 thet 380. 7 of Art. 6950 4OAt%&8 the fO~OWiA& pro- Vi%lOM ** * *The State Departwont Suy OOOpeZ8t8 With aAy City Or OOuAty ia OAY A%+A4r d4%4L4dAU40888rJr for th4 pmpr opparati~n of tho8% pmW4tP4.n hrt. 2351, iwi69a ixvll ~tstute~, proviaar; '.&Ch COCWi%81OA%~O' OOUTt s&%11: rc? ? Y mFrovlde ror thr rupport of paupera %cd euoh idiot6 fond lunattoe aa oamot be admittca auto the hK4Uti4 &%yh~~, F63Uia6SLt8 Of th@b OOUnty.y,Who %rO uab1.o to 8upport thamr+~~Vo~. BY tb@ wi?4 'm&ia~At' 68 UHIa huwin, i% U%%Xit 8 perum who ha8 b%en 8 bon% rida inh%bltaXit Of the OWAty AOt 148% t&%A %1X month8 4Kia Of th4 St&t@ AOt 1%88 than OA4 j'B%r. ** 4 4" Th% fOrO$Oilk~8t8tUt48 WIXU WA8id4F8a bJr ttLf8d8mt- A6At in oW QiniOn X0. O-3962 8pQBW4a lColember 12, 19&l. 392f8OQiniOn, 8 OOPY OS whloh 1. honwlth uA4iOIQa, In 8ffoot hold8 that the 4eolmi68b$A%r%'~4OlWt&%I authority to pay c\l%rfa%l W %t4nW%@i4 Wl'8OA8 Who w4rk~with %A& a88i8t th. 0OUllty4%8% WOrkOr who We p814 Mdet' th0 L1eW IAtakO aAb COrtlrlO%tO DiVieiOA, %8 8%t Out IA the @4AOZ'%lD6partCk4Atal ApproprlatlOA Bill, where suoh %x;*aaituraa 8r% n8dO wror th6 pkup464 of aiding end ooog38mthg with the agamio8 of the 2it4t4aA ?md@x%l OOQ6XVUbent8, ~g%ge& in the adrniAi&- tmtiOA Or Irli4r Of th% iUI%%&plOY4d4IId fLO%&J p4O~pl4 Of the tJt4M Of 74X%8." WtdAtiV4 t0 YOU? C&W8tiOA8 l&it. 2 ana 3, thl8 d%pclrt- A%&t ida itiGQiGiOA &iCt.o-281 t0 #a cOUAty .i&tOrA%yOf 3anl1tollCounty, r8X%%, agprowd Betbruary 2l, 1939, that the ocaidablon6r8* aourt of a oowty ha8 A4 authority to tiagloy 6 utenOgrap&%r i-Or the UEitd St+cl8 FaM Wait Aad&,8- trmtlon ana gag suoh %tsAo&rayh4r Fermiaounty funds. iv% 6160 0al.l y4ur ottentlon to iiplnion 120. 04587, approroa j%pt%nbe 3.l. 1943, 6a&r%a8Qa to you, whOrein WI hda that itusk County had ma la.sitel authority to pay th %%lary of M %&,oy%a of th% r"ar4n r;eourityh&5lnl%tmitlo~. a4 uplnhn :;o* O-bOlli+, approved April 8, 1542, to the Coultty AUQitOC or iIerri#oA zounty e Taae, thi8 dtQWtAMt h4ld that the aountf wuld not be auWorlz%d to mnt a’ typwritw, iutt%ibh or purchaao inoi&%nt.%~a, prOrid4 OffiQe 8@%04, ef&Uip- aent snt.nuacsmry aLerloa1 h%lp fro& county mid8 to Loael tire rrrtiontig bmrao wt up by the offiae of tn4 Stats Tim ~~%~BI~~csz~xI~ ~.dciin2atr4tor,a gsliarral%r;%noy. I I’ iton. It* V. aayford; pa&a 4 ILLOpinion 30. O-5931 to the OoUty Attorney oi Fayette Oeunty, approved Earoh 17, 1944, thla ~departaentheld that tha 0ounty tiug not logally rx~0n4 ita ruada r0r the pup080 or pap lng 0rfi00 mea, light billa, water billa, eto., r0r the Pam Sjsaurlty~dfnltdetratlon. It 18 apparent iTOW the rOXTO&Oi~ OpiIliOll8that neither the I yaw Security kdaln.lstratIonor the Iara Credit A&ainistrbtion la ooraldemd auoh an agonoy aa lnalu&d within the provialma or Art. 23720-2, 560. 1” V. A. C. 8. yor your inrornuatlori we herewith lttaoh 0opl08 Or our Opiniona HOa. O-281 an& O-5931 i hereinaboVe w0m8d to. The authorltlsa alto6 therein are opplioab1e hen. i It 18 thOMfOre OUT Opinion Chat WhwO RU8k GOUXLty 8nb tJM state Dapartdent of Pub110 #elSan an ooopenting and by neow- , alty ln OOE unotion with federal aganoka, far tha purpose or , aldine, a cl& laterlng and rtmiiahb6 ru3.M to the umnp1oya4 and naadr people or the 8tate or fruaa, the aoamiaaionora~ court la authorhod to him 6284pey the salary or a olerk, typlat akaographer or rsooptlanlat ror the stat* Department or mbho walrare orma ln kienbbraonupan npueat to 60 80 by lueh 4WU%W.% Aname- your cpaatlonaNoai 2 snb 3, it la the opinion or thla departannt that tha Co&nalaalanera* Ootut of Rusk county la not authorlr.mIto pay tha offloe rant Or the Tam Credit hdpirrla- tratlon or tha Far&t t3aourlty Admldqtmtfon iti the baaing other than the oourthouae nor pay the hlra or a olwk or olorka ror th, orrioe or 8wh mdnlatraticuia. YQur8 v*ry truly, ,
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion