*won”rr GR(mm.
tiouonblo tolm C, k,rrbur@r
coulty Attorney
ayette CouAty
OpiAiOA NO. o-694
ii.: Doer e ooamty Ju
ooUAt#, who iO 4
Your ngurat ror 0~1: op
wada aa rollour:
rubjaot aettrr Ia
tlorh John C. ;arburaor, P-w* 2
Article 602 of the Pow1 COQI nadr 66 follow8$
"'~4 Oouutr Judge in thlo,stute nko 6L612 ymotloo
or oitar
or ottoapt to pmotbu 66 at attorney at
I&W h ANY CUXTY COUti'202 COUiiT iii'A JLI.TI& L;Y
TiCki?&AC% rhrll bu fined not 1686 ttin 01.16hundrrd
&or AOW tuui flta hwdrd! doLlrmb.*
.artlcle tO3 of the iwi61 Codo reada e6 follow~t
*'&e abaw mzitloned autt~ltloa of iilarlah vu
.ic.ritu mid L;hop~& va Ltnte crp%esly !dd twt the
county JuaEci lo tutlorizod to p-octl6u law ic th
ls6trlot oourt. 6T911 1E hia OllI:CouAt~. siIl&&~
tits QP~O of :lorlch t6 State show nrtlozsd lc
bs@o& on tha ground thathl6 oourt Ime mlthdr
origbal 110r mgyalbtb ju.r:odlofloc Of suoh &is-
triot oourt cu6o6.
Wy ta8 6tpm66 prori6lo.n6 of at1010 319, ii. c. ii.,
the county Juti la prr&tted to praatloa 3.6~4~ a
oounty or ;u6rio6 oourt, 6wvi in his oun aoUaty pro-
vided, howcrur, thcrt 59 owl% would nfire oeltiaur
origlnel xmr tqpellatu JurlaiIiotlou. At ti:i6 the
I oancot ~10611 Jurt what ty&m of 0686 tt would bo in
the Justlao oourt, but the at6tuto porldar ror ruoh
6 6ltwtlon.
*i'pQ1 a rwdk& 0r tnu aborr cjaotod str,tutoe, 1t lr
4y oprnion that fi16 Low oantm Lat66 thnt a county juW3
46 not yroialbikd fmci ptsOti$ if
ag 16U in 6Qy OoWt, ut-
lee6 1% ir 6 oourt trm whlah ha ~63" hav6 an 6lwtiW
JU&-i6dioUon or b 6666 ia WhiCA ho h66 Ori.&6l. JUrf8-
dlotloA* ~artalnly !a hoe ~0 0rlglnrL or eg&alLate
Jd0a~oti4p 0s 8 0880 fiba in mother 00uy. em-
lair it lab or prirllo&a
uould ba ln a aaae rhora a
~0u Lk d l~8ta 04 a,a 0s00~~ % w& Oah Iaot
lltuatlm, tha Cotmtr Sudga ahould not laorpt am-
loymant. It la thoraion nrf o~inloxi that tba County
0 uA88 may praatiae &u ln any turtlea or oounty aourt
Oflnotha? ~aountf lo4pt in 01aea *here a ploa of
prfrilaga la luaUlnabk.*
Tha ltatutea retwrod to by you are the 0~4 atatutra that
6aoL with t&o cuecrtion rubaittbd, and lt la our opSnnion that pow
iutarprcrtation th8r00r la oorrsot SOT the sollowing c00aona1
lfi 16% th% l5ti L%&l818LtUO j@aSb%Athe SollOWiui; 18~:
"&Ci;TI& 1'
Be it lnaotd by tho io&deture 0r the
iitdfa 0s ftua~, mot it rhe3.lnot b,rimul for the su&e
cd any County Court oi’ thin Strto to yrrroties 08 au at-
tornby or counrelor-at-law b any 0r tm county Court8
or courts or tar ~uatloc’~ or tti.o aaoo 0r thin stst0,
afia ouy County J&v *Do map violate th* prooialo~a or
tsa 80tehdlbe ouiltf or l tira0~anor, aid upon
oonrlotlon t;aoreof, in My oourt of ooap6tmt Jurla-
dlotiou shall be punlrtnd by ILco cot 1088 t&m one
hu~(lraG mr cnre thau fire huuAnA Aollerm ln4 lri
af34ut0t tncr*t0, UMI~ b0 r0=0r0a fro;;: O~OO.
o&i&, ithoraaa, no law non mtiata prohibit-
County Jut@%8 raotiaiug ea lttorn~fa-at-law in. tha
iauaty ona es(~P ltrata*a Court8 of thla utOt.0, wh+rebJ’
aah 00nrtdan rsaulte, thus orastln6 a lnmr6onoy,
and an ~ptmttif% publio neo~aaitf that tiilr lot c.0
into lrfmt at once1 th e r o fo r th
a la lot ahall tab
4rrO0t 8d w in m00 mm ~1d 8rtOr it8 pd80668.*
(p. 216, ~ewe ot mtia, 1876)
mo 1tita &~irlatu*re, In a +Ndel ze;e8lOfilis 1875, [;;.12,
&W8 Of 8bia 3&aOOial -88iOR) Uteridad A&i010 1136 Or th ;ceVi#d
civil Ltatutoa of 1879, laopt~a,P%bruery 21, 1679, 80 that aacm
ruea en iollowa:
ll36. Gounty judp.r* in tilo8. oouRt~oa
wt~rdn the oitil or orbabal juri84$etiOn Of tL*
county oourta hea bean or mey Mroettar bs aimhL%heb
ahall ha16 thu rigat to preotio* 88 lttunoya ln all
Justioea* and county oourt8 la obH8 whersln the cmUt@
r(aa. John 2, ;:arburpr, 3~0 4
ova rhloe may pnaldo huvo nolthrror ha1 nor lp
palAata juriaalotloo, prorlbed th ny lra 9 loamad law-
yor8. ’
wit. 2, iihemaa, undrrthe oonatitutlon the
pmnnt aaaalon OS tha Lwlalatun La limltsd to thirty
data, a paat portion oi rhloh haa already lrplredl~ and
wh a r ea en&w
a , lxlatl4q la nea o u~tf
juagea a n 6q wlr ed
OS praotloing in oouaty and othor Worlor aourta, tlrero-
fore, an laurgrnof lib tb and an lmpantlre pub110 nao%a,
lltf daaaoda the eua nalon Or tno o0LiatitutiwaL rula
whleh rr~uirtaa a bll r to ba rcrad on three loraral bay8
and that tnia lrr take lrreot and b* in roroo from ana
aire it8 paaaega, and it la a0 onaotoa.-
it uaa ari4aat~ tha yurj~ocr of tha Lagial,etturr, lu peaakr6
m laat abovo quoted ltatuta, to rapal ttla atatuto pa888a bf
tha 15th Lo~lalatur*r meklng it wdentul for a oounty Ju&p to
gmotlaa lan in any oouctf or juatior oourt in ao rer 08 w
apgUed t0 08888 rhweln tho c@&rt overwhloh a oOUaty Jua,ga
prsaidaa ma nolthrr ori&inal nor rp ilato $wia6lotlon.
xoweror, the atetute peaboa by the 1Y th LA&laht.uir wan alao
rsrrlod into the 1879 mririon of the oitll &tatutoa se Alrtiale
236, and the part theeor ral&tiVa to the pruotioo of 16;~ bf a
oouty Juc1g6 raad8 88 fououar
-. . &or aball w oounty Judge be allowed to
appearend proof100 ea an lttornay at law in my of
trio aouaty oourta or aourta 0r tit0 juatlaoa or tha
pa808 in thin 8kto.w
to flrrd that both of t&eat atatutaa nave boat carried into
tba rarloua ra*~alona of our oivil and orlAna ltatutba until
thin data, ana appear AOI an lutiolea bG2 =a 603 of our i~sml
Cods and hrtlalo 319 oi our ii41virrdCl*11 Statutaa. .Tala altu-
ltlon oofbea althin tha rule 0r law leld dour. ln 39 Ter. Jux.,
aeo. 139, p. 26&, which rode an follower
*. . .But it la to go boUta tha
adoption or 8 oode ror aid in ad0eitie
tne in-
tentlon0r thr kslalaturm &I napoat of an UabU-
uoua prorlaloa. aid au-0 two oonrliatiti~ grovi-
alone, onaotoa at dlrfwent tiiwa, are brou&ht
forurrd irto a oonpilatlor It in proper to emaIm
tba orl&ial aota co lrrtro at tao trw ICItarA
ym. Jozn 2. 1;erburuor. pmee 5
Than la no qi%atioa but tnet tho pmlialofia of nrtiolo
@0l or our Pa&41 cod0 are la 00arli0t with ti.0 pr0rlai0na 0s
Utlolo i&3 of our ronal Code and Artlolb )19 or our Barlaod
clrll setutoa. -rbwom, bin00 trjr orl&nal rota ahow thbt
t&a Lo&alatura inmia0d for tha rortalona of 8816 laat nenrsd
gfllolab to oontrol it la our opL ion thet a oountf JuQa En
*uthorlmad to praotfoe law in aw county or juktloe oourt In
t,hla atata, *roe@ In 0aaaa whore Cha oourt over rhioh he
pnal&a haa either ori6iaal or rpyolletr jurladlation.
. ’