. EIICATTORNEY GENERAL OFTEXAS Honorable George R. Sheppard Comptroller of-Fubllc Accounts Austin, Texas Dear Sir: Opinion NO. o-6914 Re: Whethen under Article 7070, re- ceipts from rural accounts outside of incorporated towns are to be taxed under the 14 per cent tax bracket. Your letter of October 31, 1945, reads as follows: "Section 1 of Article 7070, R.C.S. 1925 provides: "'Each individual, company, corporation, or association owning, operating, managing, or controllfng any telephone line or lines, or'ang telephones wlthin this State and charging for the use of same, shall make qu.arterly,on the first day of January, April, July and October of each year, a report to the Comptroller, under oath of the indivldual, or of the president, treasurer, or superintendent of such com- paw, corporation or association, showing the gross amount recefved from all buslness within this State during the preceding quarter in the payment of charges for the use of its line or lfnes, telephone and telephones, and from the lease or use of any wires or equipment within this State during said quarter, Said fndiviauais, companies, corporations, and associations, at the time of making said report, shall pay to the State Treasurer, and there is hereby levied upon said individuals, com- panies, corporations, and associations, an occupation tax for the quarter beginning on said date, equal to one and one-half (l*] per cent of the gross receipts,,as shown by said report, received from doing business outside of incorporated cities and towns and within incorporated citfes Honorable George H. Sheppard, page 2 o-6914 and towns of less than two thousand, five hundred (2,500) Inhabitants, accord- ing to the last preceding Federal Cen- sus; an occupation tax for the quarter beginning on said date, equal to one and three-fourths (1 3/h) per cent of said~ gross receipts as shown by said report, received from aoing business within ln- corporated cities and towns of more than two thousand, five hundred (2,500) inhab- itants, and not more than ten thousand (lO,OOO) inhabitants, according to the last preceding Federal Census; an occupa- tion tax for the quarter beginning on said date, equal to two and two hundred seventy-five thousandths (2.275) per cent of said gross receipts, as shown by said report, received from doing business within Incorporated cities and towns of more than ten thousand (10,000) inhabi- tants, according to the last preceding Federal Census.' “f l * * "Please tell me if all rural accounts outside of incorporated towns (regardless of the population of the incorporated town) would come under the one and one-half (14) tax bracket? There are cases of army camps that are located six, eight or ten miles out- side of incorporated towns of ten thousand (10,000) population OP more that are serviced by the exchange within the Incorporated town," We call your particular attention to the language of the statute that the occupation tax shall be "equal to one and one- half (13) per cent of the gross receipts, D e 0 received from do- ing business outside of incorporated cities and towns and within incorporated cities and towns of less than two thousand, five hun- dred (2,500) inhabitants." The receipts from all business done outside the limits of incorporated cities and towns, regardless of the size of such in- corporated cities, come wlthin the basic bracket of one and one- half per cent. Honorable George H. Sheppard, page 3 o-6914 Yours very truly ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS By s/Arthur L. Moller Arthur.~L.Moller Assistant ALM/JCP/wc APPROVED NOV 8, 1945 s/Carlos C. Ashley FIRST ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL Approved Opinion Committee by s/BWB Chairman