%. OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVERSELLERS AT~RNII GEWZRAL umorible leaver 88ker, Chairman State Board of Control Austin, Texan Dear JuUc;d Baker8 Opinion Ilo. Oref+6S Rer Ccmetruction of B. B;'Ho. 3b1, 49th Legielature w to the loortiea of purah8ee 4T rhrt ia known a at Au&in. Tbe Tribune Bui and elnoe its tenktire tire sad Bueineerr co 3OWd Of uontre1, it Bkte Oitiae B~ilUi~g~ ruthorldeb ilt, 81~3 the this phree of the situation. uildlnmg~ shall be deelgned to aa- reme Court of Texas and Its Cow- a; the Conrf~of Criminal Appeals Commission of Apperle; the Stete’s ore the Court of.Crimli~al Appeals; tbe Court of Civil Appe81sr Third bicltrict; the Attorney ffeneral~ of Texas, and such other offioes es speoe therein Will pernit. This building shall be known ae the Etate Courta BuildinK-* Geotlon 5 deelores: 237 xionorable wearer Baker - page 2 'Y I+ ‘The other o? arid buildinge shall be design- ed and oonstruated for ottice spa40 only, exoept the ground floor nhloh shall be designed to oare for tenrate engaged in 8uoh bueinesses aa will best aoeommodate the needs o? State otfiaers and employees; eepeoiallT the drug, oate and barber businecss. The name of this building shall be the 'State O?tioe Building.'" Seotlon 6 18 le tOll0Ymr "That the Skfe Courta Building mhall be lo- arted on the lot ot land nor o44upled by the Sal- ton Building. 8mid lot more partioularl~ dew orlbed a's tollorsr The '(lesthalt ot the Sortd one-halt (l/2) of Blook 122, aa shorn on the orlg%nal plot of the olty ot 4stin." Seotlon 7 lo: 'That the State Ottloe Building shall be plaaed on the lot demoribea as tollorsr North one-half (l/2) at Bleak 124, 8e1 ohom by the orlglnal lot ot the olty or Aumtln. 8016 one- h8lt (1/2y blook Is bounded on the rest by Colo- rado Street, on the.north by 11th Street, on the east by Congress AYenue.' Bout~dJBill Ilo. 201 osrrles an appropriation, but it is not solely an appropriation bill; It is more -- it la a legi~latlve sot proriding for the o4netruotlon of two State o??fee buildings. The 8pprouriation III an in4ldent to the major purpose of the construation 0t the two build&g:s. The Legislature having speciflaally prorided that the State Courts Building shall be loaated on the land now oaaupied by the wal- t0n Building, and having epe4ltioally described the ground upon which the came should be loaated, mu&h location becomes an in- tegral part ot the aat, which is binding. It caimot be Ignored or Yiolated upon any reaeons of aonrenlenae, economy or other- wise. The appropriation providing for the constru4tion of much building is, of Oourse, prediaated uponthe law eseential to the appropriation, nhioh law, as has been pointed ,Out, re- f$ Sena#able ,,.,+'. Weaver Baker - page 3 *. : ;~ .- 1.::' @rea the bnfldlag to be on the site of the Walton Building east of Congress Avenue, and not on the vaoant property of the State west of Congrens Arenue~. There 16, therefore, no *pre-axieting 18~" for an appropriation for the building my- where other than on the Walton site. ATTO3NST tShB&’ OF TEXAS APPROVED @x 17,l945
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion