15? OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable C. H. Cernrsr rtetr Auditor Austin, Texan *.aacknowledge re lnr a8 tollown: 158 Bon. C. P. Csrnete, page 2 funds sd rsvesuos ior ths Flmasn*s Roll& sn4 Rstiromoot Fun4’. Vho &9th inoluded tbo tollawln~ l.s~islsturo 4pproprl4tioa 24~ t&o ?lroma*8 P*arian Oomlrrlon- lr ln the Lbpartmntal Approprlstlon Bill tor Wm bionnlum ondin@ Augmt 31at, 19k71 *FIRRMm’RPRImad Co!Q&~IOIm (Out af.~lrorrlon’r Rsllor sn4 Rotlramont mIda.) tar thr Tsrrr Endla 1. oo~* (8) Hslntoauw~ 2. or r10* lxprnDr , postsgs , 4tstio4tsry, ofrioe fix- tures sad 4oppll4r 1,500.00 1,500.oO 3. Tr s*o lin( lx;p a m*4 o,o a - tingont lx p 4 n4 e4ma ,4 othu nrosssu~ help sn4 0xp0n4.4 to bo laourn in 4dnlni4tration ai Tko- my;*a Relies ma4 Retiremat 750.00 * 750.00 . . b. Apprt~mat 257.000.00 W,OOO.OO drsnd Totsl, ?~?OIIIOD.‘S Psnslon Oommlssfoau 8 262,UJOdO 262,650,00 We shru spprsoisto hour rdTirin( us on tho fol- ~lowln# qus4t10as: 6 the Cltsts Comptrol.ler an4 -ato Tr~ssurrr bts the to pay tha ltwm sp roprlste4 authority to ths Flramon~s Ponslon Commlsslonor g J tho 49th ladsletwo for ths b lea a l lum adia6 August 31,1947? ,In 8 wmaer similar to that followed br tho 49th Led8Lstur0, the 46th ~~iSlStU4 had sppropristr~ $230,600.00 ?or ssoh yeu of.tha bhmlum sndln(lAuyst h’on. c. t;‘. C4rns44, page 3 1.59 31, 1945. The State Comptroller sad S%atr Tress- virr aa dlsbursr8sntr irai this spproprlstloa in thr 8411~msnnu 44 thol ha4 Mdol SpprOp?i4,- t1oa by thi 47th Lo5~014t4r4." Toor laasrir7 r41404 tm vsrl laportsat puo4tloao. The rlrot 14, rhothor or not tho s~proprlstloa of mono7 to be pm14 to rlrcmoa, who sr4 aot o lo~ero of thr Ststo, smouato to 4 (rant of son07 to sa ladlr Y 4usl uhloh 14 prohlbltsb b Artlolo III, "SOtiODO 44 4n4 51 Of tb %,x00 ~OllGt~tUtiOD. T ZI a moon4 lo, what&r or not ma 4pproprl4tloa to thr a71re~.sa~o Pension cc+mslr.sloaer (out or ?lro.~sn~o Rellrr so4 Rstl?wwit had8 1” mm7 bo paid oat of tbr Osnsrsl R4?8a~4 Fund. B4 ~111 bi80u84 tbo qu44tlon4 ln orarr. Aftu snsotmsnt of tho Fireman18 Pension and Relld Law ln 1937 (Artiolr 6243r, V. %. t. ?.I, 4 number sf lnsuranor -0omp4a144sttsokod in cwrt Caction 2 of thr sot rhloh prolids for 4 twa per orntam 42%) tax on the gro44 ~remluam of ?lre ln- lur4noe eimp4aio4. +&I a t ax, llmlobwas for ths purpose cU pro- tldln& pwaanent fun&s and rstenuss for tht Flreamn*o T?olSrr and R4tlrwnt had, ~#a4held unoonstltutions1 1D kcrlosn Alllanoe huraac4,Com say ~'8.. Board 0r In4ur4no* Comml4~loaer4 (19391, e c. ?f:.(Zdfl 741 error rsfusod Thwosttrr, In 1939, thors we0 lntrcduoed In ihe It7th1eglsl~turc H. B. lie. 46 wbloh wss propow 44 sp smsndaent to %otlon 2 ot Artlolr 6243s. This bill, whlah 4140 rorldsd for s two per ssntm (251 tax 0s thr primiuam of rlr0 Pnsursno4 ooap4nlo4, was subglttod to tbl4 bQ4rtaSIit by the Speaker ot ths Rowe of Ecprssootstlveo tor an opltion OD lts oonstltutlonel~t~. In our Oplnlon Ro. O-3468, 144uo1#Ms7 19, 1941, - pssosd on ths oon#titutlonallty of Artl- 018 6243b, 44 nell SE R. B. Ilo.46. In that oplfilon,llssaldt 'lrtloll 111, f!eotloa 53, den168 to the L4514- lsturo ths powtr to noko or 4uthorl4e *sbr grmnt oi publlo moos7 to any lndlvl4u81, rssoslatIon of lndl- i~bwlo, mualoipsl or otbrr oorpor4tloa uhatooevor. .*.. * Artlols XIX, Fation 44, provides that no grs;ntof moneys aCal bs mado to sty lodlrldusl ox- 4~ t the urns shsll hsrs been prorldrd tor by pro- .Qsting isr. Whllo, admittedly, thr hats nl&it protldo s system ad poasloao sn4 4lsablllty barmilts ior ltr 4m~loy444 tithout thrrab riolatbg the ooa- 4t1tut10n01 provl4lollo (Byrd tr E1ty ot Dsllo4, 118 'hr. 261, it lo urgr4 that flromen an aot smployoeo of tho f?tsW, bat of t&a rudol~8lltie0, and thOt, thor~fars, the law cakes o great -di pub110 moneys in +lolatlon of ths sbors Artloles of the Oonstltutlon. 160 Ron. C. H. Catnrac, page 4 -tar thr purpowr of thlr oplnloa It m8y be 00800d0d th8t tir0m88i 8~ 00t st8tO ~pi0~000 8na thlt the 8Ot 4-m not Mk8 thm 8U8h. w8 a0 not 8ttOmpt th8 4801)iOll Of thst qU88tiUU. ltwmrthc 1088, it 8DDO8r8 t0 U8 Ob8t t& 18iiaity Oi the 18W 88 8(8ln8t 8U.h Objo8tiOnr t0 it8 OOn8titU- tiOn8litt 18 8U8t8lB8d bl th8 dr8181OB Of Our %8t8 flUprOn0 COWt in $h8 OI8e Of ~riOdBI8aT. hE8riO8n sUr8ty oOa1p81i~ Of R8w York, 8t 8i,h8na8a am oa April 9, 1941." The ?riOdIMa 0888 18 r8pOrt8d in 137 IlbX. 149, 151 Rowe (24) 570. RI8 8180 LOW8r 0010?840 Rlvrr Authorltt V8. ChrmiO81 88nk k eU8t CO., 185 9. %'.(24.)467. w8 8r8 8till Of th8 OpIniOn thrt th8 8bOte holding 18 80WOOt. H. B. lo. 46, however, WE8 nut 6M8tOa by the k7th &?%8- 18tU?O. m8t LOgi818tWe eM8t8b iIt8te8a ii. 1). HO. ioil WhiOhE!Sd8 M lnu81 8pproptistIon ot $300,000 for th8 blonnlua 8na&g Aucunt 31, 1943, ior th8 pUrpO88 Ot prorlal~ pblmraent imd8 ma r8tMUe for the Vlrrm8a*r Rellei end RetIrem4nt FUund-. In our Opinion lo. O-3833, addrO8804 to Hoaorrble Oeorgr 8. shOpp8ra, Comptroller OS Pub110 AOOOutitl,thi8 dOp8rtXd hOid that 8eId 8pprOpricltiOa W88 Trlld. Forthe biennium b8CgiMia& ?aptombar 1, 1943, 8nd 8I¶a- 1~ Au@ut 31, 1945, the 48th L@818tUr8 8ppl-ODri8t.dt230,600 par 8nnumior the ?ireaoa~8 Pea8lon OanmiMioner by mskiag pro- rlaioa thorrfor la thr D8p8rt&antrl ApprOpriotlon Bill. Conrnl y2i Sp00181 fdw8, 42th L8̲ttI?e, Ro(ulrr 80881Oa (lg&)), pagm . tbr 49th L8girlature, like tbr p3-800ai4 ma, hOiUd8d in It8 D8pertmmtrl ApproprI8tIon bill 8n enauel 8pproprI8tIon for th el?irOl~Oll'8 POll8101l hd88iOMr (Out d ~lr.BWl 8.nO11.f 8ad Penrloa PUna8)". It Inorr88ed the rpproprlstlon to #262,650.00 rwu811y bat U8Od the almost IdeatIo8l 18auurge 88 h8a been used bg the preoodlng L8gIrlrture. At the time both rpproprlstloa bill8 mra p8888d, the ?lroIMn'8 Rolled rad Pea8Ioa ?und oon- tslaed only the uaexpeadbd b8leaoo at money8 pret1ourl~ appro- prI8tea. It8 oontinued lxI8tonoo 88 8 Speolal Fund ~88 depona- eat ?n eaoh iu8t8aOO On thr t8lidity Of the OUrrUt 8pprOpri8tim ooataIa8a In the Depsrtnmntrl Bill. No quertion ~88 raI8ed 88 b sppropri8tfonrmad@ bl thr 48th LOgl8l8tU~ sad there fUnd8 here beon lxpondad. IOU sow Inquire whether the ourrent l pproprlrtlm 8hOUld b0 p8id. ,on. 6. 1’. Cavaeae, pago 5 'II* IT8 aerlnitel~or tha opInI0n th8t Art1010 62b3e, '1. A. c. a., 18 8U??iOi8Bt 88 8 PrO-•Iirtii¶#18W rlthln the mlo( Ot t’@BtiOlP b&, &ti8h 1x1 O? th0 ‘hIlO aOa8titUtlOB. -I# 18 lmpllelt la OW @if&On lo. 0.3633 uhi8h nliiiitr Of th8 8~~81 8pprOpri8tiM Of $3bo,ooo W Oh W88 Ib8aB for thilr BUO ptUpO8. by th. 47th t8&iBl8tU?8 in !i. b. AO.~oll. &tIole 62438 WiaO8 ror l oomprrhorlre 8trto plra for 8 ~lremea*r Pan8 r00 ay8tOm. Thr oall p8rt of tbr 80t uhlrh br Fun6 O? not 1888 th8n l$ EOr BO?. thm 39 Of hi8 8818rl. to b8 aetamla~a br l TOtO O? th8 ?Ir8 DOpOrheat O? whloh 8U8h per- 8On I8 l WmbU, 8Bd t0 bo ddIOt8d ?TOm hi8 8818rr m Ompen- 88tiOB if b0 I8 8 8hOlll p8ia Or p8rt pda ?irM8n vhO88 8818rJ or OCSl~M8~tiOll 18 11ofOthrn ?i?tr dOl18r8 $er month 8rd if ho 18 8 pIti p8id ?irUMn rho80 8818rf 18 1888 th8n fi?tl b118r# pU month W 8 VOlUEtWr ?lrOlMn ho ah811 p8r BOt 1888 thra $3.00 nor wore than 45.00 p a rlmm, th r lx8ot uount to be d8- ;;:1,“.,‘4b:8 rota O? tho fir. aep8rtmMt Of rhloh 8U8h prrron u80, the 49th b&818ttAn 8mend.d 38Otioa 6 of th8 8Ot t0 ;lWi& thrt aelIgIb18 8Od Qg8ii?IOd fiT8WB Who 8h811 ' hare oompl,ted 20 year8 Of 88lTiOe bOfOr8 resohln tb 888 O? rirty-?lto* 8h811 be entitled to rrtlrrment bane? f t8 unaor the 8ot when rerohily the rgr of ?iitp?iTs, 8lea though ho rhtil not h8Ve k .B lB&8gOa ia rOtiV8 8OET1eO 88 8 tirUM 8t 8814 tiR9. Tootion 6, Artlole 62430, T. A. C. S. The eot Itreti reoognlrer th, Obli~tiQfl Of the %8t@ t0 m18. itAd for ~1NB8D’I PIB8lOZI8 8d t0 PrOVlde ?Or th.12 8ddri8tr8tiOli. mi# l8 it8 ~rirrr~ Th8 .D8rtiOUler me8M br whloh th8 iMa 8X.8 to be whethhrrby 8 8pOiti t8x O? by 8~ rOpri8tlOn Out O? thr cnnor81nroauo ftitka. 18 8 8@OOlll8rr OOOI Paerrtlon. m.Jl l? the ~lremea'r Pearloa 8ni Rotlrrmubt ?&&a 18 r8i8ed by 8 8pOOi81 t81, the moaqr rowulnf to thr Sutul uwla ywoto be rppmprlrtea evrry tw your. . l* our (rplaloa lo. m. 8pDZOpri8ti OB In dth8r l8ee WOuld be In 80nnnrotIoa with iad k88a OpOa Artiole 6243e 88 the g~rO-~Ii8tifl~ 18W.. Art1010 62430 18 not it881t 8r1rpprOpri8tiOa 88t. PIokle 18. ?iS&w, 91 %X. idbe kb 8. P. 480. 808tiOm 19 O? tb@ 8at Ore8te8 the o??ior O? FifOWB'8 PeB8iOn Od88iOBW 8od t11.8 hi8 mlary at ~),600.00 l rr8r “to k pdd by vouohrr O? th8 St8tO Tre88urer from 8da Tlremm'r Rallr? la a Retirement lurid*, %OtiOB 6 Or A?uOiO uI O? Ouf oOI&8titUtiM, hOWl8r, prWidO8 th8t 1108p- prOpri8tiOll O? WlLOJ 8h811 b8 ml40 ?Ot 8 IOU.? temth8a tW0 re8r8. to bold that SOOtI~ 19 1 0 8al8p p r OQr i8tiO iOrthe IIa 8&~mat bl0.d~ wopia bo tratrmount to aool8rlng it PooOJb8titUtiOlul, ~.OuOo it W88 8lJ8Ot.dMOE. thra tr0 fO.rO l@. 'It i0 . U.ll- 8OttlOd rUl0 in the OOMtrUOtiOtb Of 8t8tUtoO that l? on mot Of a. h&818t&U0 k erpablo Of tW OOSlOtrWtiO-, On0 Oi rrhloh .OniliOt8 with th8 lOWtitutIOn, 8ld the 0th.r O? uhloh da, not,'th8 1ottOr mu% ~rrV811.~ Pioklo VaD t1ti.f rkto. m Ul,t~.t. qUO8tioU, therefore, 1nVO1t.8 tb8 &nrtruotion 41 that port1oa d the ourrent 8ppropristion bill quoted in our lrtt8r. Sootloo 1 at the OUrrent Doprrtmoat81 ApproprlrtI on Bill I8 88 iolloua: ‘TiI8t the 88tOr.l 8U Of 8iOll.l horoln 8p88ifiOd or 80 muoh thono? 88 m8y be neoo88arJ. 8r8 horobl 8pprOprIrted Out Of lBJ monO~8 in th* 8t8to TM~~LU~ EOt OthWWiO~ 8pDrODri8t.d. Or 0.t oi 8~88181 fuado 88 m.r b. 8bOm, iOr th. 8UpjKWt 8.d Mint.ll8nOo O? thO revor aep8rt8matr raa 8gmolor of thr 9trt. @OVorMent for the tW J88r period b8Slnnia(lSoptam- bu 1, 1955, 8Bd l BdiBl A&girt 31, 1947." The ordIn8ry rule8 of rtrtutort oon8truotIm 8re 8ppiI- aablr to 8ppropri8tioa bfll8. IB Pioklo V8. Fidel, 44 5. Y. /60, the Supremr Court, In OOB8trUiBg 8a 8pprOpriotiOnbill, 88id: -It 18 0180 trU0 th8t I)08poOifIO Word8 8rO aOOOE 88rr iIh0Pd.r t0 make 8a 8pprOQri8tiW; 8nd it m8r b. o o no ea o a le OOBtOBaOa, thot 8~ 8pproprlotIoam8r bo UdO br 14 1iOatiUI whoa th8 18 880 l~p iO~ale8b to the bol POf th8t 8u.h WI8 th8 % teat et the Leglo- 18turo.m ?h. 10&818tiV8 hi8tory O? the ~lr.m.n'8 P8D81.8 end ROii8? trr, iBOiUaiIig the 8MBdmO~t of gO.tiOB 6 tbU.O? br thr b9th,L8&818tUrO, thrOU8 lit&t 011the qUO8tiOB oi 10@18~OtiVO int8BtiOn 88 etiaea0.d by the 8ppl'Opri.tiOE bill. me 49th Lo~i8lOtUre VI8 pro8tmmd t0 kWW th8t %OtlOn 1:Of the A.t h8a boon dOOl8r.d UBOOn8titUtiOMl on4 that them W88 no lot&or 84 rpeoI81 trrer to provide ,g8rmraentfund8 ma rovonuo8 tor the Firemea*I Relief rnd Rotlroaont ?uad. ?ho b&h Loghlrturo nr prO8UIOa to h8ro kBOUB thir When it Ma0 8D 8pprOpri8tiOn ¶.n it8 Tkp8rtZEOBtOl Appmri8tiOn bill iOr thi8 DPtpO.0 8nd 81nOO the ?Ud. thU0 lp rODri0t.d W8TO p8id Withat QW8titXL, the 49th ~~i8i8tUTO 184 80 tO88OB t0 E8k0 8O.J Oh8Bg. in the moth06 Of 8pprOpriet%ly fUa8 for the pir.B.n'8 Rellof 8ad RotirOaont Bon. C. ?. COlU.88, P8gO 7' 163 tuna. The 184~8~ '-out ad fi~OtId8 Rolld ld Rotlroment ~nmlo" 88 U8Oa in the OUrrOnt 8ppropri8tion bill mU8t bo 8011. #trurd to Bo8ll th8t th8 fflEd0 olV 8~prOpri8t.d Out ai the mnor81 Rotoauo ?und to the tlnmrn 8 Wollof rn4 Retlwmurt fuJd 8lId DOid OUt Oi 88ia @DO0181f&III&by vouehu Of tb. at0t8 ~088WOr 88 dire8tOa In 88id 8pproprlotlon bill baa In ~Iolo 6243a., To hold OthWWi88 w0vla be to orealt the Lq10- 18tiUO with doin 0 tola and ieolle~ thlq, fbr it lo pnnud to h8tO k#kOW~that Oh-8 WU8 110SlOa8t8iB the %'9pua'O Re118f lndR 8tir OM?Ua B t d, lX8Opt 8uOh a8 hrd k.a pr.tlWUlJ lpDrO- prlrted for the biennium oudIZi Augurt 31, 1965. l%o OoMtrur- tloa,rhould be odopt8d rhiah 8 t 108 ottort to thr 108, rlthor thsn 8 OOD8truOtiOIl whlah EitInifiO8th8 18W Or lOOd4 t0 lb8urdity. 39 TM. hr. 222. Vo, rocordiaglp 8dtisr JOu th8t in our opitioa the rppropriotionto firemen'8 P8n8ioa cOld88iOn8r rontaille6in the ourront 8pprOprl8tiOa bill for th0 blonalum lB a h @ Au@lt 31, 1947, 10 V8lia and 8hOUia be p8id by the %8to OorptrOhW 8nd Stoto TrI88urOr. Your8 very truly, AT'?aRlQEf OEWRAL OF TIXAS ?D:rt
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion