Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable Ai C. Zlnborn Distriat Attorney Civil Courts,Buildlng Houston 2, Texas Dear Sir: Attn. Xr. ziobert 8. Casey, money scoured by a Id furniture, but te out that such corporation ttel mortgage on household he foregoing that the oorpora- Such lntar- a recognition of the following rule cited in Words and Phrases, Vol. 35, Penn. Ed., p 561: go& Ai C, Winborn, g&e 2 Wuoh +qvmesions ‘.&I *pursue the praotioe ‘of any profqseion or busiUa6, * .,.,. . and similar tarme, oontemplate a oourde of busltneso~ or pfprekd0n.91 praotioe, and not elngle isolatnd aote ariaing~rrom unusual oiroumstanoee. Dane v..Br$wni C. C..A. l&&v. 70 F, ?d 164, 165.” Artlolo 6165a:,~ Vernon’s Annotated Civil Statutea, in 8eo- ti~oti 2~ t&&at, ,dufi”aa loan brokers’ aa r0mw8: ‘A~loan brvksr 1,~ a paMon, firm or oorpora- Izion’ who purauetv tha tiuainese of lending 1pDney. + purdhitv&ing .aa+arirrr anb taking for .se.ouritp for the paymant or euoh loan. and ,interaet tbaraon an as~siguawnt Or3vagiw or ,au~sQnmentor imgtmwith Powsr or ‘,Attorney, tc5~q0lleot the aama or other order to2 unpaid ohatta&‘inortgage or bill uf aale upon household or, kitchen fui?nitur& .v~ Tha fOrsgO$n&.atatuti :wae reosnt4 &niv&ubd by.the Third ‘Court af civil Appeal@ In tha, oasa or XarvilL ‘va. ,,Stat.a,, 188 S. w. (2d) 869, writ’ of’ error refured,. w that ease the dourt bald that the definition or a, Loan brok5.r io made to~~depemi enttra4 upon the oharaoter ‘of :eeourity ,takan for the payment of loans of money. iYe quota from tha opinion on ‘page 8702 ‘Art. 6165a, Aota 4927, l@t’caUad SBBB.:~,~40th Leg. l 4i 17, amanded Andyra-eneotad, por.tianns a,f : prior atatutee d6fiaZag and regulating the ,.Loan brokw burtieee., Tha ‘above quoted pOr.tion :af the aa+ding act def~$nZng~~a’&an broker made .na material uhange in the wt3gtkge~ ur the ~30praer .ot;atutee carining a loan brulieFI Tha deoi&lone oonetrning both the ofig&nat’:and’: the amanbed :aotr hold that a loan .’ bra&ra$‘~@ .‘d&fwad ia onw rh0 ‘pureuba’: tha buet naas. uf lendi~ng munoy upon interest, taking a0 aeo&i~ty themfor an areignnwnt of wage,, I’iir,a amtt&l~ m6rtgage one houeeholQ..: Andykitnhen furnl- t,mr Brand v. State, 109 T%x. Cr. R. 96, 3 9. We (261 4390 Rubbard v. state, 109 Tax.’ Cr.~ R. 320, Ed+ s. UT. fga), 971; Juhen ~?,&W&!, 86~ Te& cr. RU 63, 216 s. w. ~873; suttoo vi Luvan, ~T&x. Cfv. A pea 279 st WU 295; Mason v*, Qraen,.Tex. (3iv. App. N ii26 9. W. $29; Means,v* State, Tex. Civ. Appa,, 75 8. Wm (26) 953. ., .” .., I-ion. A. C. Winborn, page 3 Wider the loregoing authorities, it is the opinion or this department that a foreign corporation, with a permit to do business in this Stats, inoorporated for the purpose of lending money purohaaing selling and dealing in notes, bonds and aeour i ties, but wi thout banklna, and disoount privileges, falls within the olasalfloation of *loan brokers” a8 defined in Ar- tiole 6165a, V. A. c. s., where it pursues the buekma oi lending mneg upon. interset, taking as seourity therefor chattel mortgages on household furniture. Yours very truly, ATT0 .BY WlUIC:I.J