Honorable Ai C. Zlnborn
Distriat Attorney
Civil Courts,Buildlng
Houston 2, Texas
Dear Sir: Attn. Xr. ziobert 8. Casey,
money scoured by a
Id furniture, but
te out that such corporation
ttel mortgage on household
he foregoing that the oorpora-
Such lntar-
a recognition
of the following rule cited in Words and Phrases, Vol. 35,
Penn. Ed., p 561:
go& Ai C, Winborn, g&e 2
Wuoh +qvmesions ‘.&I *pursue the praotioe ‘of
any profqseion or busiUa6, * .,.,. . and similar tarme,
oontemplate a oourde of busltneso~ or pfprekd0n.91
praotioe, and not elngle isolatnd aote ariaing~rrom
unusual oiroumstanoee. Dane v..Br$wni C. C..A. l&&v.
70 F, ?d 164, 165.”
Artlolo 6165a:,~ Vernon’s Annotated Civil Statutea, in 8eo-
ti~oti 2~ t&&at, ,dufi”aa loan brokers’ aa r0mw8:
‘A~loan brvksr 1,~ a paMon, firm or oorpora-
Izion’ who purauetv tha tiuainese of lending 1pDney.
+ purdhitv&ing .aa+arirrr anb taking for .se.ouritp for
the paymant or euoh loan. and ,interaet tbaraon an
as~siguawnt Or3vagiw or ,au~sQnmentor imgtmwith
Powsr or ‘,Attorney, tc5~q0lleot the aama or other
order to2 unpaid ohatta&‘inortgage or bill uf aale
upon household or, kitchen fui?nitur& .v~
Tha fOrsgO$n&.atatuti :wae reosnt4 &niv&ubd by.the Third
‘Court af civil Appeal@ In tha, oasa or XarvilL ‘va. ,,Stat.a,, 188 S. w.
(2d) 869, writ’ of’ error refured,. w that ease the dourt bald that
the definition or a, Loan brok5.r io made to~~depemi enttra4 upon
the oharaoter ‘of :eeourity ,takan for the payment of loans of money.
iYe quota from tha opinion on ‘page 8702
‘Art. 6165a, Aota 4927, l@t’caUad SBBB.:~,~40th
Leg. l 4i 17, amanded Andyra-eneotad, por.tianns a,f : prior
atatutee d6fiaZag and regulating the ,.Loan brokw
burtieee., Tha ‘above quoted pOr.tion :af the aa+ding
act def~$nZng~~a’&an broker made .na material uhange
in the wt3gtkge~ ur the ~30praer .ot;atutee carining a
loan brulieFI Tha deoi&lone oonetrning both the
ofig&nat’:and’: the amanbed :aotr hold that a loan
.’ bra&ra$‘~@ .‘d&fwad ia onw rh0 ‘pureuba’: tha buet
naas. uf lendi~ng munoy upon interest, taking a0
aeo&i~ty themfor an areignnwnt of wage,, I’iir,a
amtt&l~ m6rtgage one houeeholQ..: Andykitnhen furnl-
t,mr Brand v. State, 109 T%x. Cr. R. 96, 3 9. We
(261 4390 Rubbard v. state, 109 Tax.’ Cr.~ R. 320,
Ed+ s. UT. fga), 971; Juhen ~?,&W&!, 86~ Te& cr. RU
63, 216 s. w. ~873; suttoo vi Luvan, ~T&x. Cfv. A pea
279 st WU 295; Mason v*, Qraen,.Tex. (3iv. App. N ii26
9. W. $29; Means,v* State, Tex. Civ. Appa,, 75 8. Wm
(26) 953. ., .”
I-ion. A. C. Winborn, page 3
Wider the loregoing authorities, it is the opinion or
this department that a foreign corporation, with a permit to do
business in this Stats, inoorporated for the purpose of lending
money purohaaing selling and dealing in notes, bonds and
aeour i ties, but wi thout banklna, and disoount privileges, falls
within the olasalfloation of *loan brokers” a8 defined in Ar-
tiole 6165a, V. A. c. s., where it pursues the buekma oi
lending mneg upon. interset, taking as seourity therefor
chattel mortgages on household furniture.
Yours very truly,