Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFIf OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable I. I. Masale County Auditor Xllbarger Couuty Vernon, Texar Dear Sir: r of resent date re- questing II the above ~stated matter. s of September 4th Distrlo t Clerk eal on any copy hat the two ohargee are ldentloal.’ me where one aharga 1s applioable provisiona or Ii. B, No. 642, 49th Legislature, referred to in your lcttsr, as well at the type of rrerrlor coritaaaplated for t&e respeotlre fees prescribed, yc?a are adrisad, a8 follows : (1) *Certlfloate and seal on any oooy” involves the dbtrlat elerk.8 service la preparing a eertlfl- oato and atflxlng his seal thereto, and attaohlng - . Honorable F. L. Masai*, page 2 said aertliloats and oral to s oopy of an ln#tru- mant on lile in his otrioe, when said oopy~4ias bean proparrd by aam psraon other than th& dir-. triot olerk. In thla lnstanoe the oler merely aartlfles that a partloular aopy of M L ntrwmt is a true an4 eorrrot aopy o? sn original lnstra- sent on ills In his oftios, and it doaa not fn- valve the duty of the aotual preparation of the COPYl (2) “Faoh oertlflaats o? any fasts aontalnsd in him ii “lnld th di tlrot 8lork*8 8rrrloes &%ohi~“h2~ reiordi. meparing a rtatrmrnt of the laatter or iaot tovdiiofihe ~ertliler and his aertltleatr to sama. This ir dlatingalsh- able froa the serviaes oantemplated in (1) ia that it ir not oontsqplated that the olerk ln (1) will prepare the oo+ ,of the instrmant whioh he oertlfirn f8 a rue and oorreot oopy, while in (2) It is oontsmplated that the 61erk will prepare tha rtatsmenh of the matter m taot to xhlah he aertltlrs, or will transorlbo name from the original, aa well as maka the oartifioats to suoh faot. ?#a trust that tha foregohg ratlsfaotori.lY anmars your lnquirle*, Your8 rery trulf, &f .:, f ~> ;.‘: ATTORHBY OlcNmALor TEXAS aAB:ddt