OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN nonorable II. E. O&tee County AttOPAey wallcar county ~unt8*ille, TCxaa Dear Slurs op1Alon HO. O-6665 f?Os WhOthor Cldm 8&eiA8t F SC&o1 DlCtrlCt of county i5 legal UAder *a&.\ M.ated. arxl carefully ConCider@ by t irop your requeet a5 iollowt rein 8tated. ~,ff'O8t~lOy(L Vhir;S tO~ChOX' snd it tOOkx18081, df th8 fund8 t0 8#ltiOy a @OlOP5d teac&.-4Ad BalAtaiA a 8Cboo1 for the AegrO55. l'be CCUstee8 of the dlrtrlot triad t0 get 80m5 OAC? to trMSpOrt the VhiLe children t0 tbs AO#WBSt 8OhOO1 but VOF8 UAabl5 LO &3t aAyOA5. aon. II.E. Oat08 i Page 2 hey evCn offered the 1~9 who had three childron (L uere Ch8 oaly oAe8 to astend school) the money they h&d to pay on tremlportatlon if he vould fix up hi8 OUA car tmd traA8pOrt the ChildreA. He refused the offer. Later, the Asoistmat County SU~dALOAdOAL 8we8tedto thi8mthaL he b0U-d the WdreA ia towi with relative8 uad perhapr the Lrur8portariaA could be applied OA the board, but, that before thir couldbe done he 8hoUld emuage the matter meably vlth the County Super- iAtaadWt UldthO lOU& boU'dtiW8 kfOF0 h0 8hould make any wve. HO 8LatOd t&t h0 hAd A0 relatloea but aoUld get a mall warmeAt for hi.8 l&f0 urd th. t&O0 lOhO ChlldrOA t0 8t.y in durw the 8Uhool week and he vould 8ty lA the dt8- trlot. The W8i8tWt 8tate8 tUt 8h8 told the man that thi8 umngement vould have to be qpeeable vith the Cotmty SUperlAtsAdeAtmd the local boularem- bOr8 before h0 8hotid auk8 any WVe. IA8tead Of Vaitiog LO 8oe Whether or AOt bh.0aeY?UqOWAt vould be 8atbfaatOry Md hgti, the WA WVOd hi8 OIltiN iWily md pO8808tiiOn8 iAt a hOU80 ti tOWA. tA ths IIOeAtilM, the a88i8teAt hsd dl8cUlMd th%8 mtter vlth ihe COUAty SUperintaPdsAt 8.M the lOad board Be&era. ~WLe County SUperiAteAdeAt advleed eg6in8t the armmpw~t, urd one loaal baud mea%bor ~88 for it, th0 Oth8r Oppo8edi hOVOVO#, UhOA fh0 Un WV& h%8 VhOlO family clld boU8Ohald pO88088ifM8 iAt0 tow, both bawd m&err were oppo8ed to pnying oUtt UAYWWY OAthO SrOUAd8 thati ttVa8 AOtlOgril rad the dl8triat WA8 A0 lOngOr respoA8ible. The aWi8twt 8Uperiatsnb~rt LheA di8ou88ed the Mtt8F vith t&l d@lNAtJ 8t8t.8 8Upel'inteAdeAt @Ad thr OOUAtJ attorney. They both 8greed that it rould b8 ills@ 80 tho mater wa8 dropped. Ho more va8 hemd from use mau UAti1 school Ya8 OUt. Hap, ho has wloyed a lawyer and co&w berore the County school Board, PPO8SiAg hi8 C(L80 OA tb# @WlAd8 that th0 a88i8taAt Md OAO Of the tl’U8tQ88 had prari89d hii aid. aPlsa8e beor in mind thet the 888lrrutC osde Ii0 proai8ebearrue she &d not taken the matter Up vi&h the 8UperiAteAdeAt AOF the kK?& board &Ad 8hs deliAltely told the am that it would have to be agreeable with them bef’ore he 8hoUld do anything. %orh of the children enterad rohool at liiU&8ville public 8chool MOvePlbsr 14, 1944. The oldesL one in the 0th grade end the youngset One i.A jjOA. bl. E. Mb98 - P-0 t) "'PI/O of hi8 chlldr~, we laths el&hbh grade a tha other la tha third gmde attundad th8 fwst;8VinO 8C&O4#1 WithOUt pcywult Of ttitiOXi. They did not attend the Pina Prairie sohool.~ "The oopy of it v88 8ent trrm8fer or a to th8 Sb*te their promta part superlntunduat and Of th0 I- POr Uapita fQP tahOla8bis8 Wa8 traA8- ferred fro8 the Palba GQWOA Sahool Di8trlot tb the Pine Pralrle C0mman SChOti Di8triOt. "PRoPoaxTIox 'Art1018 8695, VORLOA'~ ¬rted Stetutol, providaa iA 8Ub8taAOfJ: that eaahyearafterths 8ChOlMLiO OaA8U8 Of ths COUAtJ 18 CollplOLOd, the COW&y SUpsFiAtsAdaAt 8hal1, if Uly di8triQt h8 fever thim tvcmtg pupllF?? suholastlo age, white or COlOFOd, h.WO WthOrity to OOA8Olidat.a raid di8briet a8 to 8a.%d vhfte or aolored school with adjoining 8CkWO1, OtU. Thi8 jWOV18iOZl Of th0 8tatUtb Ua8 AOt fQuoWsd, bowaver, the complaining party transferred hi8 children to IpLne PraiFle, sad bheir proportloAa.te part of the schol*stlo Funds vas al80 transferred to thQ fUlLId Of the PfAQ Prairie OOWOA School Distriot. *AD'l'HORXTIPS "Arbioles 2695 Vernon Annotated Statute8 37 fl'sx.Jur. 943, 800. 75 #aCorksl, Countg auperinteadent vs. Di8triCL TFU8tOfP8 Of Robinson sPrngO~hoO1 rzi8trlcb 121 S.U. (2) SyllabU8 14-50 itlur. bl. 6. o-es - Psg4 5 ‘If the cr~l*lntarit’a Affld8vlt va5 .: wholly true, (ubich 18 not admlttml, but doulod by t.hmcrustboo md authoritiu), the lS.aool -‘, board vould have ao authority to orber t&e )alba c- 8Chool DL*trlat to w tha eoaplalnmt the Bouoy denoudod for th4 r0110viag roaBon41 “(a) hh4 eontraet or agroonut ho . et( LtOl vu mulo1 8 not aut1y)rtud b ylsatuto8. . "(b) Cu.truotu a lo r -t m ma k e & blnd&g qgreemnt vfth a 8ahool pNmn. . “(a) flir ohlldron hav* boai traw- . forrod to ?lw Pr8i&‘i. 8&001 Di8trbt the Pelba Tru8teo8 aould make m aentmot 0~ agree- ‘. rnt oonaomlrq bh4Zr rahoctl lttoadana*. . “(4) B4lth4&- th4 county mp4r~rud4ut nor ttu truotou of Falba Ceaon 8-1 District u-o u~thoriud by lav to a&c4 .ou agruuut rlth a patron to eouttibut.0 a sum of mouy to pay th4 pupil0 boasd in lieu ot tranwartatitaia, b4tmu44, the lav door, not ao provide. T&e truaafor of tbs eUldrm vu mM.8 at2 th4 requert of the aom- plainuat, and, aocordirtg to him ovn rifldavlt ouly. oata truotoe of the mhool blrtrbt -rood to auy- thug, aud aceordlng to th4 t4rtlmaly of t&4 usletanr ruporlntezadent and of the tvo tru4t444 in tin ?tiba Distriot, tlmy told hir, aft.%’ baVa talked to the Couuty At~oruoy, that they vould not 4by-44 to it, tbrt 18, to J&B pqwnt a8 be nov clalu aud demuda, b444u84, Lhoy VOIW dvfud that mmh au pgrournt vould be ill4~4l." under ths facti atatad VI do uot &mm$ive Uy theory up351 vhiui3 clalmant WCaffatr OLD roaover a@.ust Hon. #. B. 04s44 - P4p 6 pilba scku~ol District am3 it is themrom 0~ ~&u&m ~tbd, ha has m leg41 c1d.a aain8t Fdba ad1001 Dlstdat.
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion