. , OFFICE~OF THiZ’ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN . ._. Ti hrticfa 3537, 2. 5.. 1925, fi;:no tk3 cs2fensntP2n &CJ thij CClll!?.‘;~ j’CZ!hf3 norvIc33, ,?f;TX?rj?i?l’ ‘CPCEdtipxl tS3 XJ?l~:~Of tjjts x>i?ti?3r’ZT .z.lSa:C$2.j. Srticlo 3538 ~rovldao: was Coq&zwlll?r, ou’rcacipt or tics rolls, chsll glvs tha uaScGsor an 0rGcr oa tha coLlsctor or his cobnty for the euount due hisz by ths Stats .for-aateasixx ttz State taxeo:r to bo pid cut of tho’first aoixty 00uaOt6a fcr,thztyar. . . .* Article 3391 p;rovidon: ” 631 fdco'due co>lactcd, as ~~~38not c;hom iu*& by ‘Article 297, rapart required still be. collected by t&s iifficor to \rhoeaoffice . ttm foes wxrwl, end sh3l.l be dlspcisad of by oold officer ia eccordqm .r.%th tho prooloicns of this Act. . . .” .~ . Th9 ophlon of Aseh+4nt 2..ttornoy Ceasral X~s08, i;l Fsbz&y ,153$i, reforrad. to in your lottcr, xuled. that *all tees due and not collectofi ~%hezi;t.ha orficial earnlz~ the sous zqtilrx~ frtx offlco skuld &a.colle.ctsd by ths prooant lneudw3t of ths ofZim* ) l%P, a’s t&2 f5u~2!0~0‘Ccnlrt 5316 in Xllls Ccunty v. ‘ilhq?a0n, 66 9. $1. 4% T’h~tlpson hlpa caesed to be tho ‘offioer to W~GS~ofmo ths .ma +w2ruod~, ati haa,nc a~- thority to collsct the ~~oonay .after ha aeut ixat O+- L ocflce. ‘i”kzt duty dcvolrsd uponhIs snoceoscr. . v..” . T&o psi~~iple announced there& ie controlll~ in tha Lrtntont CBE~.,ana tharofors it 1s ttx+ opinion of this espnrtwnt that ths order providsil ‘far In l rticls 3538, eupzii, - hXl0 .bo ,C%VG~ t9 ::r.- SUCCESSOR,vii0%iLl bo ~:~lzzo~d's tie lncuxb6nt of the cf~ici st tira the t&3 a33ess2i;at rolls are flldd *itit you. . . .. Axtsm 3cadl9-a AssLstont basistar& : . -. ._ . . . ” . f
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion