OFFICEOF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OFTEXAS AUSTIN Eonorable 3. L. Curlee, Seoretary / '~ state Board ot Ember Zxaninera Austin, Texas * ! e_*' Dear sir: Opinion NO. o-l@?2 --q 1 3s: Fees r0r issuinfi relimtate~ents r0r Barber Llcen&%mdk- the pr0~~eia.m or House 9flYiio. 27Porty4tlnth Legislature. _ +l replying t0 your .+eaed<‘ret& you hp~3 asked OLU oginlon as to the date om:whfoh goa shall oeaae %zaulhS reluatatezxintsof licenses rm~..theree al Five gollms ( A.cO) and start issuing then for Ten lXillars~(~lO.OO),M denim to lnrorm you as r0110t98:. -. Eouae Blll'?ro..230 oi the Ircrt‘pnlnthLegislature emends Article 734a, section 2'3,of 'Jermn*s levlaed Clvll -tatutes or Texas.: .-,. _ '.V+-.guote from House BIlL'No. 230 or the Forty-ninth Lagiebtup, aa mended2 ai$sh *‘as ~o~owa: ,,’ \ / - ;?Eii~ti~o ll l%a$,6very reglstered.barber ., 20 l end every ra&stered asalatant barber, who oon- tH.uu+ln adtlve:~praotlPtt'or .aervlce, shal1.g~ ntia.l.l~..on or berme the 1st day of November of eacbpiy repew Bls oertlflcate oi registration whlchkghaWbe tssued by the Eoard oi:B@rber ?I- amlnex%, upor&he paymat of a renewal fse or Pl7e (35kaw !Mllars. ~very~~certlflcateor rea_ls- trntlon :ihlch has not been renewed prior to~ttat date shall expire oh the -1st day of :?overJberof : that year. A regiutorsd barber ?r a rsgiatered assistant barber, .:hosecertificate of rs@tr3- ti'm haa expired, .zay,:f~thin thirty (30) :i3ys thereafter, and not 13:er, dive ;-Ascsrti:ke:s of re,zl3trationr3storsd u?on mklhg a satisfzc- tory ;hwlnp to the goard, supported by hia ;er- 201131af:idavit, -;hiok,in the pinion of the Honorable J. L. Curlse, secretary, Zsee 2 Board, will exouse the apgllcant Ior bdvlncrfailed to renew his .certlflcatewithin the tlioarequlxd by this Aot. Any registered barber who retiree iron the prtzotlceof barbering for not zore then rive (5) years zay renew his oertlfloate of reefs- tratlon by saklne proper showing to the Paard, suaported by his arsonal arrldavlt, which la the opinion of t&m Bosrd would justify the Board la issulq~ a certificate to suoh applicant as upon .im original application upon paymsat of a roe or Tea (*O.oo) Dollar5 tisn ruing arri3pitas r55 for making examination.* I ’ The foregoing bill carried an emergency clause, but on eooount or the laok of a reoord vota ln the 'Z&ate the erreotlve date oi this bill is ninety (90) days after ;une 5, 1945, whioh will be September 4, 1945, and-on this aate ior this year you can start aolleotlng the Ten Dollar (lslO.00) roe from applicants for relnstate9nt. Tours very truly Brandoa Slckett Assistant
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion