f I’ . . . .. ..&.... OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN &&rable ij.U. Snith, page 2 uDuring this lltigction there acoumultiteb ap proxlmtely $1400.00 in tnxea collected. Tba money use depo8ltad in jecurlty state Br:nk,Parwell, Texas, in the name of TEXAS-NlW UiXICO XHGOL DIdTRTCT #l, and Borlna IndependentSohool Dlstriot want.6tJm aoney. I oan me no reaaon why thl8 .mney 00~14 not be paid to Bovina IndeoendentSchool Dletriot beaauee it ia all tax money from-what 18 now~part of B:;VI’th IX'CEPiG~31UJT SCHGC’lL DUTiilCT. Will you please a&vim me whether or not there 14 any remson why thle money should not be traneferred to Bovlna Independent ~obool Diatrlot?" /----- CFQ:LP
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion