OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN uertfllgthe o~lnlon of thLs IMpartmat herein, fr in pUrt, aI f011ov81 t bU88 pIy PO11 OOVOM 0 8W'ViOW ar8 FODdOPOd OtlOfth8COWt HoUS 0rld 8 omp1oyePts01~ auoh aa Bulldtng evrtor Gpsrrtor8, Janitors, rtc. tb title es AsrtirtantCwtallsn and Inventory Clerk. If thf.6C18rk l'0ader8hia 65SViO@8 h the CCQ&.sSiQb er.taP~s3bnots taLLa& thsfr tnvsntcwy OF et other County Instltutionn taking loventory and 18 not ren- doring aerator pertalntng to the 00th Hou88, aan hts ratary be 1% ally paid PrQm the Gw8rel Fund Court Bouas pay rof19" p& t. 0. QCPWT, Fag. 2 ;fy to do vist my ba maemaP tn ths exw~lm mfthe duties or OOAf%P-P%d UpOU then. (Eitr I?atfcmll?-mkv. PreeldloCounty, 8. w. 775' 018m 0. ib.1hS OOUAtp BO;Q d’&Q IShCId hYO8 Dla- bPlot, 27!5 sr w. 137). Th8 Lav 18 vsll settledwith ~8fw8noe to th8 authwlt7 & the Cccm~toaionwu'Court, as atated in Taxer,Jltirprudenoe,VQ.11, t. w: %Ct.SSlOA8M' COUl'tQal'.OOUPtS @f liElit jurladlotien,in that th@ti Suthtit~ Mt8& oaill t0 QFdtt8M ~PtUtL'IiQJ to the ~cD@l’Ol lfelfU-0oi their T%S W3tiY8 ooimtiea Snd PM only thoao esgr%srlyw 1 upon them by Zav, -- that 18, Sad StUtUtQS Of th8 Stdte.’ BaP th. pUZ’&30S88 oi thh Op;niOn, Y8 ~SDUD8, th8t th0 CO#HliSEiOA8P8’ COWt 8rSp1Oped th. man amltion%d to pmrform 08l’tSiIh duties in ooim@OtiC'Ii vlth r h8 buaiasraafffetiaO? tb county. w8 umlr~tmd your qusrtion to b8: @a the 88lrPy Of the ~AaalatrntCuEtodim Aab XAveAtaPy Clerk' be legollrpaLb frca tha Fad of the County? oSriers1 .y--" Yawa vary truly
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion