OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVER SELLERS ATTORNEY GENERAL Honomblo Rod Prloo, Chatmu carrittooa JudlelalDlrtiiot Houeo of kproao8tatlvor Aurtln, Tmr near sir: Auditor for ua.atleoot 33,781 state Captroll~ ld w lnv In this oounty tatod Civil Statutor, provitlor lf CouatyAudlton la aoun- r mom inbabltaats locording , o r h wla $ l tax v81uatien la rec r mo r e, lo c a r dla to theg e Co unty do es not h r .llther the Veraon’a Annotated ClrU Statutea, provides: “When the canmlsaloners taourtof a couatr not q entloaad and enussratedin the preceding article shall detowfne that an auditor la a public nscsrslty ln the dispatch of the county% h u slno ~and a lhnll eater aa order won the minutea of said Hanonblo kd Prloo,-0 2 court filly setting out the IYIIOIU for the noaoaalt~or an auditor, and aball oauae luob ardor to IN c4rtlrl4dto tbo dlatrlct J-r barlag jurlrdlotlon in the aounty, uld Jw or Jar shall, if aaid nraamk aonslderod good and auftlclont, to appoint 8 countywdltor a8 pro- vldod ln the p r o c mdw lrtlalo,vho ahall Qualifyurd par- foma all the dutlea MZulXWd of aouut~ rddlton by the lnva of thlr rtito,and vho rball maolvo aa oaponratlon for la188*rvlc*8 la eoullty wlditor m uuluirlulmy or not more than the annual totalaaop~pratlon&d/or ulmyallouod or paid tbo aam4a~orand oollootorOS tax.8 la bl8 county, and not 148s than the annual salary allovod much countyludlbor undo? the gonerallaw provided in Article 1645, RorlaodCl- rll Strtutoa,aa saiaid o?tlolo ulated on Jumry 1, lgkri ouch salary OS the oountyauditor to k dot4mlnd.d uxl fir- 4d by th4 dlatrlctju@ or dlatrlct juda4aharw jurladlc- MT: in the county,a Mjorlty thereofruling, said annual to bc paid aonthly out ol the pnorsl fUad 05 the Coun- %.m action OS @aid dlatrlat j-o or dlatr2atjuma ln %orilalrq and flxln~~ the ral8~ of the countyauditor ahall k udr br ordorand noordod in th4 olnutoa of the diatrlct oaurt of tho county and the clerk thonof ah11 aertlw the amao for obsorvuwo to tho oo~llaalcnora* aocrt vbleh aball be the aauao of the wo to bo noorded in lta llmat.8~ a?- ter thr ralary of the county auditorha hen fixed by the dlatrlctju@r or dlatrlct judgoa,no chsage In such 8alary rhall tborocitor boom dfOUtfQ* until tho b@nning of the nod lnaulng flail yur of tho couaty~ provldod, havowr, my inoroaso in tho acti- of mq aucb county auditor ovoc and lbovo tho anuual salarylllovod luoh county auditorwa- der the grnonl l&v pravldod in Article 1645, ea uld Artl- 013 lxlatod on Jnmmry 1, 1940, ahall only k allarodand paralttcdrlth tha lxpreaa conaontand approvalof tbo am- llaaionerv'court of tbo uouaty vhoae oounty mulltar 1s a?- feeted or nay ba lffoctulby thr pro~lalonaof tbla act; such oonasntand approvalof such ooumla8lonmra~ court ahall bs mndo by order of such court and recorded in the slnuter of th4 crmmlealonera~ court of such county. Provided,said dlt- trlct judg4 or districtjudgoa rho11 hv4 the paver to dlr- continuethe servicesof the county auditoras providedfar in thit article al:any time after the lxylmtlm gf one (1) year Cram the epLolntment, when it ab clearly rhavn that suck auditor la nDt 8 F-ublicnecesalty, am.!hi8 rewlccs are not HtmorabloHOd PrlCo~ F'8gO3 owurato rltb hla ulary.' Artlolo 1645, VOP~AOIS~S ArIaoUtedCivil It lXiStOd January 1, 190, & b & XTtl8 ?OliBVS: "In any oounty brlag a populatlm of tblrty-flrothou- to tbo pre- sand (35,000)lahsbltaato, ok lvor# lo o o r dlng aodlng Podoral Con81.18,or hvlag a tu nlwtlen of Fl?tom Mlllloa ($15,000,000)Dollar8,or over, accord to tbo lert &ppTOQOd tu S'o118, thOM ah11 k 9 bloxmlal J appoint- ' od oa auditor of looount8 axad ?bAnCe8, tho title of Beid oS?loer to b8 county rudltor,vho ah811 hold hlo Offlao for tvo (2) yearn, and who ah11 naelro as aagn8stlan for his 80N1aa8 on@ shmdrd end Tumty-lrlveDollar8 ($125.00)for tech mllllon dollars,or ILLor portiontheroof?ra the e8- aeaaea valuation,the UUIUEs.aal.8~7 to bo oaaputed f’roa the last approved tax bollj said annual 8alaly fram Count ?Undr: Shll,nOt ucood Thno cbaruad bil lhmdrod Dellam dS,600) . . . It 0111 be notod that Article 1646 provldoa La lffo c t th t the 0CUnt.y auditor ~ppO%lltOd U8Id.T the pl'Ovio1o58 Of nld StAtUtO ah11 TOCOiVe l O~&%Wti= fOT his SOZ’V~COS l8 WuntJ auditor an annualulmy a? not mom than the unnml totrlaae- pOn8AtlOZi At&d/orDa-l7 ellwed Or paid the 0880880T and colloct- Or of tue8 La hi8 County and not 1088 than the annusl Da&l7 al- loved,8ucbcounty auditor under the geornl lav provided ln Arti- cle 1645, as said artlclo lxlrted on January 1, 1940. 4ccordlng, to tho tu valuatlaa of Llaoatono oouaty tho umual ulary or OOISQOll88tiOli or tho&r oounty luaitor under Artlolo 1645, &I Setd artlclo. lal8tod om Junmr;l 1, 1940, vould bo Plghteon Xmdred ead Sovonty-flvo doll&r8 ($1875.00), aat i8 the Plnlm~ ulery or ccaponaatloa fixed by Artlalo 1046. The am-1 8mxlmm salary allovod tho cinmty auditor under artlelr 1645 csnnot be PIWC thsn the 8mWit elloved the es8e88or end OOllOCtOr Of tEUt8 ti SUCh cow- tY * The lel&ry of the county sudltor is to be fixed rad dbtemin- ed by the di8tTlCt #Udg or dirtriot jUd@S hpVbg jU,TiSdiCtl~ in the county, end vhere Lhere la more then one dl8tTiCt juae, e majority ruling Irm8t b0 had Y.6detormlnfng md ? the salary ~,fthe county auditor. th/bVtT, if IbtM 18 JSn~ inCI'tR84i.ll tht selary of the county auditor over and ebove the annual aalsrg al- loved the courty auditor under the general lav provrded in Article l&5, as raid artlclc exlated on J8mmr~ 1, 1940, the sane sblZ only be ellovod and permitted vlth the lxpre88 oonsoutand appro- ~81 of the o~t88i~Or8’ OOurt of the OCUtJ vhoao COIIntyeudlt- or 18 afiected by the pTaVl8l~8 Of the aCta lnd 8UCh OoluOUt and approval of SUCK pr9ViSbOnS Of tht Aat, 4d 8uCb COn84nt and A?- >:rovs1of such cmrQlBnl3ner8' court, &1111 be IMdb by order oi fuch cC)u?tand r+xwded l.nthe ainutes o? tkb cmi6slonCPs’ c%?t o!- %Jch Cmint~. leltonblo Rod Prioo, mp 4 Sur nr ir lttg y o, ub lwr dvlr o tl; flnt th a t th 8 8lnlmmea - po8nt1at o fth o Oeu8LJ 8Jito r o fLl8oote88 Cmltt~',18 tig 2lteo n Hu8dr o do 8dk v~t~-fln Dellwa ($l8moo)porurm,uAd thmt hho mulmm aapoautlam oi ulb mtat~ tiltor cannot ntcemd the mual to-1 oapenration and/or salary allow6 or paid the WI- ls~or and oollo~torOS turn8 in Llmrtom cowtt7, four@ very truly, ATTomtT mtxML dr TuA8 * Al-d.11 Vllllu~ AmBlrtMt Wtrdtb# A?PRoYm?a.9,19@ Crloa C. Aah1.r (8) ?InaT AisX8TAm ATTORHU - APPROVED oplnlen ccmaitte
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion