. OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVER SELLERS ATTORNEY GENERAL HonorableL, D, Qrif'fln County Attorney Jim Wells county Alloe, Texas Dear Sir; Your requestfor an he above statedques- tion haa bewn reowlvwd 0,000 rsswsawdvelue- "Thw Commlsslonwra~Court has rwquestwdan opln- ion from me on thla quwstlonand I awwd 8omw hwlp. "It is my opinionthat 'thereIs no suoh Statutw in Twxaa, authorizlzgthw Commissioners@Court Of suoh Countiwsaa Jim Wwllr to wxpwnd Publio fund8 of thw Countr for suoh i~&naly positlon. I ! . L. D, hriffin, lionorablo pagw 2 Swotion18, zf ArtiolwV of thw Constitutionof thla itatw, rwada In part aa..followar thw 18~8 of thw St&w, or 8a ..atll+tlon~and herwaftwr,~waoribwd." Thw SuprwmwCourt of Tbawa, In Bland va; O&r, 90 Twxas495, ooastruwsthis provialon;a part of whioh opinion lss~otwd ia OplnioaHo. O-1919,by *a dwpertmwnt,a8 fol- :" ..I ..* power8and juriadlotion"vwrall oow bual$sa aa~la~oonferrwd )7 thw c!Ltitution. . aJ,a.o &vwa thgm atiohpo&ra itsarwa o&w&wd 'bx thw lav8 of the Btatw. t . ;' It lq thw opl&,onof thla departmwntthat the o,om- mlaaionwr8!~oourt la~%o$ ~utho~l8wd,$o~wmpl~4 oaee vorjcwr under the ?a&.8 aubaiittwdin your rwquwst. Jfware wnoloaFng a oopy of.ourop$nlonHO. C-1919,9 part of whloh VW jAink.ia ia suppor$of.oup,poaltQxa -$8kwphwrw.. IIohorablw L. D; Orlffin, page3 Trusting thw foregoInganawwra7our requwat,wearw Yours vwry truly ATTORRRYORIWUL OF TEXAS B7 (a) Frwd C.A;zzz FCCrdbrfb RNC APEROVEDJAR 29, 1945 a) Carlo8 Ashlw7 4IRST ASSlbSMT ATTORRSY W?lXlUL APPROVRD OPINKOHCOUUIT!FRX BY OS) BWB, CRAIRMAR
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion