OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVER SELLERS ATTORNEY GENERAL Honorable Bert Ironi,ALdminiatratOr~ ‘1 Texas Liquor Control Boar4 ‘; : Auwtinr Texas ‘j mar Xx-. Ford: Opinion NO* c+Byp i A Re: Wheth&iraot r&r Ohlldren, loting through the gmwdfm of their satatef,may mOeIre 8 ~oly;+6tore permttr under the LfquoWmtrol Borrd Act? ,. .,’ “j ; Your request for an o&& u&n the above mbjeot mat- ter is am follo~sr ,.,_, ,C’ ‘. ‘* t *: ‘Leon Kaufman ai S&n Antoirlo, ,Texam, is ldminiw trator ior the estate of bin 4eOerae4 wife an4 he is guardian tar his two aiimr a)?lldrenrho are ehlldren of his deoeased rite. Iho two minor ahildron Inherited au lntrrsat In a p6skagwato?e bolonglng to the ~14 Leoq~hu!'M&n and'-hli'-d#asamdrife. A&. Xaufman, as I undaratan4 It, thawdes&fem to olom the a4miaistra- tion on the estate or.hie dooeared Vfie and meoure 8 l=aoknRe Store Permit from the Texar Llqnor Control Board in hlr om name indlrlduall~ an4 la him n8me an guardian of ,the rstatee oi the two minor ohlldren. 1.. . .“Arti6ie .4i?4 of Vernon’s Civil Statutes, with refer&e t.aOontinuation of business under the Chap- ter covering guardian and ward, reads au fOlY,oaar “Ii there be a farm, plantation, mama- faotory or business belonaing to the estate, and if the same be not require4 to Be at onoe sold Par the pawent of debt+ the guardian or such eatate, UQOn order of the court, shall carry on suoh farm, plantation, manu- faotory or hurinees, or rent the same, as shall appear for the best interest oP the estates In decldine, the court shnll take :Innorah?eBert Ford - pam 2 Into consideration the oon4ltlon of the estate, aa the aeceaelty that may exlmt for the future aale of auoh property for the payment of debt@, or the eduoatlon an4 ralntenance of the var4, 8nd shall not extend the time of rentinp moh prop- erty beyond what may be oonslstent with the intereatm of the estate and of the ward.’ (AOtr 1876, PO i8zs 0. L. vol. 8, p. 1018.) ‘The first paramaph ot Seotlcn 11, Page 9, of the printed Aof reads as follo~m: "'The Bawd nr Admlnl rtrator shall rc- fume to issue a poralt to any appllo8nt either rlth or without n hearing if it barn reasonable grounds to hellere an4 tlnds any of the Pollowinp;to be true:’ 'SeatInn 11(n), beulnnln@ at the bottom oi Page 9, of the prlnted Liquor Control Boar4 Aotr reads as tollowar “‘That the apnlloant irrnot of go04 moral oharaotsr, that him reputation for being a peaoeahle, law-abiding oltlren In the eommun- lty where he remidea 1s bad, or that he ia un- der twenty-one (21) yearm of age.’ *Your valued opinion la requeated aa to rhetber or not Yr. Kaufman's two minor ohl14renr with Ur* Kaufman for thel guardian, would be prohlbitedr under the last quoted seatlon of the Aot, because of their mlnorltf from having a Package Store Pemaitr provided tbat Mr. Kauihrn In otberrlee lndirldua’ll~qualified.* It 1s the onfnlclnot this department that Seotlon ll(fi!ot the Llqunr Control Board Aat, as quoted by you, pre- olud~s tho iwuancc of a permit, such as you mqntlon. Mr. Kaufwan In seekIn* a permit , as tyard~lapof the ertnte of hla minor children, would be mtlnrr in his tlduci*rT capacity and not for himself jnMrldually. It would In essence he the grantlna of a uermlt to the minors, therefore, In the name of their martilan. She statute speoitloal?~ tc;%lds the ls- SUIXJCOof a permit to one under trentFone veal'sof ace dlrect- Uonorablo Bert Ford - p@@?~3 17. un& oertainly doee not OontempUta tbo ls~~saoe Of lt suob permit to lminor iBdireOtly. It im forWdd.n bf neoellB8ryhplio~tion. 0 S-MA
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion