Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFlCE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVERSELLERS ATTORNEY GENERAL Honorable Sldnry Latham FaorWirg oi ,Otate Austin, Texas Dear Plr: 1944, requesting the Oovcmcjr has nade an , or the COn8tltutlon, lne that it will be neceesery for a J&8 io be Lleoted in the 69th Distrlot at thn General Xleotlon on November 7th, we find no provision of the statutes eovorning the.mnoer tt8t a osndldate iOr suoh ofiioe my hsre his fame. appear on the baliot. "In tke lir:htof the above iecto, &ill you please advise this depsrtment upon the rollowing itlqUi2iO8: -1. 6y shot feam zay a candidate for Judge oi the 69th Judlolrl District have tis name placed upon the ballot at the coming General Zleotlon? Ye~~~U~~CATK)Y 8.to .* COW,““ID ..“I--. .--_a..- _I -.._ .--~~~~~~ I* * D”...Y.Y..I . ..IYI”Y Con. 7Idney Latham, page 2 “2. Till it be neoessary for suoh e oandidate to be alaoted by a VwrIte-ln~ vote onlgla In addltlon to the frots atatad in the rosegoing latter, the reoords or pour orrloe rsrleot that Judge= Jemes Y! . Yltherspooa wee elaoted Distriot Judge of the 69th Judl- ~I dial Dlstrlot In 1942. After hi8 eleotion in 1942, the term or orrlce ror whloh Judge Witherspoon waa cleated begsn on Janue?p 1, 1943, end continued until January 1, 1947. (Art. ,:929e-1,Vernon’s Annotated Civil Statutea). Judge Yiitherspoon resigned hi8 oriioe on July 22, 1944, and Honorable John H. Aldrldre was appointed Auguat 1, 1944, by the Governor to succeed Judge iYIthe?spoon. Ye&ion 12 of A?tIole k or the Stste Constltutlon Grovides, in part: ” Appointments to vaoanolaa in orrloea eleoted’bi ihe people shall Only oontlnue until the rlrst general eleotlon thereafter.* Seotlon 28, Artlole 5, oi the State Constltutlm, provideat wVaoanoiea in the 0rrl0e8 0r Judges 0r the PupretneCourt, the Court Or CrimiiMl Appeals,the Court or Ciril Appeals, and Distrlot Oourt8 ah811 be.filled by the Governor until the next suoceed- ing general eleotlun; and the oeoenolea in the offices of County Judge and Justlcee Or the Peeoe shall be filled by the Comxnisalone?atCourt until the next generel election for such otfIoes.W Zeotlon 27 or Article XVI or the State Constltutim prOvlde8: “15 011 eleotlons to fin vaoancies of brfioe In this ‘Xete, it shall be to ill1 the unexpired term on1y. n 2 Hon. ‘ldnep Lnthen, page 3 ArtLola 19, Vernon*s Annotated Clvll Statutea, prOVld48, aAl1 reoanoles 1x1 Ztete or dlstrlot oriloee, exoept mcmbere or the Leglalature, shell ba rllled, unless otherwlar ptorid4d by law, by sppointment o? the Ootsrnor, whloh appointment, if meda during its sasalon, shall be wlth the advloe end ooneent of two- thirda or the Senate present. If made during the r4ooaa oi the S4nat4, the said appointee, or some other person to ill1 suoh vaoanoy, shall be nominated to tte csnete during tbr riret ten days or its aes- ~lon, If rejtoted, said ofrlc4 shall Immed2stely b8oCme vaoant, and tb4 Governor shall, without delay, m4k4 rurthcr nomlnatlons until 4 0onrIrmatlon takea 'plaos. But should ther4 be no oonrirmatlon during the sssrlon of th4 S4nat4, tha Governor shall not thereafter appoint any person to fill such vaoanoy, who hea bcsn rejeoted by the Senat4; but may appoint som4 other person to fill the vacancy until tt.4next seeslon of the ?enstb, or until the reguler eleotlon to add 0rri04, 440uia it 803oer 000~~. Appointmente to vaoanclas In ottloes elsctloe by the people ahall only oontinue until the fir& ~4~?neral el4otlon there- aft4r." The case or Nloks vs. Curl, st al, 136s. "i.368, in oonatrulng Artlole -XVI,Ceotion 27, and ArtIol4 5, 5eotion 28 or the Constltutlon of T4xa8, holda In erraot that all eleo- tlons $0 $111 raoanolea in an oifioe ahell be to till the ub- expired term only, and that vaoanales in the office of Judge or the Distrlot Court ahall be filled by tin Governor until the next 6uoaeedlEg general sleotion and the Judge elected at the general eleotlon in 1902 in ~1004 of the Judge regularly eleoted in 1900, Who88 oilIoe beoame vaoant by death, was 818oted for the unexpired term of the deoeasad Judge onlp,and not for the full constitutional t4rm of four yesra, It 1s our opinion that when Judge AlridE WRS ap- ?oi.ltedto suco8ed Judge “!itherapoon,his aopoIntm6nt oon- tinueo until the first day of Janwry, 191*5,end if a person is eleoted et the general election in November, his term will begin the first dsy of January, 1945, and continues until the rirst day or Januery, 191t7. ;:on. Ydney Latham, ?afls4 Ye have oarerully oonsid4red Artlole 2953A, Verncnle Annotated Civil Statut.48, In ocmeotlon with the qucstlon8 under oonalderfitlonand it la our opln- ion that this statute has no applloetion to auoh qU48- tionr. The queetlon nilturally8rlsra wh4thrr the St8tUt48 or Cooatitution o? thlr Stat4 lmpom~ upon any orriofal the duty to oall a speolrl 4leotlon la 048e8 like the one here lnvol.red. We hare rrfled to find any omstltutlonal or statutory PrO~i8108 lmpoalng saoh duty. Csnerally eg48king, the holding 0r an lleotlon must be baasd upon outhorlty aonferr4d by 18~. Aooordingly, if offloers 4mpowsred to order suoh eleotlons make an ordrr rcr en rleotlon not 8uthOrlZed by the Conatitutlon and laws 0r this 3tet4 ior 8 purpose not reoogcizea by law as within their porrer, such order and el4otion are 8 (St4phsna 98. Dobb8, 243 S. Vi. 710; Texas Jur. GfliX: page 20). Judge 'kltherspoonrellignsd Iit41 oftloe ot Dietriot Judge, a8 above stat4d, on July 22, 1964. His resignation was on the date or the first primary for 1944, therefore, no person oould heoe riled for the offioe of Dlstriot Judge for the 8sia dlatrlot under the84 fa4t8. (Art. 3112, V. A. C. :.I. Apparently, the offlolal ballot at the general election oontslna, or will contain, no name 88 noldlnesfor the oftlo of district judge Ulll488 8 C8Jl.ibOaIIbe plaoed On nuoh ballot befor the gen4ral eleotlon. Gen4rally spreking, the OffiOi8i b8llOt st th6 general eleotion should oontain the names of those who hers reoelred the number Of totes n8048s8ry to nominate, and whos4 nomination hsa been duly made and properly certlrled. (All4n ts. Fisher, 9 S. W. 26,731; Oouoh VS. Hill, 10 3. 7. 26, 170). Art1014 3165, V. A. C. 5., provides for the making by aa exeoutire aommittee when e nomio8t4d of a nor,ilcstioa aandldate for ottice deolln4a the nomination or dlea, and deolarsa further that: ". . . . So executive committee ahall ever have power of nomination, sxoept where a nominee hes dCed or declined the no-in;?tion es nrovided in th:s srticle.ff 25 ;:on . .?idnsyLathan, pa80 5 Referring to the foregoing statute, it IS stated in Texas Jurlapradanoa, Vol. 16, page 90: ‘The anaotmant wa6 dael~nad ior tha protao- tlon of polItIoa1 parties and their mambmra against the uaa ot unauthorIzad authority by axaoutlra oom- mIttaaa. It ie to be noted that this provirdon ap- plies only where tbra has been a prarioua nomlna- tlon and a oaoanop therein was either by a daolina- tloh or the death of the nomInes. An inspection of the statutes make it manifest that tha Laglalatura her onittad to provide any method ror the meking or a party nomination for an orfloe to. be filled at a general alaotlon whara the vaoenoy ooours batuaan the dates rixad by law tOr the holding of the primary election and the anauing general alaotion and for whioh there has baan no prarlou8 nomlnetion of a candidate to be voted upon In the general alaotion. The rallura of the Le&lslatura to sot in this raapaot does not mean that a party ie without pomr to make any nomination when auoh a oontingaaoy oooure. For eltbougb the Laglalatura haa power to regulate nom- inations, it doee not have authority absolutely to prohibit any nbnclnatlonriran balng made. The right OS the party to nominate oandldatrs axlate and in the abaanoe oi any ststutory pro918lons prasarlblng procedure&$ the right may be exaroiaed in any manner agreeable to party uoaga.r After oarerully oonaidarlng tba oaaa oi Gilmore ts Yapala, et al, 188 3. V. 1037, it la our opinion that the executive oonunittaafor the dlatrlot would have no authority to nomlnata under Artlola 3165, V. A. C. .7. An inapaotlsn or the statutes make8 It nanlrest that the Laglalature has omitted to provide any method for Eaklng or a party nomination ror an office to be filled at the general election under the oiroumstanosa herein Involved. In answer to your rlrst question, you are raapaotrully advltad that we know of no way that a parson may get his name placed upon the ball& ot the ooming general alaotlon ea a candidate for District Judge of t:,e69th Judloial Dlstrlot. t:cn. Iatham, vago ‘.-itiney 6 Although tha Cuprena Court, In the oasa oi at al, supra, Gllmore vs. ‘:‘aplaa, Indlostaa that the 2anooratIo Carty of the Matrlot 18 not without authority to make a naminatlon It euoh nomlnatlon Is made under oon- dltlona unregulated by any atatuta law and In aooordsnoa !cltbthe aparty law* snd agraaably to aparty uaagaW. In aonnaotlon with the forae;olngstataiaant,It is to be pointed out that us know or no “party law” or *party usagea regardi- the ~uaetlon8 under oonaldaratloa+ Ye now consider your second question. It Is c!oubtrulivhetharthe name of the ofiloa till appaar on tha orrlolsl ballot at the ganarel alaotlon. If the pub110 eerier- slly bnow, or should know, that an elaotlon la taking plaoa rcr the partloular purpose although a small majority oi tha voters vote at mob eleotlon,by writing designate the otflca rrr,d writs In a name tor suoh offloe, it may ba daolarad to br t!le pub110 will snd a valid aleotloa, but Ii it appears thati It wss not generally known and understood that an elaotlon mae being held ror the purpose or aleoting a oandidste for tha orflaa or Dlstrlot Judge or the 69th Judlolal Cistrlot, and v.here there ~88 no mention of auob OrriO on tha ballot,sorm question aa to the validity of the election night be ralaad. (.CaaCunningham VB. Wean, at al, 96 3. W. 26, 798). If a Writs-in” vote is attamptod at the general eleotlon, this opinion ie not to be eonstrued a8 expressing any opinion as to tha validity of mid olaotlon UXilSt38 and until said question Ia ~rasantad after the general aleotion, althou& *writs-in* rota8. are valid gsnersllp and 8 oandldeta may be eleotad in this marinara It Is to -ba~3uthar understood that,we express no opinion 8s to the right8 or the present Inoumbant to “hold over* until hla 8uooaagor Is duly alaoted or appointed end quallflad~ Yours very truly Ardell Yllilams Ass1 &ant At':rt P\ / APPROVED