811 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN ‘11 Honomtble I. Predeckl countr AudItor Oelverton county Oalveston, Texas Dear Sir: ThI6 will acknou f your l*M roqueat- N an opinion froln this d e above-captioned If VO correct1 letter, you desire et fra tin reg73lar capensatim of c paid ta ruch em- plop88 by the Coun would authorize t or profit withIn of our ConJ!4tItutIon, r posItIons sImultanooullly. Inaident to one’8 aititenship. leutlon (h), pmvtdiag that the d to deputtes, aaafstants and employees tlon olc sorvieee, Is made applloable a popuUtlon In exae88 of therefore, not applj to Oalre8ton Jury few, not being linted by Irtatut*, a~*) not “fee8 of office” and need not be pald Into the Officers Iklsry Fund when oollected by a county 0frioer. In aa8em uheyevty employees recrive jury fee8 in addition to their regular nalarlen, they are not noeivIng extra salaries or wage0 from the wnanty,slnoe jum fees are not considered salaries or wages. Yhey are more In bha haturn of an allowance or gratultr. Jury rorvice being a “duty”, the juror . 812 I Honorable I. Predeokl, page 2 I8 entitled to no coapematlon. 31 Am. Jur., Seotlon 57, p, 597. Most atater, however, have 8tatuter providing a fee for 8uoh 8ervIoe. Trusting thF8 filly annwar your InQUIry, we are Vary truly yours, ATTORRHYOElwRAL OF TEXAS BY A+ -2. /3r-tL - Ii. T. Bob Doxmhue HTBD/JCP
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion