Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

756 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVERSELLERS ATTORNEY GENCRAL iT3n. 3am H. Davldaon ,:o*mty Attorney, Hooklrg CouneJ 3dvellMd, mm8 Dear 9l.r: \ c\ OpinionSo. O-6169 /Lij ROI When former kx a%Saotor Of~ndapendent sohooldlatrlotimlled- rodtt upon the tax rolla&ertaln sohoo -I ,tasm paid, oan his summiww, vith the Buthmity ot the board of mhool trustee&/f the dlstriot'to/so tio,'+aaka entrlm shoving ~~h~~~~u~~~~~~'~l~~.d queutlon'a tb v8oaal llebilltj? \ '; In your re~~~~A~~P~1~~~:1944, for the oplnioa of this de@rtment,