OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVER SELLERS AtTORNEYGENERAL Iiowrable Phil Foold, Chief Uelghta aad He8rurer Mtlrrlon Deprtment OS hgF1crtitws Audiin, Texas Dear slrr ter urubr &a ury mush lf you maloagthellnea ue quote also from the letter you etmlosedt %3 note thrt the laryuugs 8.0 the 8tatute8 which you were Wad eneug;h to uegd us a few dam ZWmzabls Phil Ford, pa@ 2 ago oover8 *paeking for @ale@ 88 we11 a8 8elf- lng and ofierfng for 8Cl8. Ifa8 an interprets- tica of the rtrtute eter been M&I (or have aciy regulation8 been made pUr8u*nt to the 8tatute) a8 to the effect ol t&U phrarr in couneotioa *. . . . . s80tiOU8 IL, 2, md 3 0r mm8 lO@b, VWpion'8 PeMl c%de, tb8 &pplfCalmJ UtatUt8,r0d (u fOl%OU8: wheat flow, grrhu floa,,~otheroercuiia raotlp0F corn an& ~to be p8cked for @le. offemd for Ir8b OF’ 8016 Within iAh Ibt~8tie Of %U -88 it ~ballbeso l&e&L PEova.asd, however, that! r8a8on8ble ruLer,rad regatitlea8 foi ths etti- CbBat'eoiOPceWntOt tbl8 Aat, not iXL6OlWirtCSt herewlt#, md 3nCluding m8mn8ble +uiatioOr BP tolemmcen, &all be mde by the &llUd88iOnel? Of A&l’iOtit~8.” Honorable Phil Ford, .&e 3 The regul8Dlon8 _. YOg eQol@ol$d . en thir 8ubject .do uot cwer the q.milIl~ quertlen~ s.lwo1waa. Ye ere of the 0pl~i~n that the term ‘paok @I! 8+e’ 88 uned in 8Uetiw8 0 uod 3 Of tb8,‘8t8tUte, WWMI t0 “pack for *ale . t . ti tk 868tQ Of .%X88.’ f&i8 OOU8tPUCtiWl 81111avoid any lmt8rferenee rlth iaterrtote and azport ‘trade vhere 8t8odard W8mt8 crad IPM8flPeE iI3 88llj iolltOKlae8 -8, different frm tho8e fixed by thi8 8tatUt8. We ,doubt ip .the I.egi8bMu=e~ lntemcled to by ruoh e penalty upon our StEte’8 lndwtry. .‘Phe St8te olearl~ ha8 paver to adopt reiguhtlonr of thi8 char8ote2. w8i@ht8 8Rd HM8UFe8, 68 0. J. 152, Sec. 2, et req.
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion