-_ - OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS EOA. fobn D. Reed Busosn or Lobor Stetlstios C3pltol st3tion Austin, Faras Dear Slrr e licemed agents rcoruitlng lturel labor usually represent iC?T liior0tball on0 ezQloy5r. csnso.darezG, Yx. S. P. kcosto, dolne business 06 the Aosta Lobor A~efioy, who represents nine diXorc;rt r~oups of sugar b&et growers 3nd 2. ~‘.?cOStaior !ZlAyy.ZrY hYS alIp plied thsso -roul;o wuith the abovo type of lcbor rro?n t*is A-d. =t:to 9 crraat deal of this oolioit3ti6n is a&ried on by zems of odvtirtisezaats in the Spsnlah lan;u.~co ncwsmpcrs and by >03*al o.zrds printed In ZFanfsh. ii smpla of one of the posts1 ~0x3 mod last yeaor is stklchad and marked *,I*. This year, however, wo find that EOA. iiohn D. kw.l, p. 2 .' %?a are of the o;;inion~t?zt asy solloi+-i- tion or advarti3inC of t:':snature xu!:t be dam through a rogilr.rly lioensod Q::ent, uA~A~ hla n6ze and.aJdzaAa la aoao~dggco rith 2ao. (b) or the pmxa so edrsrt?siAg end solicittie labor nust secur6 a license in his nme OS be o;.erstlng iA ViOhtiCA Oi OU? 13K. :-;‘ill YOU plGS3t? FiV3 consldcretion tG tLls natter and aCvlse ziie+.-hoth3r TM ssp2% c&d attmked to y&r lettsr, zarkcd ((En, mdzul tronslazed iras Spanish to F!~~E~,roade as ~ollou3a 'Desr triena: lion. John D. Eeed, p. 3 You hsve wot& In you+ lsttar Soctlon 1.3 (b) OS Artiole lSz3, Ve~ocn'6 Amtstcd Tssos r3czsl io~c. Ii 5. AooSta) sr shy other 1tiz+;1zd e::azt, 13 Secjkc Out Cords BUCb 85 those cor!ed 2.:JvF tt preop3otlve sqloyec:! s~it?lout hla naze and oldrem a~~:+sr4~g Wereon, it Is our o&~ion t&t he ie rloloUx~ the scciion of the oz;loyznt or labor e~oncp lw vhlch you keve c,uoted. Section 1 (:.I, Article E2214, Y?mcu's A;rLlot?-tad Teros Civil L:',ctctes,r.kicl:is a part of the cr,;loyiwnt or lnbor a~aney Irtx, read3 03 tollo;:eI "'Zafloyn:zit or Labor J.pr.t* D?ao!i a:iy p.-rsorl in tlifs Ctnt9 who GOT a r+e orfers cr e:tezpts to procure ;‘r;rocurcs e-~;loyxmt for z;;loy.r;eo,or CSU. S0Cn 0. “.ed, pa 4 .
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion