846 d kJ OROVLRsLLL=I)* OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY AUSTIN GENERAL OF TEXAS I Honor&bla Goorgo H. Shopwrd Comptroller of Pub110 Acoountr Au&in, TeMr D&r Slrt aertltlcats rhevlng the p the dlrtriat alark of -118 County onorrblr Tarry Dlckrnr, D18trlct Judge 394, OM Of thS 8tWXt@8 fO?8bg thS ho 8t8t8, wk.8 pro+iSiOa iOr th. On- VitM8808 in &@08WU- tioM UUder thO88 3AV8. The rrtlcle prOvid88 t&t 'lo ti8e th” S-to 18 th, plrtr 38f&UO8tl~ thV wSQM1 attO-no. of 8uoh VitRO88.8, 8UOh lmMa8 8br11 k fild in the UU UM8C b8 008t8 in fblOnJ ~8678.” It follovr thereiors, 8nd you 8rv 80 bdvlred that you &re lthorl;ed by Uv to py the vhvrlff'8 CO848 Honorable George H. Shappard, pge 2 in que8tion out of the judiciary lppropri4tioa set aside for the wy8hSQt Of 8hWlff8 aO8t8 in fSlOilyCOSe8. We return hsrevlth the sharlli'r certificate. Very truly your8 ATTORHEI[OBXE?tALOF TEXAS U ‘-. Elbirt lioowr
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion