. ,’
Ilozwrrble D. c. Qrear
Sat-4 Hl@way Bngtnaer
*u8tln, Texar
Dear Sir1
tlonr contained in
r8tlng the opinion
Comi88kui of
e 66-m-w of
f TUU8, or any
fae exempt lloenre
Sfmah and raploye4a of the
of the Intrrarrtlonal Boun4azy
abunae of 8my rtatut8 a-
88UUiOO Of 8UOh pht48, do.8
the Contention 8-d at UUfOO City, kl@l8t
12, 1942, bet-en the tbit4d 8t4t@8 Of
Amer ic aa nd M ula o lthorire a nd r ewtlr a th e
IiQhvay Department of 'bra8 to i88ua 8uah
1iWZl88 phtb8t
Attaohed to rour letter ir a lettar frea L. II.
tiVI)OP, &4mIi88iOner, u. 3. im3tiOn Of the biteX7iatiOXUl
Honorable D. C. Oreor, Page 2
B~~my8Co18810n, aacompenled br e 118t of Wexlaan
and employee8 of the Hexiamb Section.
The Cottd8iOn.r 8trtO8 in hi8 letter that eaoh Of th8
named OffiOi~l8 h48 been duly appointed by the Mexloan
Government to lxeral8e offlclel i\oatlon8 in the terrltorr
of the United gtate8, eeoh bea 8 n8tIOnal of Hexloo, 8.nd
not engage4 la any prlvete oooupetlon for geln vlthln ttu
United stat.8 and t&t pem1881On for them to eXWd8* rush
offlalel funotlonr her been duly granted by the Oovernmont
of the United Stete8.
!the hrivention referred to va8 ratified in a
proala&%tfOn br the -ridat of the tlhitrd State8, of-
feotlve JulP 1, 1943, wherein the Artloler of the Conven-
tion, fourteen ln nuuber vrn 8.t forth. It 18 OXpHS8-
1~ derlgnated a aoruulur Oonventlon, the purporor of which
vere to dofiae the dutler, rlghtr, privllege8, exemptlonr
and lmmuaftle8 of aon8uXer offloer8 of eroh aountry. An
examination of the provirionr under the Article8 of thI8
Conventlon fbllr to di801088 any mentioning or referenao
to th8 Intematlonal Bounder Coaalrelon.
Artlale 667%-%8, vwnont8 Annotated Civil Stet-
uter, in pert provIdo8r
. aaid bpbrtwnt ear provide for the
Irruenc~ ~f’8pealallP d88IgMted plate8 to there
uempt br law, and mar provide ZW1e8 mdnregula-
tIoZi8 for tha 188u8nOO thereof, . . . .
Th8 Coav8ntIon herein referred to ha8 the forae and
effeot of 8 treety betveen the tvo aountrIe8, vhloh by the
provlrlonr of Article I, Seation 10 of the Conrtitution of
the United State8, all treatIe8 medo under the authority of
the UnIted States hall be the Supreme kv of the Land. It
appear8 therefore th8t if the national8 in quertion moue
vlthln the pPOVi8iOll8 Of 8bLd COnVMLtiOn, there 18 8t~tUtO~
8uthorltr vlthin the above quoted provlrlon of Artiale 6675a-
>a for ruoh fee ue8pt lIoen8e pletO8 to be Ilrued.
Artlole III, peragreph 1 of the Convontlon, provides;
'Conruhr offioor8 and emp1oyess in a oon-
8tiet,e, MtIOlMl8 Of the State bJ whloh the) CLI’e
Honorable 0. C. Oreer, hge 3
appointed, and not engaged In my private
ooauprtlon for @a v1thi.n the torrltory of
the skte in vhloh they uemlse their irmo-
tiOIh8, 8hll ti OXmPt frOU 811 tW.98, lbtiOIl-
al, State, ?rovlnoIal and Jtunlalpal, lnolud-
lag tax.8 on f-8, vapor or ulmler noelred
8peaIfla811~ Lo oompon8atlcin for eoxuulbr
rervloer, bad the7 8hll k uompt from all
klad8 of ohmqpr Inaldent to the llaen8lag,
POgi8t~~tiOll, UBe OF OiPUUbtiar, Of vOhiOl.8.
. . . .
8eatlon 2 of the above Artlole of raid Convention
prOVid.8 8
‘Thle xaptlona provided ia pangraph 1
of thi8 Art1010 8ha11 l pp1~ quallf to other
offlotilr who rn dUly l 9poInted by one of
the Hig hCo a tma ting hrtler to lxorol8e of-
fIol.al iuaatIon8 In tha torrltory of the other
High ContnotinS lkrty, provided tht ruoh of-
fiOb18 8h811 b8 MtiOMl8 Of th. State b9-
pointing thm and rbll not be engaged in any
private ooau9mtloa for gain vlthln th8 terrl-
tory of the State in vhlah they exerciro their
hrnOtiOn8j Uld provldod furth#r that 9em18-
8lon for tm to lxeral8e rush official funa-
tloar ha8 been duly granted by the Oovernmeat
of the receiving State. The Oovwnment of
th e %btO l p@Ztting 8Uoh OffiOibl8 8hB11 QOU-
munlaate to the Oovormmnt of thm roarlvlng
Stat0 uti8faotoPy lvidenoo of the appoint-
ment bnd rhll Indlaate the ohanoter of the
8onioe8 vhioh vi11 be perfomed by the of-
fIoIal8 to vha the l xuptionr mw intended
to apply."
It 18 further provided in pIngnph 3, Artlole I
that tha OavernMnt of uoh High Contnoting Party rhall
furnirh frW Of Oharm the lkeGe88N7 lXeq!mtUr Of 8UOh con-
rular offIoer8 of the other High Contnatlng Pbrty a8 pre-
8a nt l M@ar OUlUi88iOn signed by tha chief h.outiVe of
Honorable D. 0. Onor, hg8 4
th8 appointing Stat0 and undrr it8 great 8881. LlkevI88
8Uch eX8qu8tUr 8b811 be fUmirh8d t0 8 8UbOrdlU8t8 or
8UbrtitUt.8 OOll8ti8r OffiCOl'.
Ansverlng your nqu88t, It I8 the opinion of thlr
department thet in view of the fozwgolng authorities, rush
MtiOXl418 Of th. United lkxiO8n State8 refemd to in your
lottsr, offlalalr 8nd 8aploy888 of the Int8matIanal Boundary
colanI88f~~&, u be 188U8d 8peOidly f80 OXOIIIptliCOn8e 918tO8
uadar Artlole 66 75&3M, V8Zllo&l'8 Aunotat8d civil StotUt88,
provided oaoh h88 bUn i88UOd the lx o q ua tur w thi8 ‘&Wlla-
Mnt under the prcvirionr of the Convention b8tv8en th8 United
State8 of Ameriaa and Wexloo, rigned Augurt 12, 1942, and bf-
feotlve Julr 1, 1943.
Your8 very truly