OFFICE OF THE Al-fORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN lSia o oth eCo 2nd Judiolal Blrtrlof la 1 eir lwt entioam or &tlcle 2wab. 7o0roo p”r r-r . the reporter. waitted cop108 0, addrereed to tars, 8nd County Auditor sty palwtted PB to usa eportorm la that oountr Lnioa o-3966 and uieadmeats there opinion8 oondderm noe 1 ask that you anaer tbc rollo*tmg’quertiom~~ ‘(1) Art1010 23260 C&sea 811 m8lwiec oi court 2epoctorr *where the oompenrtlon ei uah reporter----la not otbarlsa provided by pylal I&T’ and ram paeeed In 1099. Xc Ar t c e a tt2iiiimuo a sp ec h ia lul a sluld owe wtthia the quoted exoeptloa? Yonorable 2. I. ho600 - pbge 2 a(2) If Article 2322b lo ouab a l9salal -e, UJWl .(a) Ibe it p4eeo4 in lomfemeaoe rith Artdale 1.11 Se0tloo 27 of the Con- ltltutieat O(b) If it me 00 pbeeea OWld it a th o tlida lgCouot~wkue e tk olom2ltloo de#rlbd in Artlole aSO(lb U1 80s loeur aotil 1032 mhewnr &tie10 2m2b me en- loted i8 1220, tbroe fowe prior therota? .(a) if wrriole 2-m lo b wbe it repeblcd by thb au~oaqu 19a9, of utiole 25.260U11ch prwldce ror the eblbry of tke reportor of eeeh &Uelel Die- triot end uky County court in MaSo 8tetet Ina llti8 of this nhwe weald the ‘( 4 ) two or four yeare ltb tutolf ltmitatlrm lpplyt m(s) tko Court deportor for tbe 9fml Dio- triot Court ha8 lerwd em euoh elooe Jboubry lQ!ts,the reporter ?or the 92t14 Metriot Court hem l little wIs l Jeer luvlae. At the time utlolr as220 be6ue OfTootire the a81817 lt tho court 29puPtm for o&oh mart gee Mt rt $2,704i,80 pm rear uua outbar 080 of tke prer cot Court ne)ortre ha0 )rotoeted aame lr mule any ObJaalm to nte of p8y until the fll- thbt log of tke olair owly &8 Jbwy 1944. ff you Lola tkbt Be ehculd hwo pold tha under Artlelo 8m2b what flcyt, it aq, 8e~ld 'YUt~81 Miotake@ bate om the emouot te b0 paAS et tbie t1nr lo roplr therOt you are adrimed lm fallo~e; Artisle 2322b, v* A* C* I., (Aae lP29, 4tst. te6irl~tUPe, p. 991, Ob. 310, PCrr.1) ha0 Doen mIpOr’Sodcd by Art1010 23280, 1. A* C. I. (Aote l*Vtb 4* tcglelbturc, p, 698, oh. 196). the second pb?egPbph of uld Artiole 23220 read0 be felle80~ YOmMblO b. Y. LOYe0 - pye 2 lT&e eaIaPy of tb0 lfflrlei a er th a o d _ reperte? 10 SO& JudlolOl Dlstrlot in up lwnty of uie Itate wlul a po~latloa in woe00 of wo kuedra4 and tittr tbwmamd loaordla~ to tbo last praoaaiw ( wio ~o o ) lrederelomue end wl11rhllew looetltato2 two Or me J0diolel Dietm, la edditiOa ITtSZ iiS+autlea lf truworlpt tees 80 provldd b7 lar, eh01l bO three ?houeea& Dollars ($Woo.Oo) pev aauw~ te be p&l 00 tko eeluiee of etbr ewrt rspwtere ero pair.* (SepbeUr wro) Xho flret pere6rrph U UCr Attlsle 23260 fixes the ulaq of Oil OthOr erflalel ehOP(hoad reporters, uhrc tholr oo~rmrtieo 10 not ltbOrOleO prcrkdsd W lpselal lOr, 8t not afore tkme $2700.00 nor leas cDO0 $2400,00 per axmpl, co be flxcd ane determined br &bo JR&S as thaw&n provided, lo Odd&tie0 to tbo oonpeontieo tu tre0Oorlpt fdbe, be pro- vided for bf 1OO. TMr Attie&* 23229 bOtem Ufwtlre on &gust in, 1933M. lt b a allno ebeen in fome aa& OffoOt, esaept ma mOdi- fled w utlole 2%17a, xbleb beGuna UfmtlvO eo Y&y 5, YSW. geld Article 2!3220is bleo wdifled br Artlolee 2926db V.A.C.6.. mad bJ rrtiole 23260, VA.C.8 ., Lot aOm et eatd lodlCloOtlone lffnt Pitilgo County, Ohloh lloae OO0etltutoe tOe n4Loial Uetriote 8~6 has mwer bad l ~etloa la Osoeee O -+-W7hO. r edo r a l l wae of 19sD ehowM the populOUon 4f 2ldel~o iint, to be n,OO4. the 1940 Peder*l eenenm ahere Its gopu- latlon to be 104,429. Thuoforc, fro8 Jumay 1, 19%2, 8lMO whioh eett UidOlgo County llone bOe oeoetltutrd two ~0dlolal bletrlote, to August 21, 1~th-O cftcntlre datT3t Art1010 29240, upm, tbe eelulO8 of the aoprt rOportOrO tar tbe 9263 sad Qsd JudiolOl Dletriote mere oontrell~d br Artisle Lmlb, eupra . Duria2 eat4 time wah ef uid Peportere tam c?ntltled to l salOr or @OOO.OO pc uunm in lddltlon to trOneorlpt fees. sin0e Auguu 31, l@Sf, bowerOr, OOob of sold m- porters hOe been eatitlal to l eeluy of Wt more then $ 2700ea .00 rleesth a o@ 4 00,00 p erloumr te be flxed and dotertioed as provided W Arti* 2W60 OfOFOOeld. 1m Titu er t&r CIIreplaC:, pur que.timIm maxdt- ted ue anuuod a. rollov8r (1) lo. Artie1.mPmNi ~8* B geacal 1~. (0) x0 .aawu roqulrul. (4) the two-rears statute lf lldt*tioa appliem. citr of uoustea T* ateout, (C&T. App.) 00 8. 8. 40. (Ala0 mea Countp of Caldwell v. Grwket F 08 ta. -1, 4 8. 1. 607, wuich boldr Chatllalt~tioa till run In favor of and lKa $ a r t aotmtlem, in the absence o? 8ome rtmtutt ts tha oontrary). t. B . rlre11ell Asmletaat
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion