... I.. 1 -’ r *...:** . OFFlCE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS Honorable Ceorgo P. Hudson A\ to iarnbh rtatloa- blaaks,~aeoeoeery la forrmanoe ot hle dutlea, County Surompor of County, Tsxas? nnfaeticn requostiqg ng to the abore mnt- dealsion a5 to the rumish- eoessery in mmh 0fri0e to 9283 under Title' 86, Chapter 2, ted !3tatutes Besites among other thln(gr that the Comnrirsloaerr Court ah&l Ml?- aiah ofiior spasr for SP& eftloer at the ex- perme of the County. *Artioie 5287 atme Title and Chapter reaites #et the OoraalssLonors Court shall itwnbh hlra 611. ~e00t58+3rp book5 0f re00ra. *Arti 3899~Ssatlra 2 noltesi Buitrblo oifioes, statfonery and blanks in thm neoersclry perforx1a5or of thrir duties may IX TEE DI8CRYRIC# of Qho O?mls?sionern Court rlgo ba iurnlshrd to wr,",tri ofilocrr end the Cowatp Surveyor is in- . “Of oourae I do not know why the Cooaisoion. OTB Conrt should ex.rrelee its DXSCRI!TIOIf ia thlr m5ttW iA r~fllt3iDg t0 fllrniab IltrtiCAeP~ et0 t0 the Oount Surveyor, but it is appsront that ft his. It I a true that ha ls not a ire offlber DOP ofiioer Wha la paid any nomy owt of the Ofiloetr Salmy fund, but it appears to w that ha 1s a County Otfiaer in the ama ~OASOthat 811. other oftlcsrs are and &ould be iurniahed with 411 MO- easarp lquipmmt fos hir office named IA Mioel )8#b, no. 2. wXindl.y advisa UB ii the County Surveyor eat dwiiAd thet he be funiiahed aa other ofiluerr sro furnirhad with suoh artioles as are emraer~tod ia Artios 3899b, %o. 2?* Artiole 3899b, 3oetlon 1, V.A.C.S., provides aa iolltis! nThere ehall be allowed to County JuU$es, Olarica or the DisCriot rind County Courts, %ier- irf8, CountyTreasurers, Tar Asseasora and Ool- laotors, suoh books, 8QEitlOAWy inoluding blank bail bonds ad blati aomp~ainta, 8Ad Of- floe furniture es asy br tmeraary ior their ofiiaer to be paid ror on the order of tho Oowlsr~oners Court out of th,e County Trowtry) and suitable offiora ahall also be protided’by thr Comwlreimers Coart for sefd oifioarr et the erpenro of bhe aounty. And sueh book8 mad rta- tionery es ara nea4rury intha perlq%%anse Q? tholr dutior shall alro be furnf.~br6 &atioe8 or the Peso8 by scrid Oowdsrlonerr Court. Pro- rtded all purohasea 4arein met be apprvad b Codaalaaore Court, and aunt be made undept L prOviniOA#~ or Artlolo 1659, Revised Citll Stat- utem of T*xaI68* 19257” . 373 Eoaorable aear* P. aa80n, page 3 It la apparent from the ruiding or the foregoing, rovlalon and also from a ravlsn of the hiatory of the leg- Palatlon, - that the County Surveyor, la not auoh an ofiiorr aa omtaaewithin the ooatmplatloa o? the legialatura la on- aotlng thr above prorialoa. Artlole 3899b, Sootion 2, V.A.d.8.. provider that a suitable oiilos, atatiaomy, end blanks naaeaaary ti the performaaoo oi hi8 dutisa snay in the diaarotlon or the Cm alaaloaora* a0w al80be rud6h0a to the CountySulveyor, utiole Sp33, v.A.O.8.. provide8aa roii6w88 . “A Ooku%tJauneyor ahall ba lleo te6 in ossh oounty at eaoh general slrotion for a term of two yaara. Ha ahall reside ln the 00kmt.y anakciep hia orme at the ootithoaaa or some aoltabla building at the oounty aeat, the rent therefor to be paid by the oomrnis- aionam* sourt on aatiefaotory aholdng tha$ .t.he retit la reaaoaabla, the oftios aeoeaaary and that there la no available oftloa at the oourthouee. * Artlole 5287, V.A.U.!?. provldea that the Commleeionera~ Ccmrt ahall furnish the Surveyor all neaeasary books of reoord. It ia our opinion that the atat%oaerg end blankis nantionad in Artiole 3899b, Seotfon 2, 8upr6, era not the aame aa tha books o? record aentioaed in Art1016 $287, aupra. You hare atetod la your letter to u8 that the CorPrlasionera’ Court of Jones Oaunty has ereraised fta dia- ore&ion, and has entered it8 order to the ertocit that ao aupplisa aad blanks be rurniahed to the 3urveyor. YOU want to know ir the oounty aurve or or ir0nes County oan demand of the Cormaiesloaera~ Court 5hat he bo rurnlahed, aa other ottiosrs l ra turniahed, with the atatioa- ary and blaqka as snumemted in Article 38998, 3eotioa 2, lupra . siacs it w~&g aeom rroa a reading o? your let- ter, that them has been no abuse of disoretion on the part or the ocmmleefoner$ in not furnishing the stationery and . Boaorable Charge P. Budson, pago 4 blanks to the Surveyor, it i8 our opinloa that yore ln- qulry should be aaawsred in the negative. It would seen that it is laandatory upon the Comalaalaoera~ Court to furnish the Surveyor all noa- raaary books of rraord, but lb la not obligatory UPM tihm to rurniah aoeh officer rit,h atatioamry and blaaka. Truatiag this auawera four question aatiafclo- torlly , m beg to cemaln Yours *ml7
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion