Pi jl ! :; .. ... :i I i ii b i OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN “OVLRBLLLL”‘ !I- ~rrc.““l”0m”“AI. s Honorable Urn. J. Tucker Executive DUector Game, Flab and Oyster Commiaslon uauon state Buildmg Austin, Texas Dear Sir: This department ur request for an oploioa. Us quote the per of Jour letter: seas100, Forty- 33 of the A&s une of aeinea rg aad hnedy that haa been ounty Attorney of ith charges filed for riolstioa or led Bession, Forty- uld like to be advised ouae Bill 67, Second Called Sea- n&Legislature appear in the Penal id &use Bill 67, Second Called -second Legislature irr force at this ‘3. Baa House Bill 67, Seoond Called Sea- alon, Forty-seooad Legislature been duly oertl- Sied by the Seoretary or State? “4. Does it appear that aald House Bill 67, Second Celled Session, Forty-second tigistitum Honorable Wm. J. Tucker, pge 2 ia a valid law under whlah proeecutlona ~~_ lpay be auaceaafully auatalaed uhan aaaqtnte evlaenae la obtained that a seine or net bra been used for the purpose o? taking fish from the tidal yatara OS Keaedy or Kleberg Counties.” We aaaver your first question In the negative. Our Pearl Code vba re-codified In 1925. Bouae Bill 67 ia an ladepeadeat Act mad vsa not passed until 1931, there- h&, its provisions could not apptir In the Pervl Code of . The fact tUt mid Act doer not appear Iu Vernoa*a Anaotrted Peu81 Code, ln unoffIol~l publloatlon, ia of no lmportame. EIouae Bill 67. la found la oh er 17, pge 33 oftha Qeneraland SpeoIalLwa for the r 2nd Legislature, 2nd Called Seaalon. ’ In aaaver to your leooad question, a diligent search reveals no lubaaquent statute vhloh would operate to repeal this lhu. Tha answer to your third question la, “yea.” The l8va paaaad by the 42ad LegIalUture, 2nd tilled Seaalon, vere published under tha authority of the State in tha Oen- emland SpacIal Iava of Texas and oertifled ta be tme and aorract copies of the arIgIm1 bills on fIZe In the Secre- tary of Statesa Offloe b Nra. Jsne Y. NaOallu~~, Zieoretuy of State, October 27, 19f 1, In 6nauer to your fourth Queatien, ue kuov 05 no reason uhp liouae Bill 67, 422~3 Laglalature, 2nd Called Sea- aion, is not a valid l8v under vhioh poaeoutloaa 188~ auc- aeaafully be auateined. Tha statute is net lo-1 or apeoial vithin the meou~ng of seations 56 and 57 of Artlole III of our State Constitution. SIuoe It oparatea upon a aubjeot la rhlah the people at large are Inteteated, It la a gen- eral lw as&d the conatltutlowal reQUliWeat8 of notloe prior to paaaage of local and speaIa1 lava is not rppliarble. $teveaaoa, et al., va, Woods, et al., 34 9. W. (26) 246. Honorable Wm. J. Tucker, Pge 3 In the event that you do aot hBve acoeaa to the Gene-1 and special lava of Texas for the 42ad Legislature, 2nd Wiled Saaaion, we are harerlth luboittlug a certified copy of Houae Bill 67, reoelvad and approved by the Oovern- or, September 30, 1931. Truatlag that the foregoing fully aaavera your Ia- quirlaa, Ye U-8 Very truly youra ATTORNEY ffg??X?AL OF TEXAS By Tde.- Fred C. Cbmdler AaaIaUat By d.2. k w B. T. Bob Do-hue HTHDrdb’ Enaloaure
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion