OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN llllon of thlir do- titn ha8 bea raa8lv8d. thOU&OOp Of th0 M&S Of th0 6OUTitrJ ULd 8holl provide fop aarpanmtion to the county 80atlnm4,0rth8roodfuad80f8nydamied dirtriot OF authorize4 8UbdiV181CQ in th. cOtUtt~, tOr 8UOh -10-t Of POsd 8quiprent. i L..- 655 dU8tiYbW88 Or th0 80 fxu woldablo vu urb 1088 Or PPOdUOtiYBW88 Or 8g?iO?m~ti OMp8 muer88~7 to th0 pUbli8 ~e~~ieJ,k mlui8m to Wb t& aaohlm tw k mad. wallablo w x0 00~~ r0p 8UOh ptlrpoH8 UZtdW VPittbZk O~tlWt, Ukd th0 Count7 8hall ~8olve 141 8uah landovnon and tupo- s-P--t-, rwh \mifon bo- rir u ry k duud 8ad proper, rOS th, OO-OJHFaOfA Ut8&d U&d 8WiaO8 FU&d~nd,&ll8WhO ration OP itmdr to th.Coaattokpaid T to the Road and B-o tUIkd Or &I cOt&YJ Ud fibI3i%UIX~ 4kY8d88iO#X- ~~m~~ U7 PFO~~& rOF P48Ib?Bt8 rM!iIIi&&id- ama- 0r th8 County at rush 8ktbd 8 Ud in 8Wh a8OWIt8, a8 and - th. COUUty t&X@8 a?. oolleoted, a8 ry k lq r r ik br0ri0, th8 ~a or th0 0wp8~t r0r tk pPbtO8tiUSk Sr i&8 agdWt Oolltimting ir- mearumbh in&a7 through roil ororion~ prs- rldod tb8t tha Conl88ion8n' court or nprs- 80atm th0m0r 8hdi m g0 up0n th8 lrad Or WU OV4W t0 kpr0YO,, t8FP600B pFOtOOtB OC dit8h 8UOh hU4d Wtil l'O+@W8td t0 d0 80 in rritln# b7 8wh W,J u%d pr0tid.d f’twthe~, that tha OarirrlOner8 aourt O? nrenta* tim thOmOr 8hdU BOt b0 ~0~0d ne 0 d0 8UOh bprovhg, torraolng pFotbotln8, and bitah- a tie88 moh t%W& 8hau dbtOmin0 that 8Wh VOFk %8 Or 8~ pbli0 baruiit md 8cid COwt d.088 to do th0 VOrk. AOt8 1931, 4m Log.; p* 81, oh. s3.a 656 RcanombleCharlm lLIbrth,taao 3 wt be reooired fram the land ounew and lF 8 under VrittUl 00lltF88t, PpOn 8a r@tabl8 UZLiiOZW bar 8, iOr krpy thb 00.OpOPatiOJk UkUdd Uhd 8WVlW8 WidOlWd, 8U6h Om pea8atio8 to b8 id into the Road a Bridge tuud 0r tha bOUU~, Uhd 80tt f& Ug l 878tU iOF -#It8 ti 8uoh land oYn*n u&4 tupapn. ~b?thOabOvO 8khhO the 0~88~Oaw8' OOUFt or X'O~l'O8OXhaktiVO th0n0r l8 not rOqU%rOd to do th0 VOrk Or pnY8ntb# 8Oi1 lPO8iOU, UIhl.88 raid OOWt lh & 8t0 do 8Oe underxi thb atroum8tanaor pnrenka to the OQ- ri8810n~8’ 00wt,th0 aourt8bmld rhd thdbullding 0r a lab or pond, U80 Or thb XV&d 8qoiEMIIt Or th, OOWtY~ VOad pFOV& 801bl[ l~08iOa Or OgriOUuU*il ud 0th~ h%d8J mad thefindlas ah.ouldfUrthor k uada, that no duand or 8wh lq ti~Uttfor thb 8OrViaO Or build- and thm UpkO8p Or oOV5t7 ?Ordr VU inlmAwJ Mid 8Ugh iinbing8 VOLW Ont@XWd UpOn t]u miXaUtO or th8 aOUt, it iR OW 0pbiM that a aOntFaOt rOF th0 \I80 Or th0 Uohln8~ rOF the COa- 8tl'UOtiOD Or a l&CO rhidh-pl'OtrOt8 8wh 1Mld8 WiWt OFO- 8fOl¶ Or 8Oil vould k PFOpOP. or OOW81p th@ p~O~~i01k8 Or 8eatiOM 3 8nd 4 Or AFti 2372a, 8UpXm# a8 t0 OUpa- ration, oootraatr la rrlting, lto., 8hould k f’ullf ut. Xn ooktwotien With thi8 OpiaiOn it voold 8ea thottbto mou or 8Oif lX’O81Oli idoat* thb war- %b lam% w the lotlon or vat8r. It 18 not at 3 z%vable mt &pop 8iad OOAditioM aotild Ui8t vhen w 0oDutmotion 0r aTak 0 orpond aould n8Pltin pPOV8liting8Oil ll'O81OIkr xr thi8 OoPditiOZh 8Ii8t8, UAd w ri#?d$Zb# Or hut k, t&t OrrOOt i8 tie b7 tbb OOn%8- 8%OlhOP8' WUFt, it i.8 OUF 09iaion that 8UOh a 8ittUtiOll O-8 If&thin t)u bPOd telu Or tk 8ktUt8. 657 Ronwablo IaBFler lt.lutla,t~o 4 Bu raet that liV*8tOOk OF hhmbitantr, iaai- dOJitan7, Bi&ht UU th* VatW 80 %RpOWd& Yattld not, inOWOplni~,ti~F8Uoha 8itUAtion,JWOV.ibd th8t thopurpO8. or the OFi&I& eon8tluotlonaadBalntenana~ 0r suah paa4 OF lee 8erve8 a8 a pmmotica or kad8 ~kut8Oi&W'O8iOW
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion