Koeorable H. A. Xodgea
opinion HO.
epartmantof date
of thi8 departmat
y on,
f the Ohalsman of the
.&~a, a8 I andur8tand the
xt &~3~4ra2aieution. I am ewe the
Superintendsatcou2d not aontltme to
mown, 5.n armp way* after the term for whluh he we88
eppointdl arpired.
Raaorable H. A4 Bod(r8 mm 2
lnto the 0. S. Ravy and lo now 8orvlag %n the 3savg
and rcsidlalb Opo~lfMof 'Irllliuum Oounty? Ia t&L8
618b 18 lt 8 p~riral teeensy aa 8et out in S. 8. MO.
r45, Chaptar 13, Aet8 o? the @?th Leglsl~turo, Begsdar
*Daba the Glll*iDeputy er the Oa. Bahool 8t.
hare 1-1 authority to act la hi8 stead, u&w h 78
bond an4 roerite h ismalazy, llther directly or &A-
*If the lewe of abmacrr 88 qmk4 bt the
Coanty 7dure of IiPuaatlba 18 le@ would the tioh
thet the rife of t&r &apt. wanra polatetl aa an
a;satant ln the otitre be bars s by the PepotLu
"Ii a lacrw of lb8snu euy be le&ally ltaa
by the &ho01 RoarCI fm ah&t Len&b it tirr ta 1%
Tib uthe Btsts De llr unto fFQu*atisz, h it*
8ny authority, 1-l sutI+?#
rity, tn ury war in 8m&
mattar a8 abbm outline@
"As a$81868nt in bb* 8tab m r6laentOf
Mooatiolr inform4 the County8~tlaar Llngarlntwulmt
that the Ommty Mmrd e? lWdlroetlonhad tha lo #o r lt
to @rant a le8vr of lbroaor, ma ia this oaaa) a~4 ?L
6t8te Reputmant ai Rdaoatlp*~weeomi8bb eoeh rot,
u legal mad reveml oo+aatl*r ww* noting w&o it.
*It ir my oplnaioa,al8o tbr ~e@Am a? the 00~.
ni88ionbrr Court, t&et a vdoanoy axhats in the offior
of the4 Eounty sup*rintrntsactbi wll2iuraJl euJl%y 8a4
it ir thb leg01 duty at thr Court to appoint a +mbbrma.
-Aa thi~a tnatkr Ls urpnt at this tine I 8hall
weatlg appreol6te em oglnlm at your serlle8t efm-
Your tirot qLxl8tlQnla:
*Due8 the CouatjrNW& ot Maas tioa ha+e Irgti
sathority to grant a loate OS lbaanob to IIEOUIW
$&ml S&perfntendsatwho hsr berm indust+ iat0 the
xhit& Stabs #avy aad la now serving In thr locrvt‘r’
TOtv first qUO@tiOA i8 UUM’& iIl the aO&d.itO.
aoe opinioan non. O-3344 and #d?lO written br this depertmeat,
‘eopier ,oiwhich aredhereto ltta a hed.
Ssaond quertionl
*In thie eaw is It a phyaio~l rbonncy a6 aat
out In a. 9. 53. 145, @&aptor If, Act8 48th Le~iaSattu*,
IbgulnT 808810n?-
Your SO~O~h quutlba 18 nnawnrb4 la 'theasgatlvb.
au opbIcw ho. O-5433, written by this aepartaeat, a oopy
of uhlah I# harrto attaohed.
*De18 the Chief P~putg of the Oount~ Sehoel
suprrlntraaant hats &~&l ~atharlt~ to aet la his
StbAd, lUl48rhi8 boAd aA r6601vO h18 UbTy, afther
hir5Otlj + tB$iHetl~."
Tear third qurrtIoa 1r aanrwed in l&o lte6atIve.
the O&la%OllOf this ~OjWtEWIt HO. .0-3295r a OO,lYOf *hibh 18
horeto rttaah&
fourth Qur@tIanr
"If thr hare Of Ab84iM8 @a @O&t& by the fhUQt~
BOUd Of ?%hMbtlofl 18 le&bl llB@lct the fatit that the WifS
Of tb SUpWtIbt6nbAt U55 5~pOiZlt.8 85 58 USiSt5lIt %lb thr
oftioe be b*rrud by the Xepotiu lr+p~
CUr aamer to JOW 81Xth QU~StiOS IS thet SinOe il
16Atb Of Sb@UlOe MLlMt be &WUlted tB the SahaQ1 Stt~Urfnt'JadWkt
by the oawatl Beard OS Fauaatloa it m\tld br coatnrs to the
~opotlsalaw rw a Countg Board of ?fdtzartioa to a, &at the
rife of the sirperlntsnbulnt ae an rarafntaatIn suaI?offiae.
8eb opinion No.+4973 nlttsn by thfar6epartmWt, a copy of
rhioh 1s hereto attaehel.
Aom what has bow aal5 above tt fn th$oa&t WII
n6ebnS@rg tQ 5ASWbr YOUr iif@ QU6bt:hll.
Very trnly ynarn