Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

G%rald c. A38nn Attornay General (COPY) Eonorable Jo&ii tee Smith, Chai.rman State LogialatireAuditCQn&tt&e Konorable J. I;. ~itireca, Secx+etary State Lnglalative Audit Co05lttee AU8tl5, Texas Gentleman: Gpintlon EO. O-5507 lZ%2 Salary to be paid state Audit& and hia Pirat A88i8tMt, Ud%r &ul%ul,","" NO. ", f&h Leg- * W% h&V% YOUr l-%qU%8t iOr W ~O~iIli.On M .the fOl.bii~ qU%8tiO22: .' id Benat%Bill27,48thlagialature,wa8rins~. apprwed by.the Senete on Her 5, 1943, by the Hoah on ?&y 7, 1943, and by the.Corernor on &y 10, ;19&3, It beaenie effeotive .a~~ ~43law nUmty dlf~p artier adjourn- .%%nt ~Of the L%&latur%. Pdrtio2l8 of it p%rtinent to ttre qu%attOM 8Ubdtted are2 "seation 1. Ltoues Pall rao. 170, Chap- ter 91, ol~~tae Aorta of the F&ret call%d fS%8%iOKi Or th@ l&t ti&Slf#.IAr% Of then Ytete of T&es, 1929, be end tb+l same io hereby ri~paalad, MVS and ctxoept t&it the; Stat% Auditor &nd iXfik&moY &xp&t nnd~ hi8 85@QTPi8 shall 00-U% t0 di8OhargQ th8 runotio5a or T.h%orrio% under @ueh Honorable John Las Smith H0uaa~Blll NO. 170 UIltil a Stat8 Auditor he8 been appointed and has Gualiiied under the. Of this ht. telYIS8 upO!I the C$.U3lifiOatiOh or a i5;tpit.O Auditor under the tcme of this at, ehy fur&i rwmlukng ln the appropriation ror the current biitnalum ror thi3orrio% or State Auditor and &Pflciehoy -pert sad iOr the Auditor provide& in Seotion 18, Chapter 212, Acts, Kegular session, 40th iagialatuxe, my be wed bp en6 are appropriated ror the ofri08 or State Auditor pxwided ror Fn this Act, 8uu-t to the provi~i0nO hreor, In ad- dition, thtm8 is hereby appropriated ror the rereeinder of the current bftnniurc the sum of Fiftteen ihiudred (~lSCC.00) Dollars or so'muoh thereof 08, together uith appropriation8 traus- ‘feW%d, iS neOas%%r.y t0 pay the State AUditOr the lstihry hfm3inatter providad." "sao;~ll. . . . The State Auditor phall rsoeive for hiSmllrio88 ooslpnnsation at the rats or ~7,500.00 per annum uutil Septsmber 1, 1$&5, and $h%reaft%r8uoh s\lplasi~ap.b% pro- vided in the biennial approprietion bill . . . e All. suma appropriated to the Stat% Auditor ror that departmnt shall ba expended uud%r the amotion and sutrdeot to the control, or the h3&8l%tiV8 Audit hIMl.ittag. . i . The %m of 110 assistant sudftOr shau 8XOe8d the sum Or FOUr mOU8WAd TWO Hundred'(#kt24%0()) DOi- hr8 &NW WMIi2, 8XOfiipt the First A88irrttit, whoa% salary shell not %XO88d Sir Thouaend ($6,CCO.CC) Dollar8-p8rsnuu.sl. All such 8ssi8tIKkt auditors . . . . k&i i8 namsd and appointed by the State Aud6tOr. The aal- ari8S paid ShS~ in 50 8~%&kt 8xOesd the amount8 paid in other dqmrtaat8 for slfslle~ 8%mlfOQ%.~ The lafiguage or the Aot is p1al.u. FEOEI ena after the sppointwnt and qualificetlor of a State Audi- tor, uuder.&nete Bill 27, his salarT la fixed by the Act ltaelf at $7r500.00 per anma. The Act, by ll80%88%J7hi- plioation, authorizes psyznent of e salary to the Slrst irBtd.Btant State huditor whioh- doe8 not eXu8cd the salary g&d for slmi.lar sarvicas in other dopartmehta, but in no Eonorable John Lee Sa&th Bmorable J, 5;. llaf'ree - pag% 3 avent more thao Y6,000.00 per ahsam. Th% amaunt or th% snlary to be pc?ld 1s tombe fiX8a by the L%&d.%tiVe Audit COJi’dtt88, wlthla these limitS, ~hi2iiiirioulty is not found Ft the A0t ~itsOir, which 18 p18in CUld Olftar. such questioca as-arise are presented by that'section Or the iiepartmhtal Appropria- tion Bill 5a;Cl.h~an appropriation for the;State Ru&itor's iIepartsmt, SQd by Senate Zili 363, i&h Lergislaturta. Senate Bill 363, 48th Le~ielature, was fIna-& approved by the Seenets on April 29, 1943* by the I-iouse,013 -Y 5, 1943, aEd by tie Governor oa Zaey 8, 1943. It be- OSCJB effeotive &a a law at the fmze taxsent as fenate ?31ll r7 - nLasty daya after adjourm%l;t of the 68th Legisla- tilT8. It provid%a iri part: We0tio.u I. The dlar%ea'af all State orslo%ra and all Litat% fmploy%es. . . shall b%, for tha period h%&si""Lan,~8ptdb8r 1, 1943, and ending Septemb%z 1, 3.965, in suah 8wns or a!aouute a8 s&y be provided for by th&,egialatum in the general appropriatinn~ . . . . .* .-~ ‘2.80. 2. All lSWS and parts OS 3AW8. riring the selarian or all state orrioers a35d 8R@O7@&4 . . . . ara h%r8by ~peclSioally MpCd8d innsofar as they are is confliot with thla Aot," The rh8t qU@8tiOG arisiag is whether ttis prcvi- sloua or senate BLU 363,:48&h Leglalature cavern Senate MU. 27. Fro5 Septfmb*r 1, 1943, to kU&li8t 31, 1945‘ is the 8tate Aiaditorwa salary ~7,500.#0, or that amuut'appropriat- ed.th%r%Sor In,the D%partm8nt%l Appropriation l3il.lP bad 2.8 th8 sutthritg to xontraot with the Firat Assistant as to hi8 Salary lls&t%d by the ,term of &mate Bill 427%'or by the amouut 8peotSied for that psaitiion is the D8pVdS~t81 Agpro- priation Bill? IS are of opinion that, as to these matters, senate 3i.U 27, rather than 3snate Bill 363, okmtrala. These aeta were pesoed by the same L0~8~attilWi they are in parf liiat%ria. In 8uoh ease they me to be construad together and harmonized, if poselbla, so a8 to g.Svo effect to each, The pIYXiSiOa8 .OS H0norabLe Johg Lee %ulth Eonorable J, L Winfree - pa@ 4 Senate Bill 27 ar tci be.kad es though they~were lpaor- poreted 5.n Senate BUl Nj63; thus read, the rpo~i~fO&~ Of ;;dnste Sill 27 aonatltuta en exception to the $ecural rule provide~d bf.je0atc Sill 363. 39 rexi Jnr., %t;ect- uteP , Seotion. 13~~ pp. -258-260. The next question is, whether an appropriation has been nade to pay the ~~7,500,00 salary of the Six&a Auditor snd the selary of the Fi$Wt Aasi8tent us fixed by the Commlttet5 under the authority of Sonsts Mill 27, dur- +ng the .bLmniu~~ be&inn&g Septeiu@er I, 19436 The'appropriation to the Ytate Auditor for the en- suing b.le~~&wn provides lg part; **r* @tete Auditory and &~,f~f~en~y ' &xpert .,*y.........*...................$f&xMo s&,600.00 .'*;Li First &mlstant-State Auditur3,6OO.oL,. 3,600&O w . . . . ::; "r'Phs"~~~f'aPproprlated'ior %ha State ,Aud%ti0rla ,hkircrbyeppgproprietedto tbe Legis- lative Audit Oomm$tted oocnrcline,to Senate Rlll 27. A&s J&omdar'Sesid.#n. 48th Lerrlala- twe should nuah-bill beoome a .h. G addi- tllotiaprlated t ere to the Zagi6latlva Audit ColPsritteeto be expend- ed for.8ad on bQh8lf of Senate Bill 14~. 27, l&s rce*ar Sosblaa, 48th Legislature, the * or ~~o'~OOOiOO per tlsaal year, should suoh bill baooma 8 ltiw.* (Unpheslmd). ft sse~U3 8ppareat that tbo.Leglslature wee in doubt ihethel’ SBnate %iU 27 would beoom e lSW, and pro- vlded the~addltl~nell $50,000.00 per annun in the'rldax above to the k@alativa Audit CommzLttee~to be eXpandad UR- der bh& t@rnu and prwiaions sf G&ate 3111 27 ahouk4 it beooma a Law. In our oplnloo, tha itemized aalariea set opposite the TN,ete AudLtor” and "FIrat ~s%P%txmt*'w%re. irttended to oootrol tha oocapeaaation for these positions only it samto iall 27 should not booom law.; xt folbws that; I& our &d@!isut, the ~50,800.00 epproprlation 1s avuilnble for pagment of that portJon of the Stste r,uditor*s Honorable John Led &nlth Eonoreble J. L. Xlnfr%e - page ~5 aelary'providttd in Sariate Bill 27, repr%s%nt%d by the diffurmce botwaeu the $6,600.00 ltdzed end the :;~7r50tt.Wper annun stipulated in senate Bill 27. Lfke- wise t&s $50,000,00 is available for payment of that pa&on of the salary fixed try tha Commit&c%, under authority 0~" teneteBi.11 2'7, for the FilMi Ao8istant Auditor, vihlch exceeds the ~~3,600.00 Itemized. 'i;%und%r%tend no inoreeuo iE the S515ry Oi the First .kssls+ent~Audltor wuc matla by thr CUttee ~to take %ffect before Septmabar 1, 1943. This rrrnders unneati%- eery e aon~lderatlon of uhethef an lmr%aee,ln the salary of thU Plrat mslstant for a p%rlod of time before Sapten- 3:r 1, 1543, is affective. iis to th+:St,%& Auditor, th% hot 8~sdiQiooll.y provides $19500,00, or eo nuah thereof as teken with thi:appropriation alraady medr: end trenafcrred by the Act, mey be.n%c%eeery to pay the pro rate pro** of th% stat& Audltor*a salary of $7,500.00 per y6ar aOODtl- . lag durlna the p&rlod between his- appolntek%nt aad quelifi-. - Oation, udder seqata alll 27, end tha epd of the curs%& risctil~ ~06~.