504 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN goaorable E. Y. CunnlnghU countJ Auditor mvarro county ~orrfaaau, Texas par Slrr Your letter of Jul or thl8 .d~pmtment on t .: ing propo81ti .C.S. providorrthat the County 1.00 fn full for hi8 8erviacr8 It 8Wllu t0 8tO that io 88llUW- ,+,,ing t&S 6bove qUe8titXtit f8 ZUK?O88UZ’~ t0 dhW8tine 'ubethsr the reaordiag ire for puttzsq the Dead of rsoord is a part of the 8ervfae the Clerk ir required to rwler ror the $1.00 2ee provided in Article 7332, or vhether he is entitled to addittonal caapen8etian for rcoordlng the deed.” Article 7330, Vwn~‘8 Annotated Civil Statut48, pro- *idea2 505 “m a 088.8 in VbiOh b5dD hWe bOWi aOld, or say be 8016, for def8tm La tba of t.u.8, p8yBent the 8harfff ulzing tba 8uln. 6r 8ny or hi8 8UOO.W 80P8 in Offi.08, 8kMfi m&O a dead W deed8 t0 the purohuor OP to any other pbP8QI to vhan the puP- Oh88.r m8J diF.Ct th deed t0 be tie, Uld aaJ 8Wh dead 8bll be bid la any 06urt of lau or equity in th18 8tAte t0 108t m aad &WiiIOt tit&e ti thr purob8ar theroot, 8ubjeot to be lqma6hed oaly for rotual Sraltd.” Artiola 7328, Vernon’8 haoUted Civil 8thUt.8, pro- V1488 iXi put1 n Whom the epwty lr bid off to tbo 8ttrt.,*tie'8heriif8h*1r Wk. - 8XOCUtC 8 deed to tha u8w fitate, IOPM to be pra86ribsd DJid fur- airbed by t%m@irOlbP, the 8bOUimyl iSi OWh 0aW, th.uloUQt Of -8, intWW8t, tj ti OOlt8 iOr YhiCh 8Old & tbr QhPk’8 r-l 088 tot Z’eOW~ deeds. Ii8 Mll Oau8e 8UOh dwdr to br PeOOPded la tha cocord of doodo by the oopaty slerk In hla aounty, 8nd Vhea 80 Pe6OPdUt, 8h811 torvapd the - to the Comptroller. The c6uQt Glee 8haJ.l ba al- titbd to a tee 6s maa dollar i or r8eordl.a~ tta6h 8UOh f.Od t0 th0 8-t(l, t0 bS tuced 08 OthSr dO8t8. . . . &atioa 9 of hx'tli%la 73&b, ~O%'EOn'8kW0trt.d felVi1' 8tatUte8, pl’OVide8 in PW’t tb8t 1 lktiole 7332, Veraon’r Aaamtated Oivll Statute8, pro- Vldm la paPt I I . . . . “Provldrd, that the fee8 bewln provided for in oCXU&eCtbllUith ddilLQUOl&tt88 8uit8 8h8al1Cm- 8titUtr th cnrly fees l&W 8hAll be ohW&%d bx rtlld scmorabl. P. Y. C -1 Ras.4 * Bavarro Oouaty has a population OS 51,308 lRhabltaI&t8 loeording t0 the 1940 Federal hU&8U8. Theofor., the oouaty cff1a1.18 of 8ald oounty are compen8at.d on an annual ralar bar18 am required by Artiole 39l.28,Veraon' Annotated Civl3 8tatut.r. h 9118V.l't0 yOoUrtJW8tioLk,it 18 OU OpiniOn that are the 8tate of Texas 18 the puroha8lng unit the oouaty olerk i8 entitled to the 41.00 fee a8 luthorl8.d by Artlole 7332, 8upra, & the addltlaaal fee of $1.00 for recording the deed u author- 1s.d by Article 7328, 8upr8, to be taxed a8 other oortr in the Oal.. When the oouaty 18 the puroharing unit, the oounty clerk would aot be entitled to eny addltlonal oompematlcm for reaord- lag the deed vhea the raid deed 18 reoorded by the county por- Oha8ing the real property. Xa other Worda, uhen the Cmmty i8 the $UPOha8ing u& it,th e4 1 .00 i0. lUthor18.d by &tlOl. 73l)p18 the oaly oompennratlonto vhich the county clerk would be legally entitled. ~xt i8 OUT fUFth.l’O@IliOIltbt Vh.ll~ OthWt8Xil%@$ wilt meatloaed la Article T)45b, VePam'8 Annotated Cl~ll 8Ltat- utel, puroha8er the property aad ha8 the deed reoorded, the ooun- ty clerk would be eatltled to tho regular reoordiag Se.8 a8 au- thorlaed by law. Bouevw, ia oouatior where the county orrf- Oia18 We coapencated QIIa rabty ba818, ruoh ie.8 rhea OolloOt- ld must ba cbpo8it.d ig the Om~W8’ 88-y had a8 c.qalrod by the Offloerst 8alary Im. In Other POti8, the OOUnty clerk vccld not be entitled to retain raid foer perccnally ln oountler s; the county 0tf16.r. are compuwrted m en aonuel 8alasy . xOlU'8VWy tillly ATToMBYoBBBuALoFTBx48 AM.11 Wllliau Ae8letant
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion