Honorable John W. Crudgington
County Auditor
potter county
Dear Sir:
Opinion Number O-5493
lb: Construction of the decision
in the Co&ran County Mmdmmm
Suit in the Supreme Court of
Texaa .
We are in receipt of your letter of recent date, read-
ing as followa:
"With reference to the man~amua'proceeding,
involving a refunding bond recoz+d,filed last
April by Cochran County in the Supreme Court of
Texas, which recently has rendered a final de-
cision, as we are informed, in favor of the
petitioner, will you kindly advise us with
respect to the following points of law:
"(a) What is your official qonstruction of
the declsion'~
l'(b) ;t;;,;;nty bonds are slgible for re-
"(c) '%hatspecial procedural requirements,
under this rulfny;,must be met by a
county, scekin-,to refund its outstand-
ing bonds, :n crdcr tc FreDare a prcper
reccrd for submission for your apprcq&lV
Honorable Sohn ii.grudgington, page 2 C-5493
"(d) In your opinion, is there any reason
why PrOCSSdingS under this decision
should not be instituted at once by
a county, desirous of refunding its
elgible bonds?
"In view of the many conflicting opinions
current, regarding the proper constructlcn of
this law, as it now stands, we beg to submit
that a comprehensive, forthrl@t, official
statement from your office, to clarify the slt-
uation, would be,of inestimable value at this
time to county officials throughout the state,
toenable them to appralss the opportunities
lntellinentlv and to oroteet the legal righta
of thel$ res&ctive cbuntier ,‘I
Your questions are answered In their order aa fol-
(a) Our construction of the oEinibn is that the At-
torney Coneral is requiz+J,toapprove the ochrm County
bonds issued to refund co&ran County Courthouse bonds. The
origina bonds sought to be refunded were issued under Chap-
ter 1, i ltle 18, tievised#tatutes 1911. The opinion of the
court declares:
"As we construe the above statute, where bonds
are issued under the Chapter therein referred to,
if the ~ommlssioners I Court at the time-
are issued makes no provision concerning its.'right
to redeem the bonds prior to their maturity, they
may be redeemed at the pleasure of the county at
any time after five years after the "8ssuence there-
Of. However,,the Commissioners' Court may, by sn
appropriate order entered at the time the bonds
are issued postpone the date after which the bkds
may be redeemed to not exceeding ten years from the
date of their issuance." (Underlining curs)
L -
Honorable John W. Crudgington, page 3 C-5493
Chapter 1, Title 18, Revised Statutes of 1911, is
now Chapter 2, Title 22, Revised Statutes of 1925.
(b) We construe the opinion of the court ES being
appliczableonly to county bonds issued under authority of
Article 610, Revlaed Statutes 1911 (now Article 18, aevlsed
Statutes 192.5). This statute provides that the zommisalon-
ers’ Court of a county, pursuant to an election duly held,
may Issue the bonds of such ccunty for the following pur-
1. To erect a county courthouse and jail, or either;
2. To purchase suitable sites within the county and
construct buildings thereon to provide homes or schools for
dependent and delinquent boys and girls or for either;
3. To establish county pocr homes and farms in the
4. To purchase and construct bridges for public pur-
poses within the county or aoross a stream that conatltutea a
boundary line of the county:
5. To improve and maintain the public roads in the
'When the Commissionera~ Court shall deem it advisable
to issue bonds for both the purchase or ccnstruction of bridges
and Improvement and maintenance of the public roads, both ques-
tions may be submitted and voted on as one proposition.
The Supreme Court confined its opinion cnly to bonds
issued under Chapter 1, Title 18.
'Ne.cannot,of course, determine what effect the
Supreme Court would give said ocinlon In constru!.ngother
statutes relating tc bond issues.
Honorable John W. Crudgington, page 4 O-5493
(c) There are no special procedural requirements.
The refunding bonds may be issued as any other refunding
bonds Issued to refund optional bends. The court should
adopt a resolution authorlslng the publication of call
notice, a copy of such notice to be supplied tothe paying
agent names in the outstanding bonds, and published in such
papers of general circulation as shall be designated in the
(d) 'dethink that whether a ceunty proceeds to re-
fund its bonds under the decision of the upreme Court In
the Sochran County case is a matter wit,hiAthe discretion of
'the Commissioners Court.
"cry truly yours
BY C. F. Gibson