Ilanorablo C)WS&B 3. IIu(ificr4
Law xnroro8Mnt orfioer aad
Ghlef of Inapeotore, R&.road
coBarBion or TaRs
Aultln, Toxar
8, ,~Ina. ( 485t4lans
05 0r the V, 8.
Courtiin All
BUS Lill44,Ino.
!nort 3. Thoagoon
Ro. 574 in eqnity.
t your depart-
Aent ha8 coat of the Dletrlot
Court of the riot of Temm,
AUOti5, Uiti4io 811 hmsri445 Bub Lb48,
Elo.674 in eqlity,
As&i445 Bus Lines for
ation plates
ato6 Dlatrlot
iuent pert.6
raining the
rioan Bur Liorr
14 quota the following sxarrptr
*On 04tober 13, 1939, the Railroad CoiuPiaoion
roquostod an oplnfon on this rruretrrami on DooOprbOr
6, 1939, you readarea Bpialoa tie.O-l179.o
ParwAaat a. . * . thrzeto, on Pobruuy 24,
UMO, thr Railroad Comairrioa sntsrod ita order
&ranting the authorltt roquoatod by ill ~asrloaa
Bus Llnos, InO., la it8 orlglnal appll4atlon,4~
bolng ( Proa El Pam to the Texas-OklahomaStat4 iln4,
aoar Oalaomville rla BleZTa Blanoa, P4004, Odsoaa, Big
8 ia 8WoetWat4r, AblhM, Albany, Brookonridp
& or4 i Irrollr, Port Worth, Dallao, D4aQon and
asinrsvillr ova? Il.8. HUhwar 80, Sate Bigaway 1
and l-b, 04 a sohodul4 oi 0114b ur la4h way dAlly@ .
Under th l8 luth4rlty. All Aaoriom BustLiner applied
ror and uoro iwued rlx Uallroad Comn.lrrlonidoatlii-
s&ion ~lator for the mar 1943. IO addltlon ts th4
buarr iOr whiohRailroad C@maiaeloa ldontlfipatlon
platoa h474 b44w i8wed, AU Aserloan Die Linea are
opr4tlng 4om4 burrs withoat dlaplryJsd Railroad
Gomlrdoa ldoatifloatlon platoa, aa roqulrod by
’ Hatuto, and, undo? dafs~4S April 19, 1943, I adrlrod
All A~rloa~ 8~8~Ll~~~,-'~ao.;
that Ballmad Coa&8-
rlon llupeatoro had lntsrooptod 80114oi ,tholr buses
whloh did not &ioplal suoh Railroad CoPrPlmaion ideati-
rloatioa pletee, and that any further disregard et
the rnloa an4 rogulatlons of the Cod6slon, and tha
datutw, wetid not bo otorlooked. Bubaoquont to
thi8 aotifieatlon,other buma wore aontaoted by
insp4otorr aad~after thora&& invostlgatloawer4
fouad mot to be dlaplaylngRailroad Gomission ldoatf-
rloetloa’ platea,, and oomplalats ~4~4 fllod in the
County Cour8 at Law, TarmAt Oounty, Wrt Worth,
‘Ilrlll you plra44 advlso thir departmeat~ if,
in view of the above, w4 are in contempt of tho United
&tat48 Dlotrlot Court in illlng.suoh otiuoa.*
Th4'prrtinOatparts of tlm aasaded InJunotlon
dsoroo road:
Vow epon conolderstlon themoot it 14 this
day the 11th day of Uaroh i936, ordered, adjudged
end droreod as Sollowe &smelt:
Vhat thr Befonduat8~ !&tloa
to Dlsnlrs the
Amsndod Bill of CoPrplalntbr and thr 44144 la heMby
donlsd to whioh ruling of the Court defendanta than
and there exoaptrd.
Wnt tin defrndante,thr Railroad Commirrlon
of Texa8 aad PPaMt 0. Thaagma, tao a. ilaith and C. V.
To&-sell,Ballroad Comiss~oiior8and i&arkNarrhall,
Direotor of the Sotori.Vehiole Ditlrlon of Said Bali-
Toad CoapeiO8lon, L. 0. PhaSe8, Diraotor of the Damrt-
mnt or irUb1i.o aalety OS the State of Texas an& ti&*
roSpSatl~e &&entS and eiap~oyear,be and tho)rare hrroby
lDJOiDed tto m no lea ti$ o r aQj
tS4 r ting
o r a a ua ingtha
arroat of the drirarr or oprretoro ot plaintiit(rrotor
buars or Potor vehiolea, or frcm lnterferlagin tq
maaner with the oprratiorr of plaintiff'SparSe8gor buSeS
OT mtor tohicloa in travrrring tb State oi Toxar in
iDtWSti%O Ooameroo., by thr Opdretlon a8 a ~0-0. warrior
oi pa88wgrr8 intorrtato, Of ODe bU8 OS motor rohloJe
raoh way daily over tho iollowfng routes b gl in t
h OM.&o sia-TSiaOline at the Bed River 0: rp" &&-
:8: NO. 77 ( thXU8 i%ititr Iii&hWayNO. (10) DO& k th@
oity of oRfU88Vill0, in Cook County, .l'oxaa, end thuroa
via the #aid U. 3. f?k(lhWf3y 77 to the oity of Dollar in
Dallaa County Texas, thenoa oror U. 3. Yi@~way No. 430
, and NO. 80-h ~‘WGSS 3tat4 Zllghway NO. I and HO. 1-A)
via ?ort Earth, Broekenridip,Albany, Ablha8 aTg
iU PalO, t0 tho 'P~xw-%w U@ti00 line ws8t or notah-
w49tOTiy Of El Pa80) provldo4 that td8 iu$AIWtiOm ia
Iutanded to pravant, ciml shall prevent Such action if
takea by dSfrndant8 ( or lith4r or then, t&al? apntr
OS b~plO/~$8 ) OKIaCOOUUt Or the OprStbtiOnOr SUUh
bUSS8 or motor vshioles wlthout a permit or orrtlil-
o&b rroa ths Rsllrood CoamlSsion or T~IULP,or without
having displayed and ririalyristbd upon tho front thoreor
80.idoatifioatlonplate as drooribsd in Beotioa 40 of 8.
!3. Nor lss. (Ch.78) Or th (ri8t LO~8iUtUrO Or TU68,
alrot Gal.LsItl f3858iOn. Court W8t8 wllL be tared agaio8P
dorcmdurt Ballroad Comir8ioa Oi.m&8, to al1 of whloh
rUUlI$8 eDe jU&OSIit8 0r tlS0 Court, d*rwldsDtr thmn and
thrre rxoopted. It 18 furthor OSFdrSob th4t 8h8 raid
dsoroe lxorpt au borein ordered amoadwI be and the luao
hereby is in full for04 Snb rif4OB.
*Dated thi8 the 11th day of JaaclAO D. 193d.
(al;,aed i Robott J. ;soMlllau
tbitO6 Stat.8 iii8tTiOt Ifua&i@
(Oa3h818 OUr8)
IionorabloQeorgo B. Hugher nw 4
Ia our opinion All American Bu8 L~JWP, 1ao.i
ia proteotrd by thi8 dooroe in *the operation aa a 00-n
oarrfrr of pa88oager8 iatorstate or one buv or aotor vehlolo
oaoh way daily *oveT thr above designatedrouto; but we believe
that thir 18 the extont of the proteotion that the oonrt gantod
to thorn and that they would not bo protootod a8 to ruoh boo06
a8 they night oporate,in intraastato eomiwroe 80s 88 to suoh
bU808 a8 they night eQ.l'ato in fnteS8tateOOiU?&oSO~ in OXbern
of “one bu8 or aotor rohlole each wag daily.* .~.
Tho oorreotno88 of this intorgrotatioon is bOPrra&
out by pago 57, of the traarroript ot the testimoa~ prrsoatod
Bo the Court on #arah~lOO,1930, and on Ystoh 11, 1936. The
rltnera Jay Johmon we8 terrtifyfng ior the ~11 Amorioan Bun
Liaea on dSreot examination. The Mr. Urarsr referrod to 18
Ireland ararer, oounarl for All Amerioan Bur Li!me and the
Ibr.Chri8tOphW 18 T. 9. Chrietopher, couu8.1 ior krotestmt..
Thin pap reads a6 r0im8t :_
*Q. Am JOU able to state whether or not a8l
l&b8taatl&l injury la inflluted upon a hIghray of that
kind, this partioular highway between Port Worth and
Mineral Mall8 by the operation over it of two motor
parsaps buag, oi Pl pahenger oapaoitp with pneunatio
tire8, weighing '1000pounds dead weight?
' %lr, Christophert PIawent to object to that
qUe8tiOD a8 80 limited t0 tW0 bU808, f%S ths SOaBOa
that tho AppliOuDt, the All AasriOen Bus LinS8, hwre
in applying iQr.intorrtateoertlfioatsand a5ka the
Co~isrion to gfre him interstato petit whioh, if
granted ufvlorfrderal law, would aatherlze thvn to
operate any numbor of tohfolev that thry oared to operate;
it might bo'Owo or twenty or a huadred, depending on
thr 'bwih688 and the QuoltiOn ought not to be 80 limited,
and we objoot to it on that ground.
"WE COURT: X Mdervtand the only matter at
1881~1 before the Court is to 0Pervt.eon0 buv each wax*
WT. Uramm; That iv all Wo hate a8ksd to
WziB COURT: I orrrrule the objootlon.
Vs. Chrlvtophor:!iotean excrption,
kioaorabloGeorge Ii.&qhea Pag8 6
* (imnO86) I a0 not belie7S YOU rpo!ildBe ablr
to tell any dirr~renoe ia the Mad by the two buuss
operatint;over it or utthout then. There la more
garrolin~tax collootud tb2.nla spnr OIZfho maiatensaos
fUIld8;the Surplus ie sgoa: Zor ConaKmmtion, aew con-
atruatlOn.n te0phaPls 6upylloa)
Our QplnLoa 60. 0-4836 deli&t* the lx tma of
your authority over lnterat~oteaotor o(arrler#.
Ia view of the fact that 8lnor the ieraaace of
thir decree you have granted All gaerleao iateratate luchorlty,
and a4 late as January, 1943, provided thea at their request
8ix ldentirioetionplates, anb in view or the raot th@t the
Yotor Traarportation Eivisloa of the Bails&ad CommisijioD is
doing everythingvlthin its poror to faollltato motor oarrlera,
both ia lator:rrtatemad latraatste.ooauwroe, during the pre8ont
war, we @Sp a% Q 108s to understand All itQ~rlOCUl'S refusal to
equip ito extra buaeimnith identlflostionplstes.
iis to *1Mtk4w four notion aonstltutas aoatcmpt
thle, of oouree, is mm&thing w?.ichonly the Court cm dooide.
However it lr our 0 ii&a that you kr r: aCtin within the terma
or the fnjueti0n rugB not Ln contempt thereor fr you ccorino
your arrrats to those drivers who nay bo operating in lntruatate
oome*oe or the opiisutora0r oaOicie9 ai~lotk are in c3cOtwof cne
daily eaoh nay.
Yhurr very tfuly,
w wflpyf&zA,
David W. Heath