Honorable E. S. Poremn
county hdltor
Jeffereozb County
Beaumont, Texas
near sir:
assistpat employed
fiaate of Title
‘.U 6t,her~‘kw&, !aanap
a da&q reoelv
phu ths County, under. exist%
utes, redelvepddltlonal ay under the prov~slona
of the Cerfffloate of Tit Pe Act?
“3enate Dill NO. 211 pl?ovidea in part es fol-
mk***** Such designate& aGent shall peg such
erqployed are1sta.M.s and such neocrsary expenaer In-
ourred by him from the fmda retained by him hor-e-
under, and any amount of suoh funds renaining in
Honorable B. 9. Foreman, page 2
hla hands in any went shall be by him rellrltted to
the Road end Bridge Fund of his county. 1
%ho case of The State of Texas vs. Qlaee, 167
3. W. (26) 296, seems to lndlc8te that the Certl-
floate of Title Dlvlelon is an Integral part of the
Tu Aerereor-Collootor~r office and that such do-
prtment la simply M added duty OY the Tax Aeeeea-
Or-Colleotor. This ~u6ge aeeme to mean that an
employee or assistant In euoh department will be in
tho etaemc8trgory as any other regular deputy tar
Seotlon 57, Article 1436-1, Vernon’s Annotated Penal
Code, provider:
*Baoh rppllaant for a oertlfleate or title or
releruanoe theroof 8hUl pey to the doelgnated
agent the we of Fifty (50) Cents, of which Went?-
five (25) Cent8 &all be rotalned by the deelgnat-
ed agent from which he ehall be entitled to ruffl-
olent money to 9th~ oxponeor neoeerrary to efrloient-
ly perform the duties ret forth herOin, and the re-
mainlng Tvmty-five (25) Cants ohall be forvardod
to the Department for depoelt to the Strte Highway
Fund, together with the appllcatlon for certifloate
of title vithln twenty-four (24,) hours after same
has beon reoelved by lald dssi ated ag6nt, from
vhloh fee8 the Department shal ft”be entltled to end
8hall u80 eufflaient money topy all expenses neo-
eesary to effiolently administer and perform the
dutieo sot forth herein, and there 18 hereby ap-
propriated to the Depertment all of such fees for
ealarlee, traveling exp9nee. stationery, postage,
oontlngent expense, and aI1 other expenses necea-
eary to lW,nleter this hot through the biennium
sndlng August 31, 19’13.*
Senate Bill SVO,211, Aots of the 48th L9glslature,
Regular Seoelon, 1943, emending Section 57 of Artlole 1436-1,
eupra, red8 88 fOlloU8:
*Section 1. That Section 57 of th9 Certlfi-
cate of Title Act, as amenctedby the Aate of the
47th Legislature, Regular Seeelon, Qlapter 187,
Borrorrbk 3.8. Foremnl pqp 3
~;%,6, bo 8muded 80 a8 horeo2tor to road as
“Sootion 57. fCIah Appllomat for a oertifi-
eAte of title or ro-lsrwmoe thereof 8hall pay to
tho &rigAAtod l nt the cum Of Flft ( 9) Oentr,
OS whloh 'Brent+o (25) Cent.8 8had be rotalnod
b yth edo a ifpld a ago&, from vhla h be
ha sh a ll
OAtithd t0 8UffiOiOAt ur n,J t0 M J etpuuO8 MO-
08-y t0 lffi8iOAtly FfWA the dutl 8 ret forth
horoln~ and tho reIPrialq Vmntpfive t 25) Coat8
d&&u k t-dO& t0 th+ br@Ft-t ftJP dOJtO8it
to th ea a t*
R ig h lm
y togothor withth elp -
~QA ta awtlfia8te of title, within trenty-
hour8 Utor UM hrr boeA reoeived by
tOd QpAt, iWSt Whlah f008 th0 D@pUt-
UXtitkd t0 85hd8ha.U u8e SUfflOhAt
MAO? t0 pay all OXpOA8e8MOoUbPy t0 effiO%OAtly
l dalnlrter and porfornthe dutioe ret forth hero-
IAJ AA~ them i8 hereby 8ppropriAted to the De-
partmont 8ll of ru& foe8 for ulAr188, trAvelUg
@ Adln MO98S&Fy888t8tontS ud iAOUrw 8Ad
“i no8ereAry lxpw8e IA admlnirtering thle Act Jm
hi8 OOUUtJ. Swh &8 ted agoAt shall pay lwh
qloyed Are~etuitr 2 such AeOOE8a&'y expeA8er
lnourred by M.A frca tho fund8 retaiMd by hfaa here-
Tudor, M& my Uowt Of such f~Ad8 r0~Alalng b
hlr W ln MJ event eh8u be by hl~ Paitted to
the Rord AA4 aridgo Fund of e8 aoupty,’
so. 2. ThO tWt that thOF0 OXi8t8 l?LiOOlrtttiA-
ty u to tho momlag of the present lav, ro8ulting
in eo~furio~ lsi the Adru.n%rtrrtlon thwoofr omrter
m omorgwy and im uepwatiro pub110 neoeeelty that
tha GoAstltutloAal Rule rerplrlng bills to bo read
on throo roleral daya lo eMh Bow0 ho rPrpeA&ed,
MCI uld Rule is hereby ru8peAdod, end this Aot
&all take effeat 8nd be in foroe from asi Mtdr
its pAe88g8, urd It 18 so oAaotod.*
Joffereon County hA8 a populatioA of 145,329 in-
hAbltaAte lo o o r dlng
to the 1940 FadePol OeAeua.
Artiola 3902, Vernon’8 Anaotatad Clvll Statutea, pro-
vider In prt t
%henevar any dlatrlot, oount or pracrlaat of-
flaer ahall r!rqulrr tho aorvioar 0 do utlor araia-
tad8 or olorlce IA the pertomanoe ' or &a dukaa
ho ahall 8 ly to tha County Ga8mf8sionrre~ Court
Ofh i6
00T ~
J iCWlUtbCAPit7 t0 8ppOint 8Wh dOpItie8,
l8eietanta olerk8, rt8tlng br awof~ a lpaa;on
tho nURb8r Ao8dad, the po8itlOn to be fi !a6
tha amount to bo paid. Sal6 applloatioa 8hall be
looaapurled by a statemat shoving the pobabli
rooelptr fror feer, oomlrric~a8 aAd ooquwation
to br oolleotod by lald offioe duriq the Mao81
you urd tha probable dl8btW86MAt8 which rhiall
inoludo all ula~lo8 and expoAae6 of raid offioa~
Md said QOWt 8bUn UUk6 it8 W&Or 8UthOrlsing
the appointmAt of euoh daputlee, a8eietanta and
olerke and fix the oceIpaA8atloA to be paid than
vithl~ the limitAtioA8 brain pe8orlbod and de-
tormlnotho numbertobo Appointed a8 in the dla-
oretlon af aaid oourt may be properi provldad that
in no oaae rhall the Cc+Tmi8alonar8~Court or any
mambor thereof atteegt to iafluanae the appoint-
ment of any parroa a8 deputy, 8e8iet8nt or olerk
IA anp offloe. Upan the entry of euoh order the
offlOor 8~ 1 ing tOl’ &U&h 888itttAAt8, dnpUtie8
or OlOrk8 &il be Authorlred to 8 lAt thftte;
provided that aald ooAwAaAtion ehx not oxeetid
the mulmumamounthereinafter ret out. The oap
pona8tlon vhioh nny be Alloved to the deputies,
888;8t$AtS Or olerk8 above ASitbOd fdF their UA’V*
lo 8 ah~ll beareAa@blo odes AOt to oreoed tha
foflovi~g 8mountet
. . ,*
a5. & oountier~ ha1
huridred thouernd AA~
oAe hwdmd AAd flit
ante, ilrrt Arrlet8A 0P ohlef do uty not to oxoeod
Taonty-six BuMrod ($2600+0) DO& per annural
Honorable lt.d.mrelMn, pago 5
head8 of dopartmentr 1887bo alloved by thv Cow
mlorloaerr* Court, uhea in their -&8oh al-
lovanosir ju8tifled, tha cum of k
(@?OO.OO) D0ll8rr per Unlum ia addition to the
uount herein allowd, vhen suoh head8 of depart-
meat8 rought to be appointed simllhave previous-
ly rsrved the oouaty or poUtlo rubdivi8ion
thereof for aot le88 than tuo oontinoou8 gtir8;
other Mrirtaatr deputler Or alerJr.8not to exoeed
~Mu't~-tfrrrr &red ($2300.00) DO-8 per an1~18
&OtlOR 26 Of &tiOk 143675 8Up)?a, d@ihe8 ds8ig-
nated wnt8 a8 rOuov8#
'The term der%gMtcd agent mw~8 eaoh oountg
tU OOf&OtQV in tht8 State vho p11r WfoIVII hi8
dutler under thi8 Aot throufgherly regular d8puty.@
In view of th8 foregoin
rtatutee 8nd the aaae of
State, et al. vI Qla88, et al., 187 8. Y. (2d) 296, it 18 our
OpintOlthd q M8i8tMt OR d8gUty Ot the tax 888088Or-00x-
lestor vhether priorming invhole or ia wt the duties in+
pored by Article 1436-1, rupra, ba8 the same rtatu8 a8 any
other regular &putt tax arrerror-oolleotor or a88latant. It
18 our further lnioa that all dsputie8 or 8osirtant8 or the
tu a88error-ool % ator exaept the rir8t arslrtant or ohioi
deputy who az h8ada of departnmnts aannot rsoe%ve a ralary
of more than 300.00 par 8naum each.
Your8 very truly