OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN 11 IIonorable ESIabat f%AhUt County Attorney Xl Pas0 county Al Paso, Texas Dear Str: opinion No. 0 351 : 44 we are in NO61 ter seeking the Qpln- ion ot this depa statsment or factsi, .whloh are taken r or not a tire, the United Staten, en, oen obtain on arises in two waya,. porohene and oparate suoki parate property and 8eoond6, hs may operate a buaines$ ned with oommunlty property.” seotion 5,of Article 667, V. A. P. C. oontatns the following qualftioatlanea6 a prerequisiteto obtain any type OS lioense. Honorable Ernest QuIM, page 2 *That he is (Ilaw aaiding,tax-paying oiticen of this State, over twenty-one (21) peers of age; . . .* Section 43-b Of Ch. 325 Of ths 48th ~P@$BhitUrS, Hegular Qeamlon, p. 525 of V. T. 6. L. 3. ?S 1943, provides as r0iima: 'When thq terms 'oitlzenaof Texas’ and *oltfzenaof thfs state' era used In this Aot, they shall mean not only oltlzenahipIn Texsa, aa required by this trot,but shall also re- qulra oItizenahlpin the United States.* The first question that m must determine is the status 6s a woman oltleen of the United States who marries analien. Pkior tb Aot of Co~aa, Sarah 2, X907,,31,Stat., p. i228, 'Ch.2534, the oases are not In aoeord as to the a%rtua Or e.woman who is e Oltiaen by reason of birth In the Unit@ States and who marries aa allen. A$ter the paaa- ~egeend eftsotlre date df the jot, the wlte or an alien loat i Aeo , 8tatea oitltenahlp. This statute w&s approvad by ; tha Supreme Court.or the United 8tatea In the oaae of Mo- IKen v. Ears, 239 U. 8. 299. . Under~tbaAot.of'Bsptembsr 22, 1922, 42 Stat., p. 1022, Ch. i&l, Sea. 3,',end8 U. 6. 'C.A., Sec. 9, wbloh pro- vided thet,a woman who la a oltizen of the United States shall not oeeae to be a oltlaen of ,theUnited States by raeson or her aerrlegeto an alien after the pe~aaageoi the hot, ualaaa she makes a torail renunsiatlonof her oltiaan- ahlp before a oourt of proper jurladiotitk There 1s also a proviso In thla Aot thht forfeltsher oltireoehlpit her prrlege la to.aa alisn.~Inellglbls for oitlamahlp. This statute does not arreot the status or any auoh woman who merrled an.allen prior to September 22, 1922. *’ The Aot or Septsmber22, 1922, agore rarerred to, as emended by an AOt or Maroh 3, 1931, 46 Stat.,,pi 1511, Sea. 4, omitted the provld that ioifalta,tM eltlaanahi of eny womsn born in the United States nho atarriesan al9en iaellglbler0r -0itlzenship. The Acts of Ssptamber 22, 1922, and Maroh 3, 1931, were again emended in October 1940, 8 U. 8. C. A., Title 8, - i Xonorable 1S;meatO~+lnn,page 3 In 880s. 801, 802 an6 804, but ere eaaentlellythe am ea the Aot of Paroh 3, 1931, es to the atetus of~e woman born In the United Stetes an3 married to ao alien. The listing of the different acts of Congress rele- tlve to the oltlzenshlpof wonen born ln the United Statea and married'to aliens Is for the purpose of furnlahIng you w5t.ha yardstiok to whether or not some of the ?oany epplloenta ere citizens of the United States. It I8 our opinion that all women born in the Qiited States who merry aliens end uhose husbanda are ellglble'fox oItIaenahIpIn the United States have r6taimid their United States oltlzenahlp unless they have announced oontrary lnten- tlona to proper judlolal or edmlnIatrstIveofrloera, with the exoeptloa of those whose marriage ooourred between Mar& 2, ,1907and September 22, 1922. Dt oourae, ~ltshe ararrledaa alien lnellglble for Unlded States oltlaenahlpprior to the effeotlve date of the Aot of M&oh 3, 1931, abe rould lose her oltlaenahlp. It ahe is not kkitlaeri of tha United Statea ahe 'k6uld permit, and both of your qu~atlona -ad be anawei+edIn the negative. Even though ahe might have lost cltlaenahlp under kboie aathoda, If she has been neturalleeb, she :liLou a~aitlzen. '. AktIole~~4619,of the Revised 01~11 Statutes, with cya+o’t to ooaununltyproperty;lna~fsr es pertinent, Is.ea ~011olm; *All property eoqulred by either the hua- bend or wife dtirlngIllbrriege, exoept that whloh Is the aaparate property Of either, ah41 bs deswd. ootion propsrty or the husband end wife; end all the effeota whloh'the husband end wife possess +& the time the marrlsge may bc,dlssolved ahall be regarded as oommon etfeota br gelna, vn- less the contrary be aatl~faototllyproved.. Dur- ing oorerture the oomraonproperty of the husband ,aa+d zlfe may be disposed of by the huayend only; . Honorable l&met Cuina,,pege4 In Opinion No. O-16/+0we held that the i3oer3ahould not day a pennit to retail wl~aeend beer merely beoause the applloentwas the wife ot oae who was ineligiblefor su& a peroiit. In that opinion we aald: The sole q;lbStiOll propoundedby you for our oonslasmtlon, as we understandIt, 1s whether a married woman may be aenlea a per- mit to retail wine aad bser whh~1her husband, who 1s dlsquallfledrrom recelvlng.euoha per- mlt would benefit thereby, under the oommunlty property l.awof thle State." T&t oplaloa,we think, 3s sound, and oontro1.athe &Mwers to your present inquiry. The prorlts or any mercen- tlls.buelnesathat imy be oarrled od by e mmrlea wonmn are perloroe of the Coastltutlonand statutes oommurzlty property belonging.epuallyto the hueband and wire. This 1s true, whether the oapltal lnreatmentbe the q6parate property or the die or the oommunlty of the marrlage.~The right of .the husband to his lntereet In the profits or auoh venture bj the wire doea not mzwlt rmm any wement or underetaaulng between them, however; that right is in oowequenoe~of,lew .. +n~anLncident,~ ,.,' .j : $.o,thraarltel ration. butt'fi;gal' It ls'not oonventlon-i ewenoe, and oannot be eiieoted by the pre- agreementof the parties. It does not folloff.frorn this, however, that the hcllbend'elegal rights In the earning6of the .bualnessoon- ier upon him aay interestwhatsoever In the business itself', within the meaning of the Liquor Cont~rolAot. It requires mmething lporethan mere oapltal ror one to engage In suoh bollnosa~ there mwt be the express perniaelonor the State through the statutory permlf. This 18 the very eeaeaae or the buslness,~una the hueband--merelybecause he 1s the husbaad--doesnot have such interest in the buslntss as rcIuldreader his wife lnallglbleto be a pemlttee under the etatutie., Moreover, 618held in our Opinion No. O-1640, where a husband who by his own wrongful act, or othem$ae, la fob : bidden to claim a pecuniary rQ$it, which oralnarllywould be oommunlty property; the saae by operetlor& lea would beooms the separate property'ofthe wire. See, Xlokeraon Y. Nlokeraon, Hqnoreble Errnat Gulan, page 5 65 Tax. 281; Dlokson v. Strloklend,265 8. 19.1012. It la true, of oourae, that the huabaad la the exerolae of his atatutorj right to oontrol the oomnunlty property may thwart the efrorts or th6 rife to uae suoh rubi in any meroantlle pursuit. But that is the measure ot his rl&t, slnoe ha does not have es matter or law any rigat or oontrol or managementor the business es auoh. Whet the statute seeks to prevent is the OO~YM- tlonal use of a permit by one for the benefit or anothar.. This la always a raot aituatlon,aependent upon the agred- nbsnt or intentioaa of the partlta;and not upon tholr legal atetuaea as husband and wife, parent end ohlld, or the llka. Furthezamse,there la no rule of law forblddlng the huabacd to make d gift or his present lnteraet ln the oomunlty property or earnings, auah ha those 0f.e -roan- tile .buaIneaa, to his tire ror any &awful uae by her. Your queatloaa are thererore antswaradto the at- teat that a wire la not iaellglbleto hold a permit, 8~6~ thou&her lnsll(iible to hold one. HOi-troubles In auob a~<uatlonwould be tlnanoial dirfiaultleaand not legal lnhlbltlona. Very truly yours, ATTORNEYQEEIERALOF TBXAS APPROVED SEP 11, 19&3 This opinion aonaiderad (a) Gerald C. Mann ana approved in 1ititeQ ATTORNEY GFNERAL OF TEXAS oonrecenoe.
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion