Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

690 \ i , *...z... OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Bonorabls 0. PI Loewt, chairma Board of IlisUranOd COrmdsdW~3I-# AuBfin, Texas Dear 8ir1 Opinion x0 deoided July 8, 1943. ‘+ l l . The foot that it is oslled a *mortuary tuui' instea d oi 8 R e ser ve nu x l is o f no c o n0eq ueume. l 9 l* .+..tl . If it Is irre?wably dedlcat- & faP%lm use curdproteotlon of the poliay holders, f t iB not in00mC oi the COlnpw. l l a .8 691 lkmorsble 0. ?* Lockhsrt, Chairman - paLa t l* l 0. SlnOe the reserveis held ?o r the polio7 holderr sad aot for the aa-, Gongrem hu not taxed tht8 reserve M inc o me to th e Qo mp a n7.l l l. . The Tsaas Le@slature bna of the efforts bang made Iv7lederal remnne agents to tu these fads. fn Na7, 1943, it enaoteldthe follovingr 'seotionl, An7 oonrparv l l l mq Qa7 from the mrtuq or relief iunds l b l an7 tICSeathat ma7 bee 0 l rW@rsd* l *be- oause of income to 8uch fuxb6s.e ‘sectloll8. The Srct that there oom- panib l 0 l a r e tbrerrtcned with taxer on th e ir mortuaq funds 0 l 0 oreates M mea -- g tUlO7.*4 *“. Chapter 386, Acts of tho (8th LogielatzarebArtiole~0~8-8,leavm~r A.C.8. This Act, of ccurse mere17 permits tbe UIO of mortuary funda in payment of lnoom taxer that are l r ep u ir ed to bo paid.. It is not intended to relax the imiolabilit7 of suoh funda for au7 other purpose. See our Opinionlo. O-WC0 Ter7tmll77ours :'RST ASSISTANT Elb0rt ROOpw AsSi8fanf XII-NR ~oloeure