. 603 . :,-.. -.,., ,... :.a’& ... OFFICE OF TNE ATT’ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS HonorableJesse Jaaee Stat8 Taeasurer AlIda Tezw lature,Ri~.4. ..eudated 4~010.. “Under ssotion 2 of ssid Act, the state Treasurer ha8 mda.dellvary of eafd bcnda and reoefved in payment Jamb -Jacwo, Ffonorab1.e pa&p2 rlaoipalarlsfneiron the nsla of the ~&aqde'.~,. ,, .*'- hereEabsfore s&apart to said aahool3tun4' shall: be thi pszmmnt :sohooL. fund, and .all' .theix&mat derlvgblethersrrwn an4
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion