OFFICEOFTHEATTORNEY GENERALOFTEXAS AUSTIN * Honorable Jamee M, Simpson, Sr. County Attorney Conoho Gounty Dear Sir: uesting the opinlen OS th5.edepartma stion reads fs part aa,fol1me! , 1925 Retlaed Givll Statubee pointmut of aiaeieteuts OS olerka state8 that the applioation to rs' Oourt *ah&l be aooospaxiied by a mtatemeut #ho&q the probable reoelpts from iem, et&f Artiolo mnte statutes1934 a-7 deals ulth cJoimtle8having oertaln populationswere by speoial aotlons of the le%ielatursstenographers aad asaletents hew been authorizedfor County J&&es in numerous lnataneee. The population OS Conoho.Oouuty,aooordk@ to the 1940 Federal (Jen- Bus, was 6~79rr. for an anawor Vow the qestion, as subxaltted h 181 There a County Judge, as in the oaae of Conch0 County, emplays sn assistant Is that assistant to be pald out of' the f'eas of his ~PfIoe, as is provldsd in Artiole 3902, or may suoh assistant be paid cut of the general funds of the ooutity? It Is undsrstaod that in either event that the Comisaiomrav Qourt of the County Itsto authorize the appointmentof 'suohassZstant,but the seltiotfon of the pereon is left within the deoisicn of the County Judge. n. . . .* The letter of the County Judge addressed to you whioh ia mentioned In your letter and attached thereto is in part as r0n039.63 *At the mest,tlng at the ~ommialdoaer~scourt yesterday there wae raised the question as to the CormniasianersUourt hating the le&l aut&or$By to make,,=gneat out of Couuty fund5 for asafstanee In th0 ounty Judges Ofiloe. *The Uounty kPntlalsaioner8 at this t&m ie pay- ing the amount or #l&O0 per month f'oraadetano& totheiSouotyJ v&en these tirrang~nte were made, Mrs. I&&$l-T* B shop, was assistantto the County Agent, and had her desk in the doantyAgents offloe, and the wmrt warnpayingher the maoiof #AO.OOper month to stay in the Couaty J'tdgee BYice rhea the Judge was away. Laber arter a Home Deraonatration Agent was emloyed the Uounty Agents rooawas so amaL that the three dssJcsorowaed the room and the assistanta.skedto move hear desk late the County Juc3gss Olffoe. *hioh request was graated. TaymaW are mde to Xrm Bishop for her work as follwist ~ uo~BpJ& Oollsgs, for assistance ezs.eo 93y Boneha, Couaty ter asslstenes to co. &eat 15&u Eonarable Jarwe EL S3.aPscm,Sr., B%e 3 T&y Ccumho, Couuty for assistance in aor Judge Tip the aounty 3udge. *By The County Sahool Board for Assistance to ~x=GfiXoioSuperintendent "flyGounty Clerk; for work for him, Total, q@e Gouxt rsqueetedme to write to the At- torpy Oeneral . yei.ask - for an _.~opinion as . to waartneror not lt imd the rqht to araket&e ten QlZar monthly payaent for aesietanceto the County- JUd&¶. I trh.tnk howtwer that it would be batter for yea to request the opinion than it would be for me to do mI Weho Coanty hae a populationof 6,792 lahabttants aeoomU.ugto the A940 hderal fmsmm and the county 6fTZafale of said county are oaapeneatodoa a fee ba8isr Th$s dqartmnt held la opinionIsa.G42&2r *The eaanty adge ef dareem Couaty IIIwithout statutory author%Iy to afaplora atenagrapherand pay hat sa.X as 8n rrtthorlzed expense oi his ai- fioe out of3 u tees or 0lYloe. "* . . it is the ophien of IMa department that when the imunty judge40r Carson County Tama, oompU,ss dth ArtlalQ 3$62, Vernoz~~e Annota~eU Texa8 UlvLl Statutes, a alar& may be appointed ftar ths eouitt judge and when the oountr ludfe oompUe,e with 5eotfon (8) oi Art&l0 3899, VentQa 6 Anne- tated Tmme. f3ivS.X Statut&u, hs my pay +d alark .autof hLe fee8 of oft&a@ as au authc&zed e3pao~lar, of aifiw~ The qowztywmld not be authorized to amiaty Oand~ uhatooeYer for the paymenti Q? the county judgete ol@fk In your eauatyr" Artiao 3899, Verrion'sAnnotatedCivil Statuta~ pro- Tide6 Ia part: deputies, and olerke, ehell be paid out of the fees eamed by mob ofifeer. . . ln In view of apinioxi No. 2242 and Article 3899, Ver- non*8 hotated Glvll Statutee,you are advised that It ie our opinion that v&en the Gountg Judge of Conchc County com- plies with Artidle 3902 Vez%ati.'a Anuoteted Gioil Statutes, a 018x-k feey be appoint& for the County Judge and when the County Judge aomglfes with rseotlon (a) oi Artiole 3899, Var- non’8 Annotated Olvil StaCutea, he aray pay said clerk out of hlo feea of offioe aa en authorised ezg enae of oifloe. The oounty would not be authorWad to expend amy oouuty fus@a whatsoever for the payment of the salary of the County Judge~e olerk in CO~oho Cotmtyyr It ie noted that you state ia effeat that the Qouutg Judge of conaJ30doclltyhas eeployed m assistant. For the purposee of this o &&on we aaeume that such aeaietent ia, not a deputy or an me Patant oouuty judge but merely 61 alerikof the Cmuty Ju&o perffmnlag aertain olerioal dtitfeo. Such a dlerk would ~bave no judidal power or authorltg. fii cganea- t&en w2th the fcS~ olng statement we dire& pour afteut%on Do our optnit3n Ho* 37430,
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion