OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Y. R. Bank8, ?FinClorl metr1r view atate XOrarl an4 m6urt*ial college prairieview, texar Oear sirt notationQo it ‘for t1an for najO?iOKing.’ vtm prapedy endorseb and mid )120.t.10r ar it woo not hellpwpoue to let the 8l8owt hem8 an d8j?O8lC. Fe8btllin MV a &teak too 120.00 and th8 ca8 "('118~she d 010~ to HOP th f 8 aamine. paid EarLr the next aorrl~jrg durfng w8akfast hour, rhe 8lipp8a avay fma 8ChOOl; ma vima her uhere- about8 U8N kZ%Wn, &3 Y88 b to8 U\B61e8, CtLlffOrniA, 347 v, A. Bmk8 - w$o 2 mOi8 thB tact8 8.t Wit ti JOUP l@ttW, It 18 OUP OpitiOll tht AU,$U8t ~O$ftWM $8 tiOt htitbd to a NfbRd Ot th8 po.00 therein Bentiomd. : l?* think tlmt vhen l rtodeat WWO118 la the aol- leg8 uad pfir8th8 -t X'8QUbrd for rsiptMMC-O Uhd tuithlt, the 8tUd8Jit U& bo Ultitbd t0 ths Dorrd urd eOUP8*8 Of in- 8t?UOtic*2 ma fb?, but a0ith.rth@ 8tUdWkt VhO paid the t8e8, tlOI M y Of l18e WhO Mf har8 paid 8m fOF the 8ttrdoat Vatid b8 entitledto a refund of tha mm prid Upea tha rtudent roluntrri- 1~ loarmg the 8OhOOl before the uuur808 Qf in8tFUetion paid for vere tlal8hedtdo88 the 88h501 Vr@aghll;l FdU8@d $0 F@nhr the 8wvios8 pal4 far. m1.r couwroial college7. &W811p, 42 8.W. (2) 800. U8 trwt thtat the abovr MNw% yQur qW8tfOn. TOtiF VOmte ATTORx%Y OS’IIBIUL oPTJm.8 x. P. hia* A88:8tUbt EPPlBP APPF, kg VEXMAY 6, 1943 ze . * ATTORKEY GEUERAL OP Tms
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion