measure. The '&t does not exempt euoh produots from ite opera- tioa. BatiorkalYertillsrr Ara’n., Ino., v. Bradley, at sl., 57 s. ct. 748'~302 u, 8. 178, 81, sfrirmlng,D. CL, LB F. supp. 24% Your aa+ uint lnqalry in regard to Senate Bill Ho. 5, Aots of the 48th & glslaturr, reads 88 followsr "The InsaotloideAot, the aam bslng Senate Bill Ro. 5, Aots o? the Reguler Session of the Forty- Eighth Lagfslature,among other things provides for the pagaclntoi an Annual RegistrationWe of $25.00 for eaoh bran4 of Insoatioide,,prqld44 that no) $101~ than $lQO.OO \rballbe oallratedfrom anyona person, or firm ‘regist&.n& their brands of Inssatlolde. *This Dspartaentholds to the opinion thst this fee being an ,annualree would be oolleotablefor tlr- oal rear an&~ muat 3lat 1943, then alao payable lat 1943. again afier f%pteunbrr AF’PROVJID ,liAY 28, 1943 Grover Sellsrs FIRST ASS~TMT ATToRwm cmlaRAL ,jr
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion