OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN gonoJable Dan Y. Jaokson ;tietriotAttorney Boustan , Texas r-31s, Iats ,Of aturs? And n(ithereto. In part below you raquestsd two ralateli questions: Ohapter 109, Acts oi the Wth Bill 100.880, iagular se*- .3iV81yto the United stat8S’ na granted by IiouseBill No. 53OV th8 QpiIiientbt B. a. No. 580 does t, &WUlt8 Bi&& NO. 126 Of the same Certainly, there is no express Bill repealing the Senate Bill, end repeal by implioation is aat Parored. The aaoepted rule is Ql8arl.n+gpr?saed in 39 Texas &IX., Sec. 76, page 140, in the folXi+i'lng lan,:u&Ee: Honorable ;)8s%. Jaakson, page 2 , "Acoording t:jnumeroue pronounoemente OS the Texas courts, tho ropeai of atatutos by ImplIoatIan Is never favored or presumed. The two aots wIl1 per- sist unless the conflicting provi8ions are so anta&o- nistia and repugunantthat both aaunot stand. :Hhere there is no express repsal, the preawdption is that In enactin a new law tke Legislature intended the old statute to remain in operation.* The multitude of authorities oited in the text support the rule. Another rule of even @eater fOXWe I8 thati where both aote are paaaod by the name seeuion of the legislature, It will be premumed that th8 1egIalature Intended for both aote to rtand. 70~ a statement ot the rule 8ee 39 Tex. SW., Seo. 98, pa&o 146, 8tated In the fOllOWbg 1kn@I438! ” . The Legislature I8 mup:osad to be i governed ip'one lpIrIt and polio7 during a remrlon, I asd nothing ohort pf a direot repeal in expre88 term, or 8uOh lrreoonoIl(ablerepuguanoy a8 that both aOt8 oannot stand together, will justlip a oourt In holding an aOt 18 rep8ahd by another aat pa8aed at th8 came ! 8888ion. . . .” You are, therefore, adVi8ed that It 18 OUX Vi8U I t!mt 3. B. No. 186 I8 not repealed by H. B. No. 580, Pa8sing now to the effeot of these two bIll8, we enolose herewith oopioa of two OpInIOn8 of th18 departskent reaently releaeed, Opinion No. O-5290, pa8oing upon the oon- t 8titUtiOlltiit.y of the88 two bills, and o&don No. O-5363, upon the liability of land held In the name of the United stat.88ror State and oounty ad valoram tares. WS belie*8 that these two opInIon8 afford a 8uffloIent guide ror your office withO\jt f'uNA8r CI~SWSS~OU. I FL : P %ECL slatant
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion