923 0 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY QENERAL OF TEXAS 4 AUSTIN G-C.wUm II-anI- Eollar8bl@4aln Rray copat Attomoy Eunt Lt, +oonvslt , !haar Dear Sir1 OOr EDDOuOd Md UOtitiOd th0 ?24 Eomrablr L~qear Draw, Pago 2 “Thlr learr wa8 8Igned only by the Oounty Jobgo and no ordrr appeare of rsoord la the Pia- uter of the CommIrrIoeerr Court authorlringthe Oountf Jtadm to sot aa agent ror the comlrdon- or8 Oourt In the ruoatlon of 8uah lsaro. The Comdrrionerr Cour* did not han notlom or kncml- 8dgr 0f th8 ui8ka~ or thie purport6d ha8~ M- tll l$te? it had notltiob the lesoor that lt ~003 raoato the bull-, “An ordrr appmrr on the Comfde8ioner8 Court Minut88 April 15, 19U aa follm8r . “‘ORDER TO PAT R. B. LOVE RXNT OB W.P.A. BU~Ir?O: ADZ-~]. 15, A. D. 1941. Motion made Or 0. 9. &ll Commle8loner, and eeaomled by 3. 0. ~attormon, Comddonar that the rental papsent of tlOO.00 par aronthta Rufur B. Lorr for rant oa bulld- in& used ror w P A bo ratlrhd as per previous manthe uul that warrant 188ua and be pal6 to the raid Rufu8 B. l&r8 ia the amount of #lOO.OO ror rental oa buIlb lng for the month of April and that each math’8 rantalr lhU1 be a separatr trana- aatloa and the Ocud88Ion~ra Court 8hall auOhorIs8 paymat when &a~.* wAt the tlm rooh odor wan pa8sed or eubae- quont thoreta the l*esor did not aotity the Cop. a lsa lo noOourt r r o ?th e lIOtonoe ai said loare rIsnu¶ by thm fornor Ootmty Jad40. Va Ha.r4h 6, 1943 the le88or appeared brioro the Oam&rlonerr Oourtead Umu68asb vlththar at that tloa the rdrtenoo of hir purpart& leaem, rlgnsd b Uw former Oounty Judge. ‘ha Oenmls- rlonerr Eaurt at that tLu lrprorctlystated to lessor that the laaor wu not bln6lng en thhr County, for the feaaon that the Oounty Judge, aot- lng pertinall~,had ao authority to bind thr Oouaty ln suoh a netter, but they told him that from a moral 8t8Jldpoiattiieynollld 11k. to helPhi.muntll ouah time a8 he ooultl808ure another tuiMt for 925 thobuilbl At that time tlm Oo~mlasionrn Oourt paera 3. an oraor a8 rollewra "'colnzssIm~ a0ms.m 3RsSIOR MAROE 8, 1943. Motion radr by f. 0. ~ttoF8o8, 0dDioIk8F and m0naoa by All0n xarc Ma tkumiaafanar that the roatal of $lob.OO ~raoadto Rptua B.Lwo for xwatal on b&ding teraerlJ oeod by the h~Ft&mt of PublLo W&fare 8bap 188Ur i8g o??iO# M& oOUAO&str waFehOP#e b #tOppOd Md that 80 SO?. ah@&8 188Ur to hh ?OF DU'3h~pUqMU~ #??WtiV@ ~FDh 1, 1943 4th thr p?OViMBtkit th8 COMty piur Mr. Lore #50.00per noath until auah tlm a8 he ma rslure or rodi buU&Iw la 110~ of the $I00.00 per aonth formerly pdd Vurauant ta saah OFtleFof the Co~810as~8 00-t th8 COUty ChFk 188Wd l Warlsnt m able tO 108EOr 00 April 18t in e6OUflt O? f5O.OO. ghe county Auditor baa refuse& to approro 8uah warrant for tho roeaon ha &er not think t.h Ooauty aaa lo&ly tho 10saor the lu8lor 950.00 8 math a* 18 protld3 ia the ardor or krah 6th quoted a&no. I 8ouM like an opiki~n r?oa pa a8 to *heth6F or rOt au- her the a b o le ltatd hOt8 &at 0ount.yir %i~ho to h,eSOF 8@F 8Ud UIDUt. "It SO We.1 #OttlO& tbt t& 0OWtr m. w TbtUO of hi8 Offi i8 aOt U a&Oat U#OWUO6 t0 oontraot 011bohlr ot tke oouat~, 1lTotu atrl#- pFuaoaeo 6%. Ia th0 ~O#hOt SO 0+:6-Oh8hit M th e Go Uty JUddg ltlt& o ’ F ity t0lZO4UtO tk) lb *80 OII b0har 0stbr, oautt lp mu8 ia th 0 r ia - ItOE Ot the 0OIBEiiDDiOSO~OOOUFt. &F&&i 18, sh0a8, 159 9. w.69 md0 tm l+fa0fi00to 0+ kbllah a ocatreot bindin& dll a oormt7 rpUt h a0atab.d ilk the WFitko pHWdi458 Ot tbr~%lFt. %&OF tb 8b OlO lt8bOMt Oi f8OtB x thhkit 1. alOaF ttsatthe ~UF~OFtOd &88. lXUtltd bJth8 Cstmtr Jt&s, without autkorlty lf tha Comir- rriomrs hart, wao aot bind& on the Oouatrun- 1088 aam was ratiitiedby the ~d88iOaOM ~OUFt. 926 IfonorabloBugrno Bra&y, Pago b *Thor* la no *rldaaoo to *upport ratItioatloa o? the loaso a8 It #??iFIBatiT~iy appear8 that the ~OaUd66iOLbrF8GOUFb in MthOFiZilq the pa at8 Of thr mantUy reatcl]. did not kncmthat the I”WE0 bad be- OXWOUtad Md DO lOt8 Of th8 COrmnisalOnar8 c)InUt 00Uld MObId %O a FatifiontiOa Urha# that oo~rt sated with knoulodgo of th8 olroumtanaoa. Tha order n&v30Ap?ll 15, 19W Quoted abortiah&m Ob3aFly that th8 COJ8d8dOUOF8 court was eat1 under the lseUmptIon that tha rental agroemr2 with beeor war a math to month agraeaen$,. \ nAaeuni~ than that tho purportedwrittin 1SUSS algaed by the COUty Judge was inMId, .$nb t&t such leas0 has never bsen ratified by the COkZdSSiDIlNXI ODUTt the qUa#tiOu l'eaainsED t.0 whother or not the order of the CommIssIonerd Co\lrtpassed oa Earah 8, 1943 and quoted abovr 18 a valid order and 8ubjaota the aounty to llabll- it7 t0 the sum 0s $50.00per nonth. th4 tima eoah order we8 patsad Mr. Lota *At was advised that the purportedwritten lease was ln'ralldand the ~O!J3dSSiOtlUrS CO'Ut Kere til EatID- fled that suoh purported loasr uee intrlld and they told Er. Lore at euoh tim8 that they ware pasdng suoh order not boasuar 0s any ldgal lla- bIlIty on the part of the 0oUritybut be use thy wU#ideFed it a moral obll$ntion to sea@Ihat ho did not lose an thing, ES be baa aatod In good SaIth in aooppt the purpoma written \oa88. It ha8 been held 5 a thie regard that tho bard- Of p?0hbg that M OrdO? wa# SSa4 by t&.h~~!- alaaIaner8 Oourt rest8 upon pralatfrt alalal right8 thoreuader, @OrdOn ID. Dantoa Oosnt~, Y6 3@ 737. The COIUI~ OOul& MI be estopped to 8Ot Up th0 &43?88I#~ Of t&D WWt Of SuthOrity ia’6akbg the OoutFaat 88 th0 OthOF pa?%7 to the agPeex&ant 18 not In tho altuatlon 0s oaa who ha0 aoted lane- oently or without knaledgo oi thr alFUgXLItaE&OaDS Cho who deal8 with the o&tr 18 ehia?gOdwtth notlao a? FC$UlatiOll# oreatod by the Leglalakre. Tharefora in the instant oalo tho laaaor was eharged with the knorledgo that the purport66 written lea80 e%WUt@d by iihoOoUnty Judge, aOt- ing personally,war lnm.lld, 11 Corpue Juris page 640. Was order o? the Ooadasioasm or UarQh 8 1943 1x1 ay oplnlon ir barned upon no valid oon&r- ation in law. Thl8 rtatmmt ie based on the hot that Ibe raata rhow that all parties understood that at the tiam m&oh order ua8 passed that the County was not logally bound to pay the lt1pulat.d rent after Maroh 1, l943* the data the bulldiq: was teeated, and this ?ayasnt to the lessor would in raet mount to no nor* than a girt 0r )50.00 l aonth, and the Oomlrrioners Oourt oannot donate County property or tundr. Llvio Oountg tn. John- IOIL, %I SW pa 56. *In the order or Maroh 8 the lessor bound himeli to do nothing, and In r0tur11thsreror, the County wae to pay him $50.00 a nonth. In Wstrat-Callahan VII.Y.K.ST., 209 3X 775, Subao- quent Appeal, 233 St7160, It was held that a promleo by a oarrier to pay a blah for uhioh it wan not liable, not in the war ot a 0001pro~Ue, war without considerationand thcreior not blnd- Ing upon the dsisadaot. The polltion of the par ties in the instant oaae s&ma to me to bc oory muoh like that In the last olted ease In that the order or the CoorairslonsrrCourt or !Saroh8 is a pro&se by the Coamisaionera Court to pay a 01al.nfor whloh It was not liable irnd not in the way of a QOBplvlalf#o. Under the racts aa stated It Is my opinion that the County Auditor should r&me to approve any warrants Ierued under aPthorItp of the order or the ComtistalonerrOourt o? Earoh 8 quotul aborr. *I ~111 appreolak oplnlon ma you on the atwo aubjeot as soon ea poreible. . . ." Conreranoe Oplaioa Ho. O-3099 of tbie dqmrtuait ad- drrssed to ESonorableJ, M. Alloa, County Auditor of Bent Coun- ty, Taxas, hold6 that the oomirrIonera* oourt k-iii@ authorltr to rent a bulldlng in ahlob to #tore rood and riot&i alshad br the Pederal (rorcrnment tar dietributlon to “fn%<s. This opinion also holda that the oa8alsoIonsrr~ aourt ha8 authorltg to rent offla~ epaoe for old egc psnalon investi- gators, the E. P. A. +nd other Federal Govsrnmrnt pmjeots, 928 &aorabla hyi.. Brady, Pqo 6 ii auoh pmjarta are lag ii8r to tha pnwloymd .ml.ae huewith a .om Natloaa 96 97 98 and 99, Countlea,11 Tuar nwl~prudanae, pa800 633-i-S-6-7-8-9 *lid 40, ra.6 in prrt 8s r0iiwa~ l-0rd~ 0r oOa4Ot0 0s o r lgnumnt made by a oounty oaly ii mad. umlu the .PI thos4Cy or a rmolutlw or order duly parsod at a rsrtlw or tbs oonml8rlonerr~ oourt azid entered upon the or aaoh rs*t*. alnate* fr in a *nit in~0i~ing UI kmbpd 00nb808, th0 p&i~a rail8 tn aver that an order wa. p.a.sd by thr eo&- dOnUS' OoUrt rsbodJrily the $ON Of th. OtwitrWb, tha pleadlag lm babjoot te 6 gwral demuzez. No rights oan b. aopulwl as against tlm ooant by lg r wia ~nta with th. 1~dltiQu.l. eo.ipo.iag t L aomalraionua~ oourt. The numbarrof the o am not agmta with n.ner.l authority to bl publioi they am pabllo oifloi.1. who h.ta be.? ranted oartaln powers whloh mat br auraloed L thr way preoorlbed by tha statute. . -The Wdm or protlal that an ordoz waa pnara6 by the oumai8aioaoro~ 00-t rrrta upon 8 p&I&Iii olelmlng ri&ta bhueundu. 8. . . . ma y lot thiwu$h an lg m tl wirrlra by itI wd tb -- oantraat. 6hur mad. by l da ! bl.ndia(l u n the ooattty. d tp%?&o Y %$ho aoatraot rt i. aersrraaryto rtra that tha .grW- sent la on. whloh tha want 8.. lothorim+d to a&a, o? that tha cow&Q’, with kau.& . ai tha t@N of t&r egreament, ratlfld it a3 Or It w m60b k 92!3 Bonorabla Eugana Brady, Pago 7’ or the alroumatactaa8,and that tha other party to the alleged oontraol,hrr inooaontly plaood hiaudi in a altuatlonwhloh will oaosr hln loss la oaae tha contraot’lsnot auatained, it may be soneluded that the oounty 18 bound tbmoby. Thr ratlrlOa- tlon or estoppl mat be bared upon aotlon on t&e part br the oomulaaionera*oourt. But, whllo tha oounty doubt1888 la bound by a row]. ordu or tha aourt, auah order 10 not nmmmary to mtIflo8tlea. Ratlrloetlonor a aontraot to psuohaar ohattalr la held to be ahovn by th8 i8Ot that a varrant war drawn, llthoqgh no bill bi orla ~88 -or -do, aad a0 order -tared La the mlatitoaor tha aomla8le us’ oourt aabowinq tha ml.. =A oontmot whloh th8 wmm18Jonor8t oo\trOIr ahwa to have ha4 urthori ty to meke my k bbdL( by rlrtua of aubaeqoait lOt# ai the OourtI ad i oonraraely, the 06urt a8anot bind tha wmty wftb nspaot to a oontruot whloh It was not urtherisd to Rake* . . . tracitwhioh la Ulo&xtl ln that it has not In oonioxmityvlth the abn8tItutlonor atatutea, llablllty is bald to etiat, also; by rmlon of aa Eenorob1.sE-an. Era4y, Pa&. 8 iqliad aontraot to ly th. r.a8onabla v.Ur or th e b a nsfit wh io h tIl OoMty My Ra+r feoolvad. Tha oounty may mt be bald lkbla upon UL kpllad oont?aat or qua8tw aaruit unlr68 the aaodaaion- Ora' OWArt -8 lut&orisod to lpake th oontraat Artlola 3, Sootloa 52, of our Stats Constitution, prorldaa in part am rollor.: ma Zagialatura akll her. no power to eu- thorfaa an aounty. . , *to len4 it8 credit or to ermt pub1I0 mon.y or thing of value In aid or, or to any IndIrIdual,aasoolatlon or oorporatlon nhatroerer. . . .* Na quota fT.iptha asa. of Llano County et al. v. Johnsen et al., 29 S. E. 56, tdtmd by you in your lmttrr) a8 fOiiOV8l Tha eondaalonar8* oourt or t& owaty The 1SaSe signed by the aounty judgr IS olmarly lmralld .nb not binding on the SoUnty. tierXaS auoh o.n.u- thorlzed lease mar mtlfled by tha @oaoi.sJ,oarr8~ oourt under t&0 fSO~8 6tat.d In your letter. The ordrr 0r MaaMh your l.tt.r, mfhOt8 8, 1943, ehowtaIJ.I that the buIldi% on maid dato was no longrr used by the rojaotm tor vhloh the oounty paid e rental. On lEaroh6, P943, th0 owarr of thr bull&S~ ha6 no rrli4 rids wainst the oountr by roanon of th6 oountr hdm*r unauthorfrrd 18asr-a lams ~w8r rati- luma a&art eo unt~,01ew~ mounts k, I don8tlon which 18 prohibited by our State Cocutitotlon. It i8 thrmfor* our opiaion under the foot8 rtatod that you be*0 00rTo0tl~ uml*red the quertlon. w* iL80 rink& to em888 OUT4pprwfdfoa for rour lXOdl8nt bri8r In th18 mifM8?r Wm. J. Fanning A88f8tSUlt
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion