. 1 . TREAITORNEY GENERAL I OP TEXAS Auerrm. TSXAE . . not affect ths conotitutiomIity of tb Act, wdar the hold5nS of tL Supumo Court la Wood v. hte, lZ6 S.w.(U) 4. Tho Court there uphsbi the vdidity af an .Iection et which votin# m6chiu~ wry uud. In sps* of section 4, ArtiuIa VI of tbs coastItbtti+ it Saul lIt requires that in all elections by tlu peo- plo tlw tic k ets sh 4 II k numb er .& l + *.T h s fir st ng P tnm.nt o f tb a b o w Co nSti~ )WViSh isthatia6IIo&ctioMbyth8poopbths~~ bs by baIIota We think that this proTi8iam simply moans +h ath te vo ter insIIlIec tio6hdI ~ k a c - corded a nerd VOW or ballot. + * l. It is provided that ths tick&s shdI k aumbsnd Of eourw, tho word *kd, u,here and na.~S tha sune es the word ‘b&et. Th bdot mast be numbsred. If we wdo r stud th isr ec o r d,th e eIec tio n o ffic er s k ep tl polllistwhIchshowedtbsnunsandamnbsroIoach voter. wl#r the v0t.r n~istond hia vats 6mthe muhbe, it (the maehius) recorded the mrnbsr of the boht. To .our minds this rnsets ths roquimnent of the Con6titution. AS W understand thisnI6Chbc,iti6 netpos6ibb frrmth6 r6Cordaud.6 byittodatmnim. in an da&ion coatart. how lach voter voted. Be that S6ttnu~,~~Can~~t~Sno6Uehrrqofr+- IXXOBt, ?hS ~~itUtiOW& SiZtlp1y nqUilW6 thBt thk tiCkOt shkII k munbond. Tlu machim d666 that. ' + 6. We think that ou of tin ways to lsu r ta iu b o w l rotor votsd, rbrrSm~~this~skenu~d,iSte~6Uch vo56rolbth8ldtussstubd,amd8skhimtbdqu~ ~eu~s~rU~~hrrt~d,u~seehoo#s. This is. matter tb, wtar himself ua co&ml. On ths othorhukd,the ~6titUth6l#USr~~esoSoh*o~r6 nerd bdiotl consequentl7, t can deciiu to reveal how b voted, if In DO cheon8.- Tro.tSng that what ws bsvs 8aid will bs a 6UffiCicllt sad satisfactory OWWOT,WUO Your* very truly. ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS 0S:MR B7 I/ OCtr, &U?, Assi6toat APPJROVED: Apr. 1, 1943 a/ arovur soilorr First Ashtmt APPROVED Attorn. GenereI opiuioa committee By BWB, Chairnun
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion