.... . \ OFFICE OF THE ATI’ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN ltb ma o nto a b 8l.l b mmlaltto4 at m y sp o o la l 8o#mloA0r th oLa g l4 k tun uzdat 4 uo ho th e r tmo aa mr be luoeoury to aham probeblo obsgU* " ~~uulrrttuJuruy.1,lW6 uvo in the oau 0r omqpao7 aA4 bpmtl*. publio WG~O~* ~bd wih a r0ut4eih8 ~0k 0r th0 to w wr a ip o r +h ts0~80, ~0lp p r o p r ?h- t1 o$A.A UOOOO OSth e ea o& hAd uat101patod r o YeAw0 r rt0d8 fKI8iliohwJhapplv- the prlatiw latobolud, ehd.l b. *ad. IQ-cm and aftorJanuary1, lD4brno billoontaluinil a rpproprlatloa ohdl ba oonaldend aa pwcl- od or bo aen* to @ia@00mrno~ tar oonaidere- ti0n tdiJ3 md W&OO th8 aolptdhr 0r mu0 A4OOWtO lA~OPOOO~~O OOFtifiO8t4 %hOrOOIJ 8hOW- lagtht tbo moqat8pproprlbtad imritbinthe m40wt 80tbaiod to be evasub in the *mot- OdfWdO. l ‘mlu a th e C~tr o llU ilAd u l a p p r o p r la tlo A bill akooodn the l8tkut.d ~vuma he aball oAdoro*oAahrlAdlAgtherooAwdNtwAto~ th b AOO.8~ ltOp BB tUllkttito b r iA( lmh $ to UHh iA a 8 r o vo Aw~llth ub y approprlaticm ldditloml eevenue ov roduo4 thoap- BOA. ” ‘For tho$urpooo of fxA&iolAg theoutrtaAdiag 0blllptionr 0rth0 OII~~~~AWO~O ~tn~ 0r th0 weadaent 18 to plroothe 0r ta BOO- i.su a8 u8uruuo or b0a.d~ *r0r th0 p~p08e 0r nmaolng the OUt&8ud&g obligetlom0r the ;y~;omfo mad or th atat0 and pmiq t woouAto OA a uah bui8.' %o a mlAgua o h b a o loto ~ mo a n th a l to tua Ga l oh &ml1 be lvaileble~ w .tLu wltbln the luaooedkg bioanbu to pay ltoaoaf oxpoaooror e&h ataqp- propPlatlon h88 beul mwlo, wlla you ptuoe ravlro thlo o dttu uhehor or mt tb provloioA# of haok bi 8ootioA 190 mmadaoe roqullw tllo sta t0 toopomto~aQaahbuio~iraruidoStw~Jummy l# 194s? tothprm- ooo of-to%uuokwboequwtto heldbbJt.bam. thorn0 n, h OUWU’, - St& O %a ~WUQUh’Odt0 g0 OA l ‘Oorh ba8la@.itoaend a&or Jumpy 1, 194S the qubrtLoa arloooa8 to thkrkaturq'8tatmo or outotoadlAg ua- lmld-to a8 .oarpmd rltkthat or WwaAto lo- ouodafterthat data. M 01100r th8 mt 646 rbore quoted rmquired the Owptroller in adVmce 0r~0h s~kur 0r tb0 ~gi~i8t~0 to 08thit0 fwd.8t3mt~dl.l k lailahle for rppruyriatioti dur- lwh Sorrinn-prrd for the suooemding bi- umlum. Ourquortioll~ will the Coaptrollerbs F& t&&O iAt OOAA%blWt%OA th0 total OUt- wmmto in dekrmbhg the net omunt of uoh that mill bo rv8Uabl.a Sor appro- priation r 0r a 0 lAo u o edlAg blomlumt IA0tb .r wr68, dll thenota8imlnt~vallablo r00wpOph rtloxa bo the grooo ratl.dQmtodrovonuefor the OUOOdiAg bkrrnirrr bO8 th0 t0a.a UWUXIt Oi VW- r&At8 out8tadlng and unpaid thet rera i8ouod prioz to tha aate or luoh lotlMtm? WAld be av~le, to-at: (10,000,000.00, or oouldhadl8regu-dallpxw~o~l8nud*uranto rad oertlfy #86,000 000&O u l&a net amount avail- ab&o SQF rpproprdonta wplywgt0 the queotion8 8ubPrZttrd In th0 rorOt;oing lottw w 8haalwuer thw in tholrorder. It lo our @AiOA thA ar t tlo 8,s la utio ln doe* nudrtorll~ require tbo state I i toopuate we 'ouhbulo rlwagd artorJukuary1,104b. Ph. people, b uloptkrg tb. WWdMAt, .+idOAtlJ had that JSIW- thuwlu the oMa&ont wul6 Urw A0 purpoom be sllblt&~thaana6mwtbD ia adopttng it would do a wolooo thlqe !Phat the laturo inouhalttlAgL Muaoat (Badthe poop10h voung Y Of it) lAtud@dtbattb l wo to p luetb ,llt8to o nr ea a h b a o ii lo M n& r o o t,tb0~~0rthfi~0rbawO~ tale6 lA the n001utiorr(X.J.$iMO&) OuMsttlAg tha e mt, 8hhh f0rr 0i haa0t rOs th000 in ~WW 0s otu lptiorr Ofth# WWdM At F U6Ou fOu OWOt c- -- . - or tha afrta 0r Nobruh that “m bOAdo, o* other ovidonoee or lndebtedneo~, oo luu*d, ohall bo valid unl808 the 8a~8 &sll hue endorord timwon a oortifloato olgaadby tho Sac- r o t8r Ja nd Alldlto r o r at&o, Oh o r lAg tb o lSM 18 i8sued pur- ouont to law,".-8 not oolf-omting, but required 106ia- latlotlto 0 ltintolieot, ti It uu olaimod that them bein& AO ouoh ""I e@alatiorr, the pxwlrlo~ remained IA abeymoe. !i?heGuprwamUourt of Nobmoka in lto opinion,saidg "This rule aom to bo fairly deduoibk irgl~ the authorltiosr that ii Use oowtltutlonalpcov?oloa, llthor dlroctly-or by lmpll- uatlon, Smpooos 8 duty A~AA 8~ ofSlo*ror oftloers, no legis- latlon lo ~aeesary to requfkw tho porioImaMo of that duty.' In reply to your ioootu3quutlon vm #Ink tho carp- trollor will aeoormr14g- hvo to ti Into ooA8lderatioa the tOkl O+Otrroding Wl%AtO, iA dOtOWiAiA&J th8 Mb -t Or orah th8t rillba avri&able for S&QriS~%lLtiOA$~ oth.~%80, It woAld ba imjworlblota'pl8oo th8 6tate 011 8 'umh baslo. If . the antlolpatodro~enueafix the blmnlum beginning Juuaary 1, .1046, should b8 lotlwatrd at (36,000,000 ond the m(;lslatwo should appropriate #66,Q00,000 the out8tuxUwuarrMt.r would heooa8arlly hew %o bo przd.Ln the ardor or their.roLl8tratlon 8~d at the end or tho blwnlum them would Lo gutatmdl~ OS- pt?oaa+ely the 1)omo:luu0uAt of runat am in the boginni~, and tho State mnald not.be 0A.a orih.brsl8. Tho fl~a~olal oltuatloti would not be #magod. .. Vary truly yours AT'LOWX QiwmAL OF TEXM
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion