Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

Court: Texas Attorney General Reports
Date filed: 1943-07-02
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Combined Opinion
  , OFFICE          OF   ATTORNEY          GENERAL            OFTEXAG
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    .,;Al1.  olif&lfi      dd&.of      colmty.ofii&~s
that are~required,bg.law          to be 'approved bg the,      : :
oomlaslonera      ,court;'+nd     wblah have bee.n.ao ap+    :
proved,. shall     be ,m$de’pagable     to:the    cPunt.y ,_

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      $idge end saiely kept and recorded by the toun-
      ty olerk In 8 book kept ,f or thut purpose. ’   .’
             lionorable R. V. Davidson, Attorney General’or Te&,
 00.Deaeaber 12, 1906, ootistrued ArtloU 3575 or the Revised
 civil Statutes or 1895, *hIoh Is almost Identical vIth’Art&,
 ele 6000, Vi A. C. S., and held that neither a oounty .orfIaez,
 nor the county vas ,lIable to the aounty olerk .for reoording
 the 0rri0ial bond0r a county        orriot3r adthat       ltva8 the
 duty'of the clerk to~reaord the orrlalals’          bonds vIthOut eh8rg-
 hg any fees therefor,       See 6plnIons or the Attqrney Gen?r+
 of Tex8s, ..1906-08-10, pages~370-r;           _.,    ” ....‘.   :,,, (.. _, .. .
         .~. The:reaorgiIn& .or tKe oif&ial. bonds inqulx%d about
 ws not ror the benerlt’ 0r the. Individual 0rrici3ra but are ror
 the’,publIa.benerlt. anB It is the statUtO$y duty .of the olerk
 under Article 6000, V., A;’C. 96,’ supra, to keep tid record’ “’
 all OrfiUi8i bdnds of~aount~ ,orriOiak3which have been ap-                       .,.. :
 proved by ti% aommlaeioners       aour$ in requirement ‘-of lau. :,
 4he atatute does not:pry+iribe any ,feeeto the olerk f’or per-
 forming $hI8 sexylae.‘h. ._’: y”::,.                                  .‘. ~,.
             Ue 8nsveS $ou$ firai que&~on’.in.‘i+ n&+~,
             1n +&e* !to ;Vo&‘~,&b&~&st~o~;             Ii .ib. o,o&&          ~~‘.
 ion that the oouuty, Is’,nst lIsble *to the .alerk .ror ~w reoord-
 ing rees and that it is .the @ndcit;ory .duty or the~.,olerk to
 reoord salu orrioial bon@&.without Ch8rgin&:&UY.            f-46ei8rerOFr
 phe county clerk 0r Fayette. ‘county is under. the orrz0ers’
 Salsrg L8v 8gd of aouz%Sqoeives          it %.&ulai! .salarp,but,.~.does
 not reaelve any ‘Ex-off1010     ‘
                            2.: .’’        ,. ,,. ,’ ‘.                       _.
             Q&I~B~ Ro; O-2409 or’ihis de&&&& %s ~Ovi&&d
 Onlyins&f8r as it aonflicts vith %hIs holdIn&’ ‘.                   ”
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